Caroline, N

Reading List : Paramedic Science
Newest editions when possible
Caroline, N. (2009) Emergency Care in the Streets (UK edition) (7th Ed) Jones & Bartlett
Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (2006) UK Ambulance Services
Clinical Practice Guidelines. JRCALC
(A copy will be supplied by the Ambulance Trust on course commencement)
Gregory, P. Mursell, I. (2010) Manual of Clinical Paramedic Procedures. Wiley Blackwell:
Douglas G, Nicol F, Robertson C (2005) Macleod’s Clinical Examination. London: Elsevier
Churchill Livingstone:
Recommended:Greaves, I & Porter, K (2006) Oxford Handbook Of Pre-Hospital Care. Oxford University
Greaves, I Hodgetts, T. Porter, K (2006) Emergency Care: Textbook for Paramedics.
Lumley, J.S. P. (2008) Surface Anatomy 4th Edn. Churchill Livingstone
Phalen, T., And Aehlert, B. (2006). The 12-Lead ECG In Acute Coronary Syndromes. 2nd
Ed. St. Louis, USA: Elsevier/Mosby.
Shaw, M. (2002). Assessment Made Incredibly Easy. 2nd Ed. Pennsylvania: Springhouse.
Tortora, G.J. 2008. Principles Of Human Anatomy And Physiology. 11th Ed. USA: Wiley.
Kumar P, Clark P (2002) Clinical Medicine (5th ed) London: WB Saunders
Blaber, A. (2008) Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical Perspective. McGraw
Recommended Journal Reading (available through UWE library)
Journal of Paramedic Practice
Emergency Medicine Journal