Mrs. Cancino*s Fifth Grade Band Newsletter

Mrs. Cancino’s Fifth Grade Band Newsletter
November 9, 2015
Dear Band Parents:
We made it to Jingle Bells on page 12!! Woo-hoo!!! It’s the little goals that are exciting 
There have been various field trips at all four schools this past week, next week, and the week after, so I’ve
been hesitant to introduce new information. We’ll be drilling on first quarter material; using SOE pages 10-12,
Band Practice Pages 1-4, Daily Warm-Ups #1-8, and SOE page 39. I’ll also be distributing two pages of
additional Real Book exercises. I anticipate starting eighth notes (a new rhythmic concept) after Thanksgiving
Several students are already preparing for their Orange Belt Band Ninja test. We’ve learned #38, started on
#43, and haven’t touched #53 (eighth notes…). You should be hearing the first two exercises being practiced
(not “run-through,” but drilled over and over in little pieces until they’re accurate) so the students are able to
pass their belt test. I have a few students who are working on their Yellow Belt (#22, 23, and 35), and they
should also be “practicing” those exercises to be as accurate as possible. Ask to hear your child’s progress.
If you haven’t heard about the Reed Graveyard at your child’s school, here is a photo:
Clarinet, saxophone, and oboe players are encouraged to “bury” their reeds when
they are old, broken, or no longer producing a quality sound. This one is a before
shot, but in my classrooms, the graveyards are getting full! While it’s great that we
are getting rid of dead reeds, your child should have at least three working reeds in
the case. Check with your child to see what his/her “reed status” is, and make sure
there are spare reeds when one bites the dust.
And, flute players this week will be trying the “Pneumo Pro.” This is a tool developed by flutist, Kathy Blocki, to allow flutists to truly
see where their airstream is going. Unless a player is able to direct the airstream, they are not able to
accurately produce the right tone quality. I tried it and was blown away! It was most difficult for me to aim
my air to where a beginner is aiming, so even after 30 years of flute-playing, I’m learning a new trick  Check
with your child to hear about his/her reaction to this activity in lessons.
Percussionists, I haven’t forgotten you! Keep working to see your hands in your peripheral vision, watch the
music, and prepare your mallets to move to the next note to keep a steady pulse. Don’t forget to alternate!
Have a wonderful week & enjoy listening to all the new pieces your child will be playing!
Mrs. Cancino
Wade, Diggs, Jenifer, & Berry