2013 - Penn State Behrend

Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Faculty
Humanities and Social Sciences
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
Holzhauer, H. M. (2013). Investing in Hedge Funds. In H. Kent Baker and Greg
Filbeck (Eds.), Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance,
Benchmarks, and Strategies (pp. 455-474). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons,
Talbot, J., & Venkataraman, R. R. (2013). Evaluating Sustainability on Projects
Using Indicators. In G. Silvius and J. Tharp (Eds.), Sustainability Integration for
Effective Project Management (pp. 194-211). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Book, Chapter in Textbook-New
Robbins, E. (2013). Institutional Wealth Management. In H. Kent Baker and Greg
Filbeck (Eds.), Portfolio Theory and Management (pp. 142-164). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press.
Book, Scholarly-New
Filbeck, M. & Baker, H. Kent (2013), Alternative Investments: Instruments,
Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies. (648 pp), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
Filbeck, M. & Baker, H. Kent (2013), Portfolio Theory and Management, (816 pp),
New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Johnson, W., & Parente, D. (2013). Project Strategy and Strategic Portfolio
Analysis: A Primer. (200 pp). New York, NY: Business Expert Press.
Patanakul, P. (Primary Author), Curtis, A., & Koppel, B. (2013). Effectiveness in
Project Portfolio Management. (66 pp). Newtown Square, PA: Project
Management Institute.
Book, Textbook-Revised
Pinto, J. (2013). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (3rd,
528 pp). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Drake, M. J., & Caliskan Demirag, O. (2013). Forecasting Offertory Revenue at
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic - Case. The Applied Business Analytics Casebook:
Applications in Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, and
Operations Research. (pp. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson FT Press.
Instructor's Manual
Parente, D. (2013). Instructor Quickstart Manual V 2.8. SimProfessionals, LLC.
Erie, PA. 57 pages
Parente, D. (2013). Instructor Quickstart Manual V 3.0. SimProfessionals, LLC.
Erie, PA. 94 pages)
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Andaleeb, S. S., Kara,A., Turan, M. & Cubuk, S. (2013). An Examination of the
Effects of Adaptive Selling Behavior and Customer Orientation on Performance
of Pharmaceutical Salespeople in an Emerging Market. Journal of Medical
Marketing. 13(2), 102-114.
Andaleeb, S. S., & Mamun, M. Z. (2013). Prospects and Problems of Medical
Tourism in Bangladesh, International 43(1), 131-149.
Bicen, P., & Madhavaram, S. (2013). Research on Smart Shopper Feelings: An
Extension. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 21(2), 32.
Boscaljon, B. L. (2013). Do Large Shocks in VIX Signal Liability Management
Strategies? Journal of Applied Finance. 23(2),120-131.
Brown, M. E., & Trevino, L. K. (2013). Do Role Models Matter? An Investigation of
Role Modeling as an Antecedent of Perceived Ethical Leadership. Journal of
Business Ethics.
Caliskan Demirag, O., Chen, F., & Yang, Y. (2013). Production/Inventory Control
under Warm/Cold State-dependent Fixed Costs and Stochastic Demand.
Annals of Operations Research, 208(1), 531-556.
Deshmukh, A. V., Joshi, P., & Deshmukh, H. (2013). Company Characteristics
and Compliance with IFRS’s Practice Statement (Management Commentary)
by Listed Companies in Bahrain. International Journal of Managerial and
Financial Accounting, 4(5), 350-366.
Deshmukh, A. V., Kumar, S., Liu, J., & Stecke, K. (2013). Trust, Fraud, and
Internal Controls: A Game-Theoretic Analysis. International Journal of
Strategic Decision Sciences, 4(3), 66-89.
Filbeck, M. (2013). Alternative Investments and Benchmark Biases. The
European Financial Review, June/July, 19-22.
Filbeck, M., Parente, D., & Zhao, X. (2013). Barron's Best CEOs: How Did Their
Firms Fare? Global Journal of Management and Business Research. 13 (7-C),
available at
http://journalofbusiness.org/index.php/GJMBR/article/view/1025/936 .
Filbeck, M. & Zhao, X. (2013). CEOs in the Media: The Impact to Shareholders.
Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 40(1), 17.
Filbeck, M. (2013). Paradigm Shifts in Finance - Some Lessons from the Financial
Crisis The European Finance Review, April/May, 12-16.
Filbeck, M., Preece, D., & Zhao, X. (2013). Top Performing Banks: The Benefits
to Investors Journal of Economics and Finance, 37(4), 560-583.
Filbeck, M., Gorman, R., & Zhao, X. (2013). Barron's Most Respected Companies
Accounting and Finance, 53(4), 623-641.
Filbeck, M., Gorman, R., & Zhao, X. (2013). Are the Best of the Best Better than
the Rest. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 41(4), 695-722.
Filbeck, M., Swinarski, M., & Zhao, X. (2013). Shareholder Reaction to Firm
Investment in the Capability Maturity Mode: An Event Study. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 22(2), 170-190.
Filbeck, M., Li, M., & Zhao, X. (2013). Performance of the Contrarian Strategy
Under Extreme Market Movements. Journal of Investing. 22(3), 53-65.
Hansen, S. D., Alge, B. J., Brown, M. E., Jackson, C. L., & Dunford, B. B. (2013).
Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange
Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(3), 435-449.
Johnson, W. & Filippini, R. (2013). Integration Capabilities as Mediator of Product
Development Practices-Performance. Journal of Engineering Technology
Management, 30, 95-111.
Jordan, J., Brown, M. E., Trevino, L. K., & Finkelstein, S. (2013). Someone to
Look Up To: Executive-Follower Ethical Reasoning and Perceptions of Ethical
Leadership. Journal of Management, 39(3), 660-683.
Kumar, S., & Liu, J. (2013). Impact of Terrorism on International Stock Markets.
Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 14(4), 44-60.
Kumar, S., & Liu, J. (2013). Is it all different now? Analysis of Terrorist Attacks on
businesses Before and After 9/11. Decision Sciences, 5(2), 124-141.
Mansfield, P. M., & Pinto, M. B. (2013). The Millennial Generation's Use of Social
Media as a Complaint Method: An Application to Higher Education. Journal of
Higher Education Theory and Practice, 13(1), 11-26.
