Priority Resource Concerns - Lewis & Clark Conservation District

Local Work Group Defined Priorities and Funding
Whereas, NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) changed funding allocations
to Area funding instead of County funding pools several years ago; and
Whereas, NRCS promotes targeted funding which takes funding resources away from
the general fund pool; and
Whereas, NRCS limits funding allocations to one priority resource concern per county;
Whereas, actual resource needs are variable, cannot always be anticipated by the Local
Work Group from one season to the next and cannot be limited to one concern in an
entire county; and
Whereas, the mission of Conservation Districts is to assist landowners with their
resource challenges; and
Whereas the NRCS promotes the Local Work Group as being such an important tool in
planning yet limits funding to one defined priority resource concern per county;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts
work with the Natural Resource Conservation Service to allow more than one priority
resource concern for NRCS funding in each county; and
Therefore be it further resolved that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts
work with our Senators and Representative to obtain more federal funding for natural
resource concerns in the State of Montana.
Submitted by: Lewis & Clark Conservation District
Area Meeting Action:
MACD Committee Assignment:
General Session Action: