Minutes of the regular meeting of the Township of Haddon Planning/Zoning Board held on Thursday
August 2, 2012 in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue in said Township. Compliance with Public
Law 1975 was confirmed and was reported that the secretary had sent notice of meeting, along with
copies of the agenda to the Courier-Post and The Retrospect newspapers, and two copies were posted
on the bulletin boards in the municipal building.
Flag Salute** Confirmation of Sunshine Law
Roll Call
Richard Rotz
Joseph Iacovino
Suzanne Discher
Linda Rohrer
Frank Monzo
Marguerite Downham
Wayne Chang
Commissioner John Foley
James Stevenson
Nicholas Mink
Charles Pusatere
William Wambach
Vacant Seat
Also Present
Donald Cofsky, Solicitor
Greg Fusco P.E. – Township Engineer
Lee Palo-Zoning Officer - Excused
Meeting called to order by Chair Richard Rotz at 7:35 p.m.
A motion by Frank Monzo to approve the minutes of July 12, 2012 as corrected. Seconded by Charles
Pusatere. (There were some typos and the abstention in the approval says three and only listed two,
correction made) All members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Old Business: none
New Business: Application 12-015 – 413 Crystal Lake Avenue, Block 17.06 Lot 3 Zone C-3 ILIC Center
Associates LP. The property is furthermore known as the Crystal Lake Shopping Center. Applicant is
seeking bulk variance approval to permit a new pylon sign and a tenant façade sign with channel
lettering for the existing Haddon Dentistry practice on the property in question. The bulk variance relief
is for a sign area 130.13 square feet is proposed for the pylon sign and only 20 feet is permitted. Relief
of 110.12 square feet. Also the height of the sign 26.66 feet for the pylon sign is being requested only
permitted 12 feet asking relief of 14.66 feet. The letter height also asking for 16 5/8 inches proposed for
the channel lettering sign and only allowed 12 inches. Requesting relief of 4 4/8 inches. Also requesting
one foot setback being proposed for the pylon sign and ordinance requires20 feet from the street line,
asking for relief of 19 feet. The last item is an internal illumination being proposed for the pylon and
façade sign.
Mr. Walter Toto, Esquire is representing the Shopping center.
Mr. Toto had two people sworn in
First was Ann Marie Mangola – Property manager.
Second – Dan Doran – Professional Planner and Engineer
Ms. Mangola testified that they are here for two reasons tonight first a sign for a new tenant Haddon
Family Dentistry. And for the free standing sign. Ms. Mangola states that the ILIC has a certain design for
all of its centers. Ms. Mangola stated that she does not want to disturb the neighborhood, put improve
the area. The existing sign does not have the names of the tenants on the sign; the new sign will provide
the names of all the tenants in the shopping center. It will look nicer and be safer than the one exists
Mr. Doran, Professional Engineer and Planner.
Mr. Doran had some pictures with him; the board went over the pictures. They were marked for the file.
Mr. Doran read about design requirements. Mr. Doran remarked about the Haddon Family Dentist sign
and stated that it is above the concrete wall and it had internal illumination. The Haddon Township
ordinance stated that you are allowed 40 square feet for the sign; this would be only 37.3 square feet.
The height will be 13.2 feet, Township ordinance is 15 feet. The lettering is 17.25 being proposed,
ordinance allows 12 inches, asking relief of 5.25 inches, The Cork N Bottle and the Rite Aid which are in
the same shopping center their letters are 22 inches. All three words will be illuminated. No exterior
The free standing sign will be for multi-tenant use. Located in the same location one foot off front
property line. So we are asking for a variance to keep the sign in the same location, also the height of
the letters we are proposing 6 inches ordinance allows 4 inches. Requesting 2 inch relief. The Thriftway
lettering will be smaller than what is there now. It is now 24 inch letters proposing 16 5/8 inches. The
top of the sign is being proposed at 26 inches the ordinance allows only 12.5 inches. Also sign 20 square
foot is allowed, proposing 130 square feet sign. This will not be a detriment to the community. It will be
a wall mounted sign. The tenant signage will be 4 inches which is what is allowable. We would like the
name of the shopping center on the sign.