Patanakul, P., Aronson, Z., & Shenhar, A. (2013). Managing the Intangible
Aspects of a Project: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence on the Effect of
Vision, Artifacts, and Leader Values on Contextual Performance Behavior and
Success in Technology–Driven Projects. Project Management Journal, 44(1),
Patanakul, P. (2013). Key Drivers to the Effectiveness in Managing a Group of
Multiple Projects. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(1), 4-17.
Pinto, J. (2013). Lies, Damned Lies, and Project Plans: Recurring Human Errors
that can Ruin the Project Planning Process. Business Horizons, 56(5), 643-653.
Pinto, M. B. & Anderson, W. (2013). A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way:
Student Expectation and Satisfaction with Hybrid Learning. Journal of
Instructional Pedagogies, 10(April), 52-63.
Sarkar, S. & Shewchuk, J. P. (2013). Use of Advance Demand Information in
Multi-Stage Production-Inventory Systems with Multiple Demand Classes.
International Journal of Production Research, 51(1), 57-68.
Vlad, V., Manrique, G., & Chong, Y. (2013). Foreign Direct Investment Flows: An
Examination of Its Distribution Among Middle- and Low- Income Countries.
Journal of Applied Business and Economics. 14(3) 108-122.
Winch, G., & Pinto, J. (2013). Festschrift for Professor Peter W.G. Morris.
International Journal of Project Management, 31, 937.
Robbins, E. (2013, December). Back Door Roth IRA Contributions. Society of
Financial Service Professionals National Newsletter. Pg 1.
Robbins, E. (2013, June). Could Master Limited Partnerships Help Solve Retirees'
Income Needs? Society of Financial Service Professionals National Newsletter.
Pg 1.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
Study, Nancy and Cheryl Simmers. "STEM Projects." In Grade 6 Math, edited by
Tia Coates. Columbus, Ohio: McGraw-Hill Glencoe, 2013.
Study, Nancy and Cheryl Simmers. "STEM Projects." In Accelerated Math, edited
by Jill Jones and Tia Coates. Columbus, Ohio: McGraw-Hill Glencoe, 2013.
Zhou, Jun and Hai-Lung Tsai. "Developments in Pulsed and Continuous Wave
Laser Welding Technologies." In Handbook of Laser Welding Technologies,
edited by S. Katayama. London: Woodhead Publishing, 2013.
Book, Scholarly-Revised
Nelatury, Sudarshan R. Solution Manual to accompany Sadiku's Elements of
Electromagnetics. 6th. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. entire book.
Book, Textbook-New
Study, Nancy and Cheryl Simmers. Engineering: Capstone Project. edited by Jill
Jones and Robert Ciccotelli. Columbus, Ohio: McGraw-Hill ConnectED, 2013.
Conference Proceeding - Refereed
Abu-Rukba, Raafat O., Hamada Ghenniwa, and Weiming Shen. "Bidding
Specification Language and Winner Determination for Grid Computing
Scheduling," 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work in Design, 2013. 305-312.
Ashour, Omar and Gul Kremer. “Group Technology-based Patient Grouping and
Prioritizing Algorithm.” Industrial and Systems Engineering Research
Conference (ISERC), 2013. 10.
Chonde, Seifu, David A. Nembhard, Gul Kremer, and Omar Ashour. Industrial
and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC). “Neural Networks,
Bayesian Networks, and Logistic Regression for ESI Prediction,” 2013. 10.
Edwards, Robert C. An In-Class Demonstration Used as an Introduction to the
First Law of Thermodynamics for an Open System. 2013.
Evans, Edward and Nancy Study. "Introducing Design Revision into a Freshman
Level Engineering Graphics Course." Proceedings, ASEE Engineering Design
Graphics Division 2013 Mid-Year Conference, October (4th Quarter/Autumn)
2013. 123-129.
Johnson, Bradley G. SPE ANTEC Proceedings. "Determining Which In-Mold
Sensors Should Be Used For V/P Transfer During Injection Molding For Three
Different Injection Strategies," Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical
Conference Proceedings 2013, 2013. 8.
Johnson, David H., Robert J. Michael, Joshua Fontana, and Shane Callaghan.
"Development of Elastomeric Drill Chuck Isolators to Reduce Roof Bolting
Machine Drilling Noise." NoiseCON 2013, the US National Noise Control
Conference of INCE (the Institute of Noise Control Engineering), August 27,
2013. 1-8. http://http://www.inceusa.org/nc13/.
Kim, Min-Sung, Nguyen-Thai Vinh, Hyeong-Ho Yu, Sung-Tae Hong, Hyun-Woo
Lee, Monn-Jo Kim, Heung-Nam Han, and John T. Roth. "Effect of Electric
Current Density on the Mechanical Property of Advanced High Strength Steels
under Quasi-static Tensile Loads." ISGMA 2013 Conference Proceedings, 2013.
Lasher, William, Matthew Erdman, Bruce Johnson, Jan Miles, and Bill Curry.
Proceedings of the 2013 Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. "Uncertainties
in the Wind-Heel Analysis of Traditional Sailing Vessels: The Challenges it
Presents for Forensic Analysis of Sailing Vessel Incidents," 2013. 29 pp.
Lester, S, Chetan Nikhare, and John T. Roth. "Electric Assisted Aluminum 5083
Alloy Cup Forming." Proceedings, ASME 2013 International Manufacturing
Science & Engineering Conference, June 2013. Poster.
Lobdell, Megan, Chetan Nikhare, John T. Roth, Sung-Tae Hong, and Hyun-Woo
Lee. "Effect of Electric Pulsing on 1500 Series Martensite Steel," ASME, 2013.
Lobdell, M, Chetan Nikhare, and John T. Roth. "Electric Pulsing On 1500 Series
Dual Phase Steel." Proceedings, ASME 2013 International Manufacturing
Science & Engineering Conference, June 2013. Poster.
Lobdell, M,, Chetan Nikhare, and John T. Roth. "An Electric Touch for Aluminum
Springback Elimination." Proceedings, IDDRG2013, 2013. 381-386.
