group presentations

Ch 1.
3 major plot instances
*Ralph and Piggy realize there are no adults; kids gather with conch; Ralph chosen as leader
2 primary conflicts
*between Piggy and Ralph (Piggy is whining, Ralph is annoyed)
*Jack and Ralph. Jack seeks power, all other seek Ralph’s
2 quotes that demonstrate characterization of major or minor characters
*p.11: “They used to call me Piggy…” Ralph is being a bully
*P.9: “The fat boy waited to be asked his name..” Piggy’s awkwardness (foreshadowing)
2 quotes that demonstrate one of the major themes (loss of one’s innocence, descent into savagery,
desperation to retain civilization, classical allusions/references to Bible)
*p.16: “We can use this to call the others…” desperation to return to civilization
2 examples of symbolism and what these artifacts represent
*the conch: symbolizes order
*jungle: symbolizes unknown
Ch 2
3 major plot instances
*boys have their second meeting, trying to work together and get organized
*start a society but chaos keeps interrupting, everyone is just doing, not thinking
*fire is created: chaos because no one is behaving in an orderly manner
*snake boy disappears
2 primary conflicts
*fire spreading uncontrollably on the mountain, kids don’t know how to respond
*snake boy (Percival) goes missing; starts an argument between the leaders – Golding does not
tell the reader where the boy disappears
2 quotes that demonstrate characterization of major or minor characters
*p.37: “We want to have fun…” he is both child and adult
*p. 44: “They looked at him with eyes that lacked interest.” Other characters totally disregard
Piggy- mostly because of how he looks
2 quotes that demonstrate one of the major themes (loss of one’s innocence, descent into savagery,
desperation to retain civilization, classical allusions/references to Bible)
*they think that they will be able to live on and build a society, but they are just kids: “after all,
we’re not savage, we are English” p.42
*”I’ve got the conch… I’ve got a right to speak.” (44)
2 examples of symbolism and what these artifacts represent
*fire: symbol of them trying to escape but then it gets out of control; community decay
*conch: symbolizes the only rule that isn’t moral; being drawn to an object; not based on opinion
or emotion; their last thing they have to obey because it is grounding them to the
Ch 3
3 major plot instances
*Jack goes hunting; misses the pig
*Jack and Ralph argue between meat and shelter
*Little’uns make all characters afraid there may be a beastie
2 primary conflicts
*Ralph and Jack arguing over shelter or hunting
*most of the characters are idle or playing; only a few people are actually doing anything
2 quotes that demonstrate characterization of major or minor characters
*p. 48: “bright blue eyes, eyes that…”: this shows direct characterization of Jack
*p.55: “He was a small skinny boy… gay and wicked”: direct characterization of Simon
2 quotes that demonstrate one of the major themes (loss of one’s innocence, descent into savagery,
desperation to retain civilization, classical allusions/references to Bible)
*p. 49: “Jack and indrawn breath”: trying to capture the pig but not getting anything; repeated
failures on island
*p. 50: “working for days…”: failure to retain civilization
2 examples of symbolism and what these artifacts represent
*pig not caught: giving up
*shelters: represent the loss of function in a community since they cannot agree
Ch 4
3 major plot instances
*kids paint their face
*kill the pig
*fire goes out
2 primary conflicts
*the fire goes out
*the kids miss the ship/miss signaling the ship
2 quotes that demonstrate characterization of major or minor characters
*p.69: “Kill the pig…”: change in mind and heart; now kids can easily kill
*P. 72: “He went on scrambling”: Jack’s fear and madness; foreshadowing future
2 quotes that demonstrate one of the major themes (loss of one’s innocence, descent into savagery,
desperation to retain civilization, classical allusions/references to Bible
*p.69: Kill the pig”: “demonstrates savagery
*p. 69: “The pig squealed”
*p.75: chanting of “kill the pig”: savage choir-like behavior, with no one having individual
2 examples of symbolism and what these artifacts represent
*painted faces : showing they are masking their inner fear, becoming one with the island
*form a line: symbolizes they still try to retain order amidst chaos
Ch 5
3 major plot instances
*Ralph seeks order, tries to have another meeting
*Percival suggests there really is a beast, hides
*boys are becoming paranoid—this is a result of being away from civilization away from
comforts/ beast is an outlet for their fear
2 primary conflicts
*still the island
*the beast
*cannot assemble—frustrated with meetings—breaking away
2 examples of symbolism and what these artifacts represent
*there is no such thing as monsters
*they are afraid of the island, being away, not being back, and don’t recognize what they are afraid
of, but they do know they are afraid, so they make up this thing as an outlet. It is supposed to be
fun; they don’t understand why they aren’t having fun—Elizabeth
*p.78: “I can’t think, not like Piggy” – Ralph noticed he cannot be a leader like Piggy
*the people we consider the best leaders and perhaps not the alphas- the ones who sit and watch Amadi
*they (some) do know what this thing is, but if they show their fear they show weakness. It is
conditional and they mask it because they don’t want to seem weak.—Fatima
*ironic: Piggy is weak and pathetic but is the one who brings logic to the island. POINT is that
the boys are already “gone” to savagery
*p.84: “Life is scientific…” by Piggy. He knows there is no beast. Suggests they are frightened of
people. They are saying there is nothing to be afraid of but each other. They have just made up
a beast and made savage. Pig is female. Piggy realizes that people are what is to fear; beast is
not an outside thing; beast is themselves—what they are becoming—Alyssa
*if we could kill a pig, we could kill each other; make a snake monster to project fear away from
*Kids are still young and don’t know how to process through all of this that is happening.
Nick for bonus awesome literary connection of the year: David Foster Wallace’s commencement
“As I’m sure you guys know by now…”
“Mind is excellent servant but terrible master”