This is a safe sign and by granting this application you are meeting the design of the company.
The trees in that area are 21 feet high. You can see them in the photos.
The board discussed the height of the sign, the sign of the tenant signs, the trees in the area, they
discussed putting 2 monument sign one on each end of the driveways.
Greg Fusco – Township engineer was sworn in
Mr. Fusco states that the ordinance does encourage exterior signs, the town like monument signs like
the ones on Haddon, Cuthbert, and Crystal Lake would be nice now ever this area does not warrant that
kind of sign.
Mr. Fusco discussed many things, if the sign was to move closer to MacArthur, The Rest out front and
how they prevent people seeing the sign, parking spaces. He stated that three trees are the problem.
Motion from Frank Monzo to open the meeting to the public on this application only, seconded by
Charles Pusatere, All members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Lewis Holtzman – Sworn In
311 W Crystal Lake Ave
Dentist sign is ok.
The names of each tenant on the sign is also nice, however the sign is too big. 26 feet is just too big, this
is a residential area, not commercial. The location is fine, the height is concerning. To maintain the
value of the homes in the area, the sign must be keep modest. From the height now maybe another 3
feet would be ok.
Robert Hall – Sworn In
403 Glenwood Ave
Lived in area for 30 years, we can walk to the shopping center, school, pool, and the line of site through
the traffic light, that interest is very busy. Heavily traveled. You need to make sure it will not be
distracting. Something more attractive than what is there now, however the height is fine as it is.
Hearing no one else from the public a motion by Frank Monzo to close the public portion, seconded by
Charles Pusatere. All members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Mr. Toto stated that his client will be willing to lower the sign, from 26.6 feet to 21 feet. And amend the
tenant sign to scale and redesign.
More discussion from the board about the size of the sign the pitch, the location.
Now that the applicant has amended the application to 21 feet for the height of the sign, Mr. Rotz opens
the meeting up again to the public with the change.
Sonja Holtzman – Sworn In
311 Crystal Lake
Mrs. Holtzman stated that the design looks nice. If they remove the trees and put shrubs in, that would
look nice. I think the height that is there now is just fine.
Hearing no one else from the public Mr. Rotz closed the public portion.
Discussion about granted the application vs. tabling the application took place.
The board split the application into two section first one is the Haddon Family Dentistry sign.
The second one is the free standing sign.
A motion by Frank Monzo to approve the Haddon Family Dentist sign as proposed. Seconded by Charles
Pusatere. 7 members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
A motion by Richard Rotz to approve application for the free standing sign as amended from 26 feet in
height to 21 feet in height, and to proportion the tenant signs as such, with the applicant coming back to
the September meeting with the new drawing. Seconded by Suzanne Discher. 7 members present voted
in the affirmative. Motion carried.
A motion by Suzanne Discher to open this portion of the meeting to the public, Seconded by Linda
Rohrer. All members voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Hearing non one from the public a motion by James Stevenson and seconded by Charles Pusatere to
close the public portion. All members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried
Greg Fusco spoke to the board about the public works building. The Garage has had its day, it will be
removed and a new one going in its place it will be 4 feet higher. Total will be 34 feet it is in a PCR zone.
No building setbacks, it will be a few feet larger. This does not have to come before the board, but if you
come across something please let me know.
Guimello’s Restaurant has given me an updated plan for what we have approved for the brick patio it
will be 25’ x 40’ instead of 30’ x 30’ it was 90 square now will be 1000 sq. ft. It will be slab masonry and
wood frame. It does not impact the parking. I do have the new plans.
A motion by James Stevenson to approve the report from Greg Fusco for the diminish change to
Guimello’s as reviewed by the township engineer as an administrator. Seconded by Suzanne Disher. All
members present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Mr. Cofsky spoke about fair share housing with two suits that are pending.
Next meeting – August 20, 2012
A motion by Frank Monzo to adjourn the meeting and seconded by James Stevenson. All members
voted ink the affirmative. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourn 9:19 P.M.
Cd of this meeting is available upon request.
Respectfully submitted
Bonnie Richards
Secretary to P/Z Board