Masaud, Abdulmutalib, and Raafat O. Abu-Rukba. "An Agent-Based Personal
Assistant for Exam Scheduling." World Congress on Computer and Information
Technology, 2013.
Nelatury, Sudarshan R. and R Gray. "A Maximum Power Point Tracking
Algorithm For Photovoltaic." Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8728 April (2nd
Quarter/Spring) 2013. 87280I-1 to 87280I-8.
Nelatury, Sudarshan R., Charles F. Nelatury, and Charles W. Nelatury "Use Of
Formal Derivative For Extremizing Real-Valued Functions Of Complex
Variables." Proceedings of SPIE 2013, edited by Thomas George, M. Saif Islam,
Achyut Dutta, Vol. 87200H April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2013. 87200H-1 to
87200H-7. http://http://spiedigitallibrary.org/.
Pleta, Abram D., Chetan Nikhare, and John T. Roth. "Comparison of Electrical
and Thermal Effects on AA 5083 Aluminum Alloy." Proceedings, IDDRG2013,
June 2013. 299-304.
Pleta, Abram D. Matthew C. Krugh, Chetan Nikhare and John T. Roth. "An
Investigation Of Anisotropic Behavior On 5083 Aluminum Alloy Using Electric
Current." Proceedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineering
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, June 2013.
Rhoades, Alicyn, Jason L. Williams, and John P. Beaumont. "Effect of Part
Thickness on the Potential to Induce Cold Crystallinity in Nylon 6, 6 Injection
Molded Samples." Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference of the
Society of Plastics Engineers, edited by Barbara Spain, April (2nd
Quarter/Spring) 2013. 5.
Samani, Afshan, Adrian Beinkowski, Raafat O. Abu-Rukba, and Hamada
Ghenniwa. "Privacy Framework for Open Environments." International
Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), 2013. 460-467.
Sprang, Ralph and Robert Weissbach. "Building Community to Improve
Freshman Retention," Proceedings of the 5th First Year Engineering Experience
Conference ,2013.
Su, Meng, and Xiaocong Fan. "Distances in Experience Space of Naturalistic
Decision Making." The International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and
Optimization, December 20, 2013.
Sweeney, Shannon. "Simplified Model of Net Disturbances for In-line Diesel
Engines." SAE International Technical Paper 2013-01-2381, September 24,
2013. 9 pages.
Weissbach, Robert, James Bimber, and Garrett Loverde. "Cellular Phone Control
Application as an Undergraduate Research Project." ASEE Annual Conference,
June 26, 2013. 7.
Weissbach, Robert, and Ruth Pflueger. "Use of Student Tutors to Improve
Engineering Technology Student Written Communication Skills." ASEE Annual
Conference, June 26, 2013.
Weissbach, Robert, and Joel King. "Estimating Energy Costs Using a Markov
Model for a Midwest Off-Grid Residence." IEEE Green Technologies Conference,
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2013. 5.
Zhou, Jun, Amir Khalilollahi, and H L. Tsai "Energy Transport And Thermal
Stress Formation In Hybrid Laser-MIG Welding." Proceedings, ASME-IMECE 13,
November 2013.
Zhou, Jun, and Hai-Lung Tsai. "Melt Flow and Mass Transfer in Hybrid Laser-GMA
Welding of 304 Stainless Steels." Proceedings, ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Conference, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2013. 5.
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Ashour, Omar and Gul Kremer. "A simulation analysis of the impact of FAHP–
MAUT triage algorithm on the Emergency Department performance measures."
Expert Systems with Applications 40, no. 1. (2013): 177-187.
Castagna, Alicia M., Autchara Pangon, Greg Dillon, and James P. Runt. "Effect of
Thermal History on the Microstructure of a Poly(tetramethylene oxide)-Based
Polyurea." Macromolecules 46, no. 6520-6527. (2013).
Chonde, Seifu, Omar Ashour, David A. Nembhard, and Gul Kremer. "Model
Comparison In Emergency Severity Index Level Prediction." Expert Systems
with Applications 40, no. 17. (2013): 6901–6909.
Coulston, Chris S., Wen-Li Wang, Robert Weissbach, and M Tang.
"Connecting Supply and Demand Vertices with Fault Tolerance." International
Journal of Computing and Information Sciences. (2013): 8.
Fan, Xiaocong and Meng Su. "Multi-Agent Diffusion Of Decision Experiences."
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 22, no. 5. (2013): 19.
http://DOI: 10.1142/S0218213013600014.
Fields, Erica, Gul Kremer, and Omar Ashour. "Rank Aggregation Methods
Comparison: A Case For Triage Prioritization." Expert Systems with
Applications 40, no. 4. (2013): 1305-1311.
Grantham, Katie, Gul Kremer, Timothy W. Simpson, and Omar Ashour. "A Study
on Situated Cognition: Product Dissection’s Effect on Redesign Activities."
Advances in Engineering Education 3, no. 4. (2013): 15.
Grujicic, Mica, J S. Snipes, S Ramaswami, R Yavari, James P. Runt, James F.
Tarter, and Greg Dillon. "Coarse-grained molecular level analysis of Polyurea
properties and shock mitigation potential." Journal Materials Engineering and
Performance 27, no. 7. (2013): 1964-1981.
Hemminger, Thomas L. and Eugene G. Walters. "Reducing Hearing Aid Power
Consumption using Truncated-Matrix Multipliers." Global Journal of Researhes
in Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering 13, no. 8. (2013): 8.
Huang, Yuan-Han, et al. "Communication's Role and Technology Preferences
During Hurricane Evacuations." Natural Hazards Review 14, no. 3. (2013):
Kremer, Gul, Timothy W. Simpson, and Omar Ashour. "An Exploration of the
Effectiveness of Product Archeology in an Undergraduate Engineering
Curriculum: What Can a Five-Hour Curriculum Do?" Advances in Engineering
Education. (2013): 26.
Luo, JI, Yinglong Ren, Hao Gu, Yi Wu, and Yun Wang. "dTGS: Method for Effective
components Identification from Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula and
Mechanism Analysis." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative
Medicine 2013. (2013): 9.
