Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1

Listed below are details about our current topic and the curriculum we will be following this year, along
with information about how you can support your child's learning at home.
Why is the iPad more fun than Grandma and Grandpa’s old toys?
This challenge has a historical focus and the objectives are listed below. The children will have the
opportunity to investigate and play with Victorian toys, and compare them to the toys that children enjoy
playing with nowadays. We will learn about the invention of Lego and we will visit the Legoland Discovery
Centre as our exit point. Our Talk for Writing text this half term is ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes. In Science we
will be investigating the question – What would your Christmas be like without batteries?
Chronological understanding, knowledge and interpretation and historical enquiry
Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)?
Can they use words and phrases like: ‘old’, ‘new’ and ‘a long time ago’?
Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little?
Do they know that some objects belonged to the past?
Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects?
Can they spot old and new objects in a picture?
Can they answer questions using an artefact/ photograph provided?
Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past?
Do they appreciate that some famous people have helped our lives be better today?
Can they use words and phrases like: ‘very old’, ‘when mummy and daddy were little’?
Can they use the words ‘before’ and ‘after’ correctly?
Can they say why they think a story was set in the past?
Can they explain why certain objects were different in the past, eg, iron, music systems, televisions?
Can they explain differences between past and present in their life and that of other children from a
different time in history?
Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects?
Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided?
Can they identify objects from the past, such as vinyl records?
Year 1 Reading Expectations
Word Reading
Can I match all 40+ graphemes to their phonemes?
Can I blend sounds in unfamiliar words?
Can I divide words into syllables?
Can I read common exception words?
Can I read words with contractions and understand that the apostrophe represents the missing letters?
Can I read phonetically decodable words?
Can I read words that end with ‘s, -ing, -ed, -est?
Can I read words of more than one syllable that contain taught GPCs?
Can I re-read a text to develop my fluency and confidence?
Can I say what I like and do not like about a text?
Can I link what I have heard or read to my own experiences?
Can I retell key stories orally using narrative language?
Can I talk about the main characters within a well known story?
Can I learn poems and rhymes by heart?
Can I use what I already know to understand texts?
Can I check that my reading makes sense and go back and correct when it doesn’t?
Can I draw inferences from the text and/or the illustrations?
Can I use the title and events in a text to make a prediction?
Can I explain what a text is about?
Can I discuss new word meanings and link these to words that I already know?
Year 1 English Expectations
Can I identify known phonemes in unfamiliar words?
Can I use syllables to divide words when spelling?
Can I begin to use my knowledge of phonics to spell words accurately e.g. monkey, feet?
Can I use the spelling rule for adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ to words?
Can I use the prefix ‘un’ to change the meaning of a word?
Can I add the suffixes –ing, -ed, -er and –est to regular words e.g. jumping, helper?
Can I name all the letters of the alphabet in order?
Can I use letter names to give alternative ways to make a sound?
Can I spell common exception words and days of the week?
Sentence Structure
Can I combine words to make a sentence?
Can I join two sentences using ‘and’?
Can I separate words using finger spaces?
Can I begin to use capital letters to start a sentence?
Can I begin to use a full stop to end a sentence?
Can I begin to use a question mark?
Can I begin to use an exclamation mark?
Can I use capital letters for names of people, places, days of the week and the pronoun I?
Can I sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly?
Can I form lower case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place?
Can I form capital letters and digits 0-9?
Composition and Text Structure
Can I compose a sentence orally before writing it?
Can I sequence sentences in chronological order to recount an event or experiences?
Can I sequence sentences to form a narrative?
Can I re-read what I have written to check that it makes sense?
Year 2 Maths Expectations
Can I count to, and across 100, forwards and backwards, from any given number?
Can I read and write numerals to 100?
Can I count in 2s, 5s and 10s?
Can I write all numbers in words to 20?
Can I say the number that is one more or one less than a given number?
Can I use number bonds and related subtraction facts to 20?
Can I use pictorial representations and arrays, with support?
Can I add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero?
Can I use the signs + - =?
Can I solve a missing number problem e.g. 7 = ? - 9
Can I solve a one-step problem using addition and subtraction?
Can I recognise, find and name a half of an object, shape or quantity?
Can I recognise, find and name a quarter of an object, shape or quantity?
Can I solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division?
Measurement and Geometry
Can I recognise all coins and notes?
Can I recognise and name the 2D shapes: circle, triangle, square and rectangle?
Can I recognise and name the 3D shapes: cube, cuboid, pyramid & sphere?
Can I name use language linked to the days of the week, weeks, months and years?
Can I sequence events in chronological order using key words such as before, after, next etc?
Can I tell the time to o’clock and half past the hour?
Can I draw the hands on a clock face to show a given time?
Can I measure and record measurements of length/ height, weight/ mass and capacity?
Can I begin to solve problems for length/ height, weight/ mass, time and capacity?
Can I describe position, direction and movement including whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns?
Parents Information
Please see the information on our year group page about Learning at Home.
In Year 1 we suggest the Homework framework for each week is:
 Reading to and listening to your children read (10 minutes or more each day). This includes ensuring
that your child reads and listens to wide range of text types (comics, poetry, magazines, information
books etc).
 Rapid Recall Maths practice (2 x 10 minutes a week). See website for more information.
 Learning Challenge Project – Your child may enjoy asking friends and relatives about the toys that they
liked to play with when they were younger. Any research notes/photos/drawings that your child would
like to bring into school can be added to their KAGAN group’s topic scrapbook.