Playdoh Mountain Topography

Playdoh Mountain Topography
1. What is the elevation at sea level (in feet)?
2. What do contour lines that are close together signify about the slope of the terrain?
3. What is the difference between a bathymetric and a topographic map?
1. Build your own mountain using 1 container of playdoh.
2. Divide your mountain into 8 even sections from the base to the top of your mountain. You may want to
use a pencil to make a mark at each division.
3. Use a piece of thread to cut off the bottom section. Place it in the rectangle and carefully trace around it.
Both you and your partner will need to trace each section on your paper as well as on the extra map
paper provided. Continue cutting and tracing until you have mapped the mountain. Mark the peak of
your mounting with an X.
4. Stack the pieces to recreate your mountain. DO NOT DESTROY YOUR MOUNTAIN!!!! Give your
mounting to Ms. P to hide behind her desk.
5. Find another pair that is finished and trade your topographic map with theirs (DO NOT TRADE LAB
PAPERS). Obtain another container of playdoh from Ms. P and attempt to build their mountain using
the map they have provided you. When you are done, bring your mountain up to Ms. P and she will
show you the original.
6. Clean up your lab table and return all Playdoh to the containers and close the lids tightly.
Post-Lab Questions:
Discuss the topographic map you built based on the other group’s map. Were you close? Why or why not?