Rasouli, Mohammad, David Westwick, and William Rosehart. "Quasiconvexity
Analysis of the Hammerstein Model." Automatica. (2013): 6.
Sangelkar, Shraddha, and Daniel A. McAdams, et al. "Mining Functional Model
Graphs to Find Product Design Heuristics With Inclusive Design Illustration."
Journal of computing and information science in engineering 13, no. 4. (2013):
Sangelkar, Shraddha and Daniel A. McAdams "Formalizing and Exploring the
Transferability of Inclusive Design Rules." Journal of Mechanical Design 135,
no. 9. (2013): 091004.
Xiao, Zhifeng, et al. "A Review of GENI Authentication and Access Control
Mechanisms." 8, no.1. (2013): 40-60.
Xiao, Zhifeng and Yang Xiao. "Non-repudiation in Neighborhood Area Networks
for Smart Grid." IEEE Communications Magazine 51, no. 1. (2013): 18 - 26.
Ye, Liang, Jiang Yu, Hongzhe Liu, and Zhifeng Xiao, et al. "Multi-annulus Partition
based Image Representation for Image Classification." International Journal of
Sensor Networks 13, no. 1. (2013).
Journal Article, Professional Journal
Fan, Xiaocong, and Meng Su. "Multi-Agent Diffusion of Decision Experiences."
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 22, no. 5. (2013): 19.
Nelatury, Sudarshan R. "Stiffness and hysteresis of tendons." Journal of Applied
Physiology. (2013): 1.
Nelatury, Sudarshan R. "A maximum power point algorithm using the Lagrange
method." Journal of Power Sources 234. (2013): 119-128.
Nikhare, Chetan. "Parallel deformation of the metals." Modeling and Numerical
Simulation of Materials Science. (2013): 79-83.
Nikhare, Chetan. "Pressurization system in low pressure tube hydroforming."
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Science. (2013): 71-78.
Wang, Wen-Li, Chris S. Coulston, Robert Weissbach, and Mei-Huei Tang.
"Connecting Supply and Demand Vertices with Fault Tolerance." International
Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA). (2013):
Wang, Wen-Li, Robert Weissbach, and Mei-Huei Tang. Connecting Supply and
Demand Vertices with Fault Tolerance 3, no. 1. (2013): 1-15.
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
Coulston, Chris S. "'Smart' Electronic Accessories." Circuit Cellar. (2013).
Magazine/Trade Publication
Beaumont, John P. Plastics Technology Magazine. Vol. 59, no. 8. "A New Look at
Evaluating Fill Times for Injection Molding," New York, NY, 2013.
Champagne, J. G. (2013). In Giuliana Pieri, Clodagh Brook (Eds.), "Response to
Italian Interdisciplinary Modernisms." Interdisciplinary Italy 1900-2015, Art,
Music, Text.
Book Review
Aquila, R. (2013, October). [Review of the book Review of Paul Lee Johnson's
book, The McLaurys in Tombstone Arizona]. New Mexico Historical Review,
88(4). 488-489.
Aquila, R. (2013, April). [Review of the book Review of Beth Levy’s Frontier
Figures: American Music and the Mythology of the American West]. Western
Historical Quarterly, XLIV(1). 70-71.
Beilein, J. (2013, April 10). [Review of the book Guerrillas in Civil War Missouri by
James Erwin]. The Civil War Monitor
Champagne, J. G. (2013, December 4). [Review of the book Michael Shapiro,
Studies in Trans-Disciplinary Method, edited by Mark Edward]. Global
Champagne, J. G. (2013, April). [Review of the book Modernitalia].
Modernism/modernity, 20(2). 407-409.
Dale, S. (2013, October). [Review of the book Timothy B. Smith and Judith B.
Steinhoff, eds. Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena].
Irwin, Z. T. (2013, September 1). [Review of the book 22 Ideas to Fix the World:
Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers, ed by Piotr Dutkiewicz adn
Richard Sakwa]. Library Journal
Irwin, Z. T. (2013, April 15). [Review of the book Roger Lipsey :Hammarskjold:A
Life]. Library Journal
Irwin, Z. T. (2013, March 1). [Review of the book Kim Ghattas: Secretary:A
Journey with Hillary Clinton from Beirut to the Heart of American Power].
Library Journal
Kang, I. (2013, April). [Review of the book 'The end of men: And the rise of
women' by Hanna Rosin, New York: Riverhead Books, 2012.]. Precious books,
Kumhera, G. J. (2013, April). [Review of the book Review of Medieval Public
Justice by Massimo Vallerani]. Renaissance Quarterly, 66(1). 241-242.
Kuttenberg, E. (2013). [Review of the book Arthur Schnitzler. Träume: Das
Traumtagebuch 1875–1931 by Peter Michael Braunwarth and Leo A. Lensing,
Eds]. Journal of Austrian Studies, 46(1). 95-98.
McMullen-Pastrick, M. C. (2013, February 6). [Review of the book Review of the
book, Essential Spirituality]. Website for Erie Benedictines
Speel, R. W. (2013, September). [Review of the book The Most Fundamental
Right: Contrasting Perspectives on the Voting Rights Act]. Journal of American
History, 100. 595-596.
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-New
Carney, A. B. (2013). Nazis, Cardassians, and Other Villains in the Final Frontier.
In Nancy Reagin (Ed.), (pp. 16). Malden, MA: Wiley & Sons.
Champagne, J. G. (2013). 'Et Alors/And So?'. In Michael Luongo (Ed.), (pp.
55-69). Berlin: Bruno Gmunder.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
Bedal, L.-A., Conyers, L. B., Foss, J. E., & Gleason, K. L. (2013). The Petra Garden
and Pool Complex, Ma'an, Jordan. In Amina-Aicha Malek (Ed.), (pp. 625-641).
Berne: Peter Lang/Fondations des parcs et jardins de France.
Beilein, J. (2013). The Guerrilla Shirt: A Labor of Love and the Style of Rebellion.
In Diane Mutti-Burke and Jonathan Earle (Eds.), Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding
Missouri: The Long Civil War on the Border Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas
Blasko, D., Lum, H. C., Blasko Drabik, H., & White, M. (2013). Individual
differences in the enjoyment and the effectiveness of serious games.
