Open - The Scottish Government

Scottish Welfare Fund – Reference Group Meeting
Scottish Government, Atlantic Quay
10 March 2015
Nicola Dickie – COSLA (Chair)
Ann McVie - SG
Dorothy Ogle – SG
Jon Shaw – CPAG
Calum Webster –SG
Trish McCotter – SG
Alistair McArthur - Renfrewshire Council
Bill Scott – Inclusion Scotland
Sylvia Adams – SG
Liz Cooper – SPS
Barry Fowler – SPS
Gael Scott – CAS
Kirsteen Macleod - SG
1. Welcome and Introductions.
The Chair welcomed all, and noted that apologies had been received from Mike
Liddle, John Campbell, Andrew Waugh, Val Malloch, Lynn Williams, Nicola
Sutherland, Brian McCaskell and Sheila McKandie.
2. Note and Actions from previous meeting.
The notes were agreed and the action point completed. The new frequently asked
questions note is available on the Scottish Government Website at This also includes a link to a BSL and spoken version.
3. Bill outcome – reflections.
The Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill was passed after the Stage 3 consideration on 3
March 2015 and is available on the Scottish Parliament website,
The main amendments to the Bill were in respect of:
 planned changes in respect of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)
 removal of the outsourcing option,
 inclusion of a dignity and respect section,
 inclusion of timescales for crisis grants processing.
It was noted that the Minister also committed to placing in regulations that cash will
be the default fulfilment method for crisis grants unless an alternative method is in
the best interests of the applicant.
The Scottish Government would like to note its thanks to all those who engaged with
and assisted in the Bill process, including CPAG, SCVO, the Poverty Alliance and
Inclusion Scotland.
4. Bill next steps – Regulations and Guidance.
A copy of the draft guidance due to be published in April 2015 was discussed at the
meeting. Topics discussed included:
 Potential clarification within the guidance around sanctions and suspension of
benefits, short term benefit advances and budgeting loans. Sections of the
guidance are still with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for
comment and all remarks/advice will be noted.
 Definitions of family – a child does not necessarily have to be included in order to
meet the definition of a family.
 Potential inequities in how prisoners are treated due to the discretionary nature of
the Fund and the delivery model.
 Prisoners receiving crisis grants v community care grants was carried into a
meeting with the Scottish Prison Service which followed the Reference Group
Draft regulations were originally published prior to the Bill passing in Autumn 2014
for illustrative purposes only. A further paper was circulated to all Group members
for consideration of the revisited priorities since the Bill was passed. Areas
discussed included:
 Processing times – the timescale for processing crisis grants will now follow the
wording in the Bill,
 Recording - to ensure consistency in how decisions are considered and
 Fulfilment of grants – preferred methods of payment, and how to balance choice
against need,
 Potential limiting of numbers of community care grants awards,
 Potential exclusions from the Fund, such as repatriation costs and structural
 Definitions of low income – how to avoid applying arbitrary rules of thumb, and
still apply discretion,
 Review requests and how to apply – in writing, by phone/in person?
 Access to grants by those who have no recourse to public funds – currently with
Discussion included the treatment of suspensions of benefits, pending sanction or
disallowance, whether or not a child should be included in the definition of a family
under exceptional pressure and how best to frame the presumption in favour of cash
for crisis grant awards. A public consultation will take place over Summer, and a
draft consultation paper will be issued to the Group when drafted for comment.
AP1 – any comments/thoughts on the draft regulations to be emailed as soon
as possible.
AP2 – SWF team to issue a draft consultation paper to the group for quick
5. Improvement work
As previously noted, the frequently asked questions has been updated and
published on the Scottish Government website.
A general overview of current improvement work was given. Topics included ongoing co-production work with Inclusion Scotland and People First, SWF Local
Authority decision makers, Highland User Group and the British Deaf Association to
produce training materials. An easy read Welfare Funds Leaflet and a signed leaflet
have been produced. Inclusion Scotland thanked the Scottish Government with
regard to this work. A summary report of the findings and recommendations from
the Case Observations carried out has also been issued to local authorities.
6. Project/transition plan and risk register
Both the project plans and risk registers will be updated now that the Bill has passed.
A new risk has been introduced to cover Universal Credit, as this is now rolling out
across Scotland.
The new responsibilities that are transferring to Scotland following the Smith
Commission have resulted in changes within the Scottish Government and a new
Division has been created - the Social Security Policy and Delivery Division – where
the Scottish Welfare Fund now sits.
There was discussion around IT systems and implementation dates, which will be
taken up at the next Practitioners meeting in April.
7. Review of terms of reference
As the original membership has changed somewhat, and the Bill has passed, it was
agreed that the terms of reference and membership of the group should be
Looking ahead, the next meeting will be after the consultation period and
provisionally will take place in September 2015.
AP3 - all members to consider whether they wish to remain on the Reference
Group, and advise the SWF team if not.
Social Security Policy and Delivery Division
Scottish Government
March 2015