Chapter 34: Head and Spine Trauma

Chapter 34: Ready for Review
 The skull is a rigid, unyielding box that does not accommodate a swelling brain or
accumulations of blood.
 Be familiar with high-risk mechanisms of injury that can cause head injury, brain injury,
and spinal cord injury, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, and penetrating trauma. Full
spinal motion restriction should be applied unless there is a compelling reason not to.
 Airway is a priority; maintain the head and neck in neutral alignment while you are
suctioning and performing airway management. Consider endotracheal intubation in
patients with spinal injuries, but remember that endotracheal intubation requires special
precautions in patients with head injuries because it may precipitate a dangerous rise in
intracranial pressure.
 Control major bleeding without placing pressure on a potential underlying fracture.
Provide fluid resuscitation, but restrict use of IV fluids in patients with severe closed
head injuries to minimize cerebral edema; however, avoid hypotension.
 Transport patients with severe injuries promptly to a trauma center. Use lights and siren
cautiously; a siren could precipitate seizures and exacerbate intracranial pressure.
 Level of consciousness should continuously be assessed, including repeat assessments of
the Glasgow Coma Scale score and pupillary assessment. Secondary assessment may
include a full-body exam and a neurologic exam.
 Head injuries include skull fractures (linear, depressed, basilar, and open) and traumatic
brain injury (cerebral concussion, diffuse axonal injury, cerebral contusion, and
intracranial hemorrhage).
 Normal intracranial pressure is 0 to 15 mm Hg in adults. Increased intracranial pressure
can squeeze the brain against the interior of the skull and/or press it into sharp edges
within the cranium. If severely increased intracranial pressure is not promptly treated,
cerebral herniation will occur.
 Cerebral perfusion pressure is the pressure of blood fl owing through the brain; it is the
difference between the mean arterial pressure and intracranial pressure.
 If the cerebral perfusion pressure drops below 60 mm Hg in the adult, cerebral ischemia
will likely occur, increasing the risk of permanent brain damage or death.
 Begin treatment of a head-injured patient by stabilizing the cervical spine, opening the
airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver, and assessing the ABCs.
 All head-injured patients should receive 100% oxygen as soon as possible. If the patient
is breathing adequately, apply a nonrebreathing mask set at 15 L/min. If the patient is
breathing inadequately, assist ventilation and consider intubation.
 Ventilate a brain-injured adult at a rate of 10 breaths/min. Avoid routine hyperventilation
unless signs of cerebral herniation are present. Hyperventilation in a brain-injured adult is
defined as a ventilation rate of 20 breaths/min.
 Restrict IV fluids in a head-injured patient unless hypotension (systolic blood pressure of
less than 90 mm Hg) is present. Hypotension in a brain-injured patient should be treated
with crystalloid fluid boluses in a quantity sufficient to maintain a systolic blood pressure
of at least 90 mm Hg.
 Frequently monitor a head-injured patient’s level of consciousness, and document your
findings. The Glasgow Coma Scale is an effective, reliable tool. Assessment using the
Glasgow Coma Scale must be repeated frequently if the score is to be a reliable indicator
of the patient’s clinical progression.
Intubation of a brain-injured patient may require pharmacologic adjuncts (such as
sedation, neuromuscular blocking drugs).
Seizures may occur in a brain-injured patient and can aggravate intracranial pressure and
cause or worsen cerebral ischemia. Treat seizures with a benzodiazepine (such as
diazepam, lorazepam).
A brain-injured patient’s survival depends on recognition of the injury, prompt and
aggressive prehospital care, and rapid transport to a trauma center that has neurosurgical
capabilities. Consider air transport if ground transport time will be prolonged.
Do not become distracted by scalp lacerations. Once life threats are managed, evaluate
the wound for continued bleeding. With isolated fractures not involving suspected skull
fracture, apply direct pressure and use a pressure dressing or hemostatic agent if required.
Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating injuries encountered by prehospital
providers. In order to decipher the often subtle findings associated with a spinal cord
injury, you need to understand the form and function of spinal anatomy.
Acute injuries of the spine are classified according to the associated mechanism, location,
and stability of injury.
Vertebral fractures can occur with or without associated spinal cord injury.
Stable fractures typically involve only a single column and pose a lower risk to the spinal
Primary spinal cord injury occurs at the moment of impact. Secondary spinal cord injury
occurs when multiple factors permit a progression of the primary spinal cord injury. The
ensuing cascade of inflammatory responses may result in further deterioration.
Limiting the progression of secondary spinal cord injury is a major goal of prehospital
management of spinal cord injury.
Current principles of spine trauma management include recognition of potential or actual
injury, appropriate immobilization, and reduction or prevention of the incidence of
secondary injury.
Short-acting, reversible sedatives are recommended for the acute patient after a
correctible cause of agitation has been excluded.
The use of corticosteroids in the acute phase of spinal cord injury is controversial.
The complications of spinal cord injury are a consistent cause of the high morbidity and
mortality associated with this type of injury.
Back pain is one of the most common physical complaints to present to emergency
departments throughout the United States. Most cases of low back pain are idiopathic and
difficult to precisely diagnose.