Psychology, Pedagogy and Assessment in Serious Games (pp. 153-174). IGI
Blasko, D., Lum, H. C., White, M., & Blasko-Drabik, H. (2013). Individual
Differences in the Enjoyment and Effectiveness of Serious Games In T. M.
Connolly, L. Boyle, T. Halney, G. Baxter, & P. Moreno-Get (Eds.), Psychology,
Pedagogy, and Assessment in Serious Games. (1st ed.), (pp. 153-174).
Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Carney, A. B. (2013). Preserving the ‘Master Race’: SS Reproductive and Family
Policies during World War II. In Anton Weiss-Wendt and Rory Yeomans (Eds.),
(pp. 30). Lincoln, NE: The University of Nebraska Press.
Champagne, J. G. (2013). On the Uses and Disadvantages of a History of the
Other. In Brenda Longfellow, Scott MacKenzie and Thomas Waugh (Eds.), (pp.
351-70). Canada: McGill-Queens University Press.
Gamble, J. K., Kolb, L., Kelly, J.-D., & Marchini, C. (2013). International Law
Teaching: Glass(es) Half Full, Rose Colored? Introduction and Background.
(38), (pp. 283-300). Republic of South Africa.
Hetzel-Riggin, M. D., & Meads, C. L. (2013). The impact of peritraumatic
dissociation on mental health outcomes of women with childhood and adult
physical abuse histories. In S. Kimura & A. Miyazaki (Eds.), (pp. 87-121). New
York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Irwin, Z. T. (2013). Bosnia-Herzegovina and the European Union. In Sabrina
Ramet and Ole Listhaug (Eds.), (pp. 369-391). Ravenna: Editore Longo.
Irwin, Z. T. (2013). Bosnia-Herzegovina and the European Union. In Sabrina
Ramet and Ole Listhaug (Eds.), (pp. 369-391). Ravenna: Editore Longo.
Irwin, Z. T. (2013). Bosnia-Herzegovina and the European Union. In Sabrina
Ramet and Ole Listhaug (Eds.), (pp. 369-391). Ravenna: Editore Longo.
Kanat, K. (2013). Turkiye ve Orta Asya (Turkey and Central Asia in 2012). SETA
Kanat, K. (2013). Ending Ceasefires for Political Survival: The Use of Diversionary
Strategies by the PKK Leadership. Understanding Turkey’s Kurdish Question
USA: Lexington Press.
Kang, I. (2013). On being a journalist. We the Journalists (pp. 100-120). Seoul:
Kelley, C. E. & Eblen, A. L. (2013). Coming Together for a Better World In A. L.
Eblen, M.J. Eblen (Eds.), Betty Bumpers: Champion of Childhood
Immunization and Peace. (2013th ed.), (pp. 9pp). New York, New York:
Rowman and Littlefield.
Kelley, C. E. & Eblen, A. L. (2013). Understanding a Life Story. In A. L. Eblen, M.J.
Eblen (Eds.), Betty Bumpers: Champion of Childhood Immunization and
Peace. (pp. 11pp). New York, New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Luttfring, S. D. (Contributor to Edited Volume) (2013). Dissection, Pregnancy,
and the Limits of Knowledge in Early Modern Midwifery Treatises and *'Tis Pity
She's a Whore*. In Sara Morrison and Deborah Uman (Eds.), (pp. 165-175).
Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate.
Troester, R. & Johns, L. (2013). The Michael Phelps Saga: From Successful
Olympian, to Pot Smoker Caught on Camera, to Renewed Role Model and
Brand. In Joseph R. Blaney, Lance R. Lippert, and Scott Smith (Eds.), (pp. 14).
Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
Book, Scholarly-Revised
Bedal, L.-A. (2013). "The Petra Pool-Complex: A Hellenistic Paradeisos in the
Nabataean Capital." Gorgias Studies in Classical and Late Antiquity 10. (298
pp). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
Nixon, C. & Davis, S. (2013). Youth Voice Project: Student Insights into Bullying
and Peer Mistreatment. Champaign, IL: Research Press.
Conference Proceeding - Refereed
Alvear-Madrid, G. R. (2013). In Gregorio C. Martin (Ed.), "“Ilusión y deseo en
Cibernáculo”." Rondas Literarias de Pittsburgh 2012. (pp. 7-15). Pittsburgh.
Blasko Drabik, H., Blasko, D., Lum, H. C., Erdem, B., & Ohashi, M. (2013).
"Investigating the impact of self-efficacy in learning Disaster Strategies in an
On-Line Serious Game." Proceedings of the Human Factors Engineering Society
Conference. HFES.
Blasko-Drabik, H., Blasko, D., Lum, H. C., Erdem, B., & Ohashi, M. (2013).
"Investigating the Impact of Self-Efficacy in Learning Disaster Strategies in an
On-Line Serious Game." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society Annual Meeting. 57(1), (pp. 1455-1459). SAGE Publications.
Chen, H. (2013). In Karen M. Lancendorfer (Ed.), "Brand appearances in Chinese
commercial movies." Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of American
Academy of Advertising. (pp. 52).
Fernandez, J. (Co-Editor) (2013). Rondas literarias de Pittsburgh 2012.
Pittsburgh, PA.
Fernandez, J. (2013). "El crimen de las estanqueras en cine, televisión y novela."
El viaje a Ithaca. (pp. 15). Ithaca, NY: ALDEEU. http://www.aldeeu.com.
Halse, S., Lum, H. C., Sims, V. K., Winkelbauer, C. A., & Harris, M. A. (2013).
"Does This Robot Make Me Look Smart? How the Addition of a Robotic Pet
Influences First Impressions." Proceedings of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 57(1), (pp. 1293-1297). SAGE
Encyclopedia Entry
Aquila, R. (2013). Bo Diddley. In Jacqueline Edmondson (Ed.), ABC-CLIO.
Aquila, R. (2013). Buddy Holly. In Jacqueline Edmondson (Ed.), ABC-CLIO.
Aquila, R. (2013). Rick Nelson. In Jacqueline Edmondson (Ed.), ABC-CLIO.
