Plasma leakage is the most specific and life

Press Release
Plasma leakage is the most specific and life-threatning feature of dengue
New Delhi: 20 August 2015: With the coming of the rainy season, the incidence of Dengue
has city causing chaos and panic in the city. Every person struck by even a common fever due
to the change in weather is seen rushing to hospitals to rule out the possibility of it being
dengue. However what most people do not realise is that there is no need to panic since 99%
of the dengue cases are non-fatal. The need of the hour is to raise mass awareness about the
necessary prevention measures of dengue and risk factors.
Dengue fever is a painful mosquito-borne disease. It is caused by any one of four types of
dengue virus, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito.
Common symptoms of dengue include high fever, runny nose, a mild skin rash, cough, and
pain behind the eyes and in the joints. However, some kids may develop a red and white
patchy skin rash followed by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc. Patients suffering from
dengue should seek medical advice, rest and drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol can be taken
to bring down fever and reduce joint pains. However, aspirin or ibuprofen should not be
taken since they can increase the risk of bleeding.
The risk of complications is in less than 1% of dengue cases and, if warning signals are known
to the public, all deaths from dengue can be avoided. A platelet transfusion is not needed if
the platelet counts are more than 10,000. Unnecessary platelet transfusion can cause more
harm than good
Speaking about the issue, Padma Shri Awardee, Dr KK Aggarwal, President Heart Care
Foundation of India and Honorary Secretary General IMA said, “Dengue is both preventable
and manageable and people must not panic since fatality only occurs in 1% of the cases.
Plasma leakage is the most specific and life-threatening feature of dengue which occurs three
to seven days after the onset of the illness. The presence of intense abdominal pain,
persistent vomiting, and marked restlessness or lethargy, especially coinciding with
a chest
and chest/abdominal ultrasound are useful for detection of plasma leakage. Taking necessary
precautions and acting in a timely fashion is key to eliminate fatality in dengue cases. For all
patients, staying well hydrated is strongly advised”.
In cases of plasma leakage, the increase in vascular permeability develops over a period of 24
to 48 hours. Shock may develop in patients with marked plasma leakage, especially if
supportive treatment is delayed and is associated with case-fatality rate of 12 percent.
Abdominal pain is also reported to precede the onset of plasma leakage in approximately 60
percent of patients with dengue.
Plasma leakage is important to manage with intravascular volume repletion to prevent or
reverse hypovolemic shock. In mild cases, particularly when medical attention is received
early, oral rehydration may be sufficient. However, in patients with established intravascular
volume loss, intravenous fluid administration is recommended. Blood transfusion is
appropriate in patients with significant bleeding or those who have low hematocrit and fail to
improve despite fluid resuscitation. Platelet transfusions have not been shown to be effective
at preventing or controlling hemorrhage but may be warranted in patients with severe
thrombocytopenia (<10,000/mm3) and active bleeding.
Physicians should remember the ‘Formula of 20’ i.e. rise in pulse by more than 20; fall of BP
by more than 20; difference between lower and upper BP less than 20 and presence of more
than 20 hemorrhagic spots on the arm after a tourniquet test suggest a high risk situation and
the person needs immediate medical attention.
The onus of preventing dengue lies with the public and not with the Government authorities.
The dengue mosquitoes are found only in water collected outside the house and not in dirty
water in the drains.
--End-About IMA: Indian Medical Association is the only representative, national voluntary organization of
Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the
well being of the community at large. It has its Headquarter in Delhi and State / Terr. Branches in 29
States and Union Territories. It has over 2, 53,000 doctors as its members through more than 1650 active
local branches spread across the country.
About Heart Care Foundation of India: Initiated in 1986, the Heart Care Foundation of India is a leading
National NGO working in the field of creating mass health awareness among people from all walks of life
and providing solutions for India's everyday healthcare needs. The NGO uses consumer-based
entertainment modules to impart health education and increase awareness amongst people. A leading
example of this is the Perfect Health Mela; an annual event started in 1993 that is attended by over 2-3
lakh people each year. The Mela showcases activities across categories such as health education seminars
and check-ups, entertainment programs, lifestyle exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and competitions. In
addition to this, the NGO conducts programs and camps to train people on the technique of hands only
CPR through its CPR 10 mantra for revival after a sudden cardiac arrest. They currently hold three Limca
book of world records for the maximum number of people trained in hands-only CPR in one go. Keeping
article 21 of the Indian Constitution in mind, which guarantees a person Right to Life, Heart Care
Foundation of India has also recently initiated a project called the Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation
Fund to ensure that no one dies of a heart disease just because they cannot afford treatment.
For further information please contact:
Rakhi S M - 9871109555
Sanjeev Khanna - 9871079105
Md Adib Ahmad – 9873716235
IMA Public & Media Advocacy Cell