Baker, H. (2013). Abbey Lincoln. In Charles Hiroshi Garrett (Ed.), The Grove
Dictionary of American Music. (2nd). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Essay in book
Aquila, R. (2013). In Carlos Eliseo Cortes and J. Geoffrey Golson, eds. (Eds.),
"Cheyenne Autumn." Multicultural America. Sage Publications.
Aquila, R. (2013). In Carlos Eliseo Cortes and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), "The
Cisco Kid." Multicultural America. Sage Publications.
Fiction, Online Literary Journal
Champagne, J. G. (2013). Affliction and Penance. Plenitude, 1(2).
Goertel, J. (2013). Under the Same Moon. Yareah Magazine.
Noyes, T. (2013). The Bitter Librarian Ties One On. Hobart(14), 1 manuscript
page. http://www.hobartpulp.com.
Noyes, T. (2013). Easter, 1979. 100-Word Story, 1 manuscript page.
Noyes, T. (2013). Curb Appeal. Ascent, 23 manuscript pages.
Fiction, Print Literary Journal
Looney, G. (2013). 'Light & the Remnants of Storm' and 'What It Means to Last'.
The Aurorean, 18(1), 6-7.
Looney, G. (2013). Sad on Poles in the Midst of Fields. Blueline, 34, 67.
Guest Blog Post
Noyes, T. (2013). "Pedagogical Pleasure, Online Learning, and the Empty Comfy
Chair." FairMatter.com.
In-House Publication
Kanat, K. (2013). Drivers of Foreign Policy Change in the AK Party Decade.
Kanat, K. (2013). US-Turkey Relations in the AK Party Decade.
Invited Article in an On-line Magazine
Kahl, D. (2013). "Power in the classroom: How do teachers use it?"
Communication Currents. 8(4), (pp. 2).
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Adams Goertel, R. (2013). Prosodic elements to improve pronunciation in
English language learners: A short report. Applied Research on English
Battey, D., Llamas-Flores, S., Burke, M. K., Guerra, P., Kang, H.J., & Kim, S.H.
(2013). ELL policy and mathematics professional development colliding:
Placing teacher experimentation within a sociopolitical context. Teachers
College Record, 115(6).
Champagne, J. G. (2013). Fascism and Images of Masculinity in Three Plays by
Pirandello. Pirandello Studies Pirandello Society, 33.
Champagne, J. G. (2013). Sandro Penna and Anti-Oedipal Impegno. Modern
Italy Taylor and Francis, 18(4).
Champagne, J. G. (2013). The Unknown Woman as a Man: Gender Identity and
Come tu mi vuoi. Pirandello Studies, 33.
Champagne, J. G. (2013). A View from the West: Italian Film Studies or Italian
Film Studies. The Italianist, 33(2), 8.
Chen, H., Lin, E., Liu, F., & Dai, T. (2013). See me or not, I am there: Chinese
white-collar moviegoers’ interpretation of product placements in Chinese
commercial movies. Journal of Promotion Management Taylor & Francis Group,
19, 507-533. http://http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10496491.2013.829154.
Chen, H., & Deterding, A. (2013). College-aged young consumers’ interpretations
of product placement in social games. Young Consumers Emerald, 14(1),
Hetzel-Riggin, M. D., & Roby, R. (2013). Trauma type and gender effects on
PTSD, general distress, and peritraumatic dissociation. Journal of Loss and
Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress & Coping, 18(1), 41-53.
Kahl, D. (2013). Critical communication pedagogy and assessment: Reconciling
two seemingly incongruous ideas. International Journal of Communication, 7,
Kahl, D. (2013). Viewing critical communication pedagogy through a cinematic
lens. Communication Teacher, 27, 99-103.
Kanat, K. (2013). US-Turkish Relations: In Search of a New Paradigm.
Mediterranean Quarterly.
Kanat, K. (2013). Turkish-Israeli Reset: Business as Usual? Middle East Policy.
Kanat, K. (2013). Evolution of Turkish-Israeli Relations in the Last Twenty Years:
Causes, Actors and Outcomes. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern
Neigh, J. M. (2013). The Transnational Frequency of Radio Connectivity in
Langston Hughes’s 1940s Poetics. Modernism/Modernity John Hopkins
University Press, 20(2), 265-285.
Shaw, J. (2013). Gratitude, Self-Assessment, and Moral Community. The Journal
of Value Inquiry, 47(4), 407-423.
Sheik Dawood, S. R. (2013). Prevalence and forms of workplace bullying in the
voluntary sector: Is there a need for concern? Voluntary Sector Review
Voluntary Sector Review, 4(1), 47.
Shoenberger, N. (2013). Theoretical Theater: Criminological Theory at the
Movies. Trails.
Todd, K. F. (2013). Google Honors a Feminist Original. Salon.
Whitney, S. E. (2013). Genders. I Can Be Whoever I Want to Be: Alias and the
Post-Feminist Rhetoric of Choice University of Colorado, 57, 30 pages.
Journal Article, Professional Journal
Jairam, D., Kiewra, K. A., Rogers-Kasson, S., Patterson-Hazley, M., &
Marxhausen, K. (2013). SOAR versus SQ3R: A test of two study systems.
Instructional Science, 13 pages.
Viebranz, G. A. (2013). Jazz Reviews. PMEA News, 78(1).
Viebranz, G. A. (2013). Jazz Reviews. PMEA News, 77(4), 2 pgs.
Viebranz, G. A. (2013). Jazz Reviews. PMEA News, 77(3), 2 pages.
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal
Levy, M. L. (2013). Ad Reinhardt, Sixties Painter. The Brooklyn Rail.
Warren, C. A. (2013). Civil War Novels: Six Shining Examples of a Thriving
Genre. The Civil War Monitor, 3(1), 68-70.
Journal Article, Review
Kanat, K. (2013). Debates on American Decline. Insight Turkey.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Beilein, J. (2013). Of Eyes and Teeth: The Trial of George Maddox, the Raid on
Lawrence, and the Bloodstained Verdict of the Guerrilla War. The Civil War
Todd, K. F. (2013). "Oval Intention." High Country News. Paonia, Colorado: High
Country News.
Kazmerski, V. A. (Editor) (2013). Northwestern Pennsylvania Psychological
Association Newsletter. 22(1 and 2).
Rossi, J. P. (2013). Finance Wars on Terror with Taxes. Erie Times-News. (pp. 1).
Erie, PA.
Rossi, J. P. (2013). Woodrow Wilson showed how to pay for the cost of war.
Allentown Morning Call. (pp. 1). Allentown, PA.
Rossi, J. P. (2013). "Burning Tires is a Very Bad Deal for Western Pennsylvania."
Meadville Tribune. (pp. 1). Meadville, PA: Pennsylvania Newspapers.
Rossi, J. P. & Osibodu, A. (2013). "Black Sailors from the War of 1812 Need
Recognition." Erie Times-News.(March 29, 2013), (pp. 7B). Erie, PA: Erie
Rossi, J. P. (2013). "“President Obama Should Reject Keystone XL Pipeline:"."
Harrisburg Patriot-News. (pp. 1). Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Patriot News.
Speel, R. W. (2013). "Hometown Appeal of Judicial Candidates." The Philadelphia
Speel, R. W. (2013). "PA Voters Pick State Judges Solely By Geography." Erie
Speel, R. W. (2013). "Voters Judge Judicial Candidates
Scranton Times-Tribune.
By Geography."
Non Fiction, Online Literary Journal
Roecklein, R. J. (2013). 'Machiavelli Discourses: the Birth of Neo-Epicureanism.
Lo Sguardo (Losguardo.net) Edizione di Storia e Letteratura, 13, 13 pages.
Fernandez, J. (2013). "Cómo te quiero." Vincula 2013. (pp. 49). Escañuela, Jaén:
Ayuntamiento de Escañuela.
Fernandez, J. (2013). "Vuelta a casa." Vincula 2013. (pp. 49). Escañuela, Jaén:
Ayuntamiento de Escañuela.
Poetry, Online Literary Journal
Fogle, E. (2013). Psyche's Sister: Scraps. Former People: A Journal of Bangs and
Whimpers. http://formerpeople.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/two-poems-5/.
Looney, G. (2013). "Echolocation and Memory". Escape Into Life.
Looney, G. (2013). "Woman, Asleep". Construction.
Poetry, Print Literary Journal
Looney, G. (2013). "Palimpsest Vespers" and "Early Light in Erie". Albatross(24),
Looney, G. (2013). An Invisible Violin with Perfect Pitch. The Southern Review,
49(3), 518-519.
Looney, G. (2013). Meditation through a Neon Circle. Bateau, 5(1), 88-89.
Looney, G. (2013). Poe at Home in Kinsale. Georgetown Review, 14(1), 106.
Looney, G. (2013). The Importance of the Right Punctuation. Agni, 77, 133-134.
Looney, G. (2013). "Studio Musician with Trembling Hands and Makers on His
Breath". Concho River Review, 27(2), 110.
Looney, G. (2013). "Scribbled Water a Constant Reminder". Heliotrope, 8, 47.
Translation or Transcription
Kang, I. (Translator) (2013). Entertainment and gaming. (pp. 116). London:
Heinemann Raintree.
Refereed Letter
Champagne, J. G. (2013). "Foucault and Queer (Un)Historicism." PMLA. 128(4),
(pp. 1005-1006).
Book Review
Olszewski, P. T. (2013, December 3). [Review of the book How Math Works: A
Guide to Grade School Arithmetic for Parents and Teachers]. Mathematical
Association of America Book Reviews
Olszewski, P. T. (2013, August 26). [Review of the book Number, Shape, and
Symmetry: An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory].
Mathematical Association of America Book Reviews
Olszewski, P. T. (Editor) (2013, April 16). [Review of the book Calculus of One
Variable]. Mathematical Association of America Book Reviews
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
Galiffa, D., & Cannon, J. R. (2013). Nonlocal Modeling of Insect Borne Diseases.
Fevers: Types, Treatments and Health Risks (pp. 34 pp). Hauppauge, NY:
NOVA science Publishers.
Conference Proceeding - Non Refereed
Bren, K., Galinato, M. G. I., Kleingardner, J., Brown, S. E., Alp, E., Zhao, J., &
Lehnert, N. (2013). "Coupling between iron and polypeptide dynamics in
cytochrome c revealed by nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy."
Abstracts of Papers, 245th ACS National Meeting. (pp. INOR-547). New
Orleans, LA: American Chemical Society.
Galinato, M. G. I. & Fogle, R. S. (2013). "Controlling nitric oxide generation:
Effect of heme electron density on the rate of myoglobin nitrite reduction."
Abstracts of Papers, 40th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the ACS. (pp.
GLRM-74). La Crosse, WI: American Chemical Society.
Conference Proceeding - Refereed
Nagle, C., & Moore-Russo, D. (2013). Slope: A network of connected
components. In Martinez, M., & Castro Superfine, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 127-135). Chicago,
IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
In-House Publication
Styers, J. L. (2013). Curriculum and Instruction 295-Early Placement Student
Instructor's Manual
Olszewski, P. T. (2013). Instructor's Resource Manual 10th. Columbus, OH:
McGraw Hill.
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Alsfonso, Y. U., Morris, H. J., Guiterez, A., Rodríguez-Schettino, L., Denis, D., &
Steffen, J. E. (2013). Dewlap color variation based on pterin and carotenoid
pigments in three Anolis jubar subspecies of the Cuban southern coast. Copeia,
2013(2), 201-205.
Bennett, J. A., Sterling, K. L., & Pander III, J. E. (2013). Metal substitution of
electropolymerized ferriprotoporphyrin:
A simple electrode-modification
process for developing electrocatalytic materials. ECS Electrochemistry
Letters, 2(10), H37-H39. http://eel.ecsdl.org/content/2/10/H37.full.
Bennett, J. A., Wheeler, C. D., Sterling, K. L., & Chiodo, A. M. (2013). Exploring
dicyano-ferriprotoporphyrin as a novel electrocatalytic material for selective
H2S gasotransmitter detection. Electrochimica Acta, 88(1), 86-93.
Bhattacharjee, P. & McGovern, W. W. (2013). When Min(A)-1 is Hausdorff.
Communications in Algebra, 41, 1-10.
Bhattacharjee, P., Knox, M. L., & McGovern, W. W. (2013). p-Embeddings.
Topology and Its Applications, 160(13), 1566-1576.
Foyle, A. (2013). Groundwater flux as a determinant of coastal-zone upland loss:
a case study from the Pennsylvania coast of Lake Erie, USA. Environmental
Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2849-2, 14pp.
Galiffa, D. & Blackstone, E. J. (2013). Two Differential Equations for the Linear
Generating Function of the Charlier Polynomials. Applied Math E-Notes, 8 pp.
Galinato, M. G. I., Fogle, R. S., & Galan, J. (2013). Binding interaction of
hypocrellin B to myoglobin: a spectroscopic and computational study.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 115,
Gee, C., Chestnut, S., Duberow, E., Collins, A., & Shields, M. (2013). Downy
mildew from Lake Erie vineyards is diverse for the G143A SNP conferring
resistance to Quinone outside inhibitor fungicides. Plant Health Progress Plant
Management Network, 17.
Hall, J. C. (2013). More Smartphone Acceleration. The Physics Teacher American
Association of Physics Teachers, 51(1), 6.
Halmi, T. A. (Contributor to Edited Volume) (2013). Energy - Now & Forever!
Celebrating Chemistry American Chemical Society, 12.
Leung, Y. F., Walden-Schreiner, C., Matisoff, C., Naber, M. D., & Robinson, J.
(2013). A two-pronged approach to evaluating the environmental sustainability
of disc golf as emerging recreation in urban natural areas. Managing Leisure,
Nagle, C., & Moore-Russo, D. (2013). How Do Teachers' Concept Images of Slope
Relate to their Intended Instructional Foci? Investigations in Mathematics
Learning, 6(2), 1-18.
Nagle, C., Moore-Russo, D., Viglietti, J., & Martin, K. (2013). Calculus Students’
and Instructors’ Conceptualizations of Slope: A Comparison Across Academic
Levels. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11,
Nagle, C. (2013). Transitioning from Introductory Calculus to Formal Limit
Conceptions. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(2), 2-10.
Nagle, C., & Moore-Russo, D. (2013). Connecting Slope, Steepness, and Angles.
Mathematics Teacher, 107(4), 272-279.
MacCready, J. S., Elbert, N. J., Quinn, A. B., & Potter, B. A. (2013). An
Assessment of Bacterial Populations in a Static Windrow Compost Pile.
Compost Science & Utilization, 21(2), 110-120.
Mastroberardino, A. (2013). Series solutions of annular axisymmetric
stagnation flow and heat transfer on a moving cylinder. Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics (English Edition) Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(9),
Mastroberardino, A., & Mahabaleswar, U. S. (2013). Mixed Convection in
Viscoelastic Flow Due to a Stretching Sheet in a Porous Medium. Journal of
Porous Media Journal of Porous Media, 16(6), 483-500.
Mastroberardino, A. (2013). Comment on "Heat transfer in MHD viscoelastic
boundary layer flow over a stretching sheet with thermal radiation and
non-uniform heat source/sink". Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Nummerical Simulation.
Mooney, A. M., Warner, K. E., Fontecchio, P. J., Zhang, Y.-Z., & Wittmershaus,
B. P. (2013). Photodegradation in multiple-dye luminescent solar
concentrators. Journal of Luminescence, 143, 469-472.
Peterson, J. D., Steffen, J. E., Reinert, L. K., Cobine, P. A., Appel, A. A.,
Rollins-Smith, L., & Mendonca, M. T. (2013). Host stress response is important
for the pathogenesis of the deadly amphibian disease, Chytridiomycosis, in
Litoria caerulea. PLOS one, 8(4), 7 pages.
Previte, J. P., & Hoffman, K. (2013). Period Doubling Cascades in a Predator-Prey
Model with a Scavenger. SIAM Review, 55(3), 523-546.
Previte, J. P., Previte, M. (Co-Author, 33.33%), & Vanderschoot, M. H. (2013).
The Growth Degree of Limits of Vertex Replacement Rules. Journal of Graph
Theory Journal of Graph Theory, 15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jgt.21660.
Shen, X., Tuttle, B. R., & Pantelides, S. (2013). Competing atomic and molecular
mechanisms of thermal oxidation – SiC versus Si. J. App. Phys., 114(033522),
Skwor, T., Shinko, J., Augustyniak, A., Gee, C., & Andraso, G. (2013). Aeromonas
hydrophila and Aeromonas veronii predominate among potentially pathogenic
ciprofloxacin and tetracycline resistant isolates of Aeromonas in Lake Erie.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Tuttle, B. R., Lenahan, P. M., Aichinger, T., & Pantelides, S. (2013). Theory of
hyperfine active nitrogen complexes observed in 4H-SiC diodes. App. Phys.
Lett., 114(13712), 4.
Tuttle, B. R., Shen, X., & Pantelides, S. (2013). Theory of near-interface trap
quenching by impurities in SiC-based metal-oxide-semiconductor devices.
App. Phys. Lett., 102(123505), 4.
Steel, F. M., Tuttle, B. R., Shen, X., & Pantelides, S. (2013). “Effects of strain on
the electrical properties of silicon carbide. J. App. Phys., 114(013702), 4.
Williams, D. (2013). Capture of Terrestrial-sized Moons by Gas-Giant Planets.
Astrobiology Journal Astrobiology, 13(4), 9.
Williams, J. D., Campbell, M. A., Jaskolka, M. C., & Xie, T. (2013). Artemisia
vulgaris L. Chemotypes. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4(6), 1265-1269.
Morse, S., Bush, S., Patterson, B. D., Dick, C. W., Gruwell, M., & Dittmar, K.
(2013). "Evolution, Multiple Acquisition, and Localization of Endosymbionts in
Bat Flies (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea: Streblidae and Nycteribiidae)." Applied and
Environmental Microbiology. 79(9), (pp. 2952-2961).
Galiffa, D. (2013). "On the Higher-Order Sheffer Orthogonal." Springer Briefs in
Mathematics. (pp. 106). New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer.