Puppies - Nevada Adult Education Nevada Adult Education

INSTRUCTOR__Ratchada Scott______
DATE______________ CLASS LEVEL___B-Beginning Basic Education_____
Length of Unit ______5 days____
Length of each lesson ___2 hours/lesson___
Topic: Close Read
Puppies and Their Parents
From ReadWorks.org
Lesson Objectives:
The students will:
1) Identify various dog breeds and traits through the text and a video clip.
2) Discuss and work collaboratively in groups.
3) Develop a paragraph how to obtain a dog.
CCR Standards Aligned to this Lesson:
RI/RL.2.1; RI.3.2; RI.3.4; RI.2.6; W.3.1; W.3.4; W.3.8; SL.3.1; SL.3.2; SL.3.4; SL.3.6; L.K.1&1.1; L.2.1&3.1; L.2.2&3.2;
L.2.4; L.3.5; RF.2.3&3.3; RF.2.4&3.4
Reading: (to include text dependent questions and pre-reading strategies as needed, such as vocabulary, grammar, spelling, phonics,
sentence structure)
Vocabulary: look, sound, different, tiny, fit, fur, curly, howl, bark, tail, puppies, parents, inherit, traits, exactly, same, apart, similar,
several, choose, animal shelter, specific, energy, dog breeder, raise, breeds, useful, humans, pets, hound dogs, hunt, sheep dogs,
shepherds, herd, flocks, protected, foxes, dangerous, smart, fast, strong, helpful, company, owners, enjoyable, cost, intelligence,
German Shepherds, Chihuahuas, Collies, Poodles, Golden retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels
Grammar Points: adjectives
Sentence Structure: relative clause
Text Dependent Questions
What do you learn about dogs from the first paragraph?
Possible Student Answers
Lines 3-9; Dogs can look and sound very different from each
other. Dogs also have different types of fur. Some dogs are
brown and some are black. Some dogs howl and some others
bark. They have four legs, fur and a tail. Many of them do not
like cats.
What does the word “traits” mean?
Students can refer to lines 10-14. It means physical features or
Lines 10-13; Chihuahuas have small puppies and German
Shepherds have bigger puppies. Puppies often have the same
color or type of fur as their parents. They often grow to be the
same size as their parents.
Lines 16-21; You can get a dog from the animal shelter or a dog
Lines 45-46; In the United States, the most popular breeds of
dogs are Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Beagles.
Lines 3-8, 26-37; It’s about dogs and the traits and a comparison
between now and the past how dog breeders breed dogs.
Lines 26-31; In the past, dog breeders wanted dogs that were
useful to humans. At that time most dogs weren’t pets. Instead,
they had jobs that they had to do. Hound dogs helped people
hunt for food in the forests. Sheep dogs helped shepherds herd
flocks of sheep and protected the sheep from foxes or other
dangerous animals. Dog breeders chose dogs that were smart,
fast and strong. Those were the dogs that were the most helpful.
But now most dogs are pets. They don’t have to help humans
hunt. Instead, they sit by the fire and are good company for their
1. Types of dogs (Lines 3-14)
2. Animal shelter or dog breeder (Lines 16-24)
3. Cost (Lines 33-37)
4. The purpose of having a dog (Lines 26-31)
What evidence from the passage supports the statement that
puppies inherit many traits from their parents?
Where can you get a dog?
What are the most popular breeds of dogs in the United States?
What is this passage about?
What are the differences of the purposes of dog breeders
between the past and now?
If you or your family would like to have a dog, what aspects do
you have to consider before you choose a dog? Write a
paragraph and explain in detail.
After they read the passage, they will write a paragraph about how to choose a dog. Students can also use the internet to search their
answers if computers/mobile phones are available.
The aspects that you have to consider before you choose a dog;
1. Types of dogs (Lines 3-14)
2. Animal shelter or dog breeder (Lines 16-24)
3. Cost (Lines 33-37)
4. The purpose of having a dog (Lines 26-31)
In groups, students will discuss the word “breeds” and types of dogs that they know and what they look like. Teacher will show
different pictures of types of dogs that are mentioned in the passage and also other types. They will also share their own experiences
about dogs if they, their friends or families own a dog such as, breed, features, name, and age.
How I will scaffold my lessons to reach all of my students' levels:
Teach the vocabulary, give examples, and explain by using pictures as much as possible. Also, have students underline the
words and do a lot of repetition.
Show students different pictures of dog breeds through a video clip (25 popular dog breeds).
Do a quiz about dog facts. http://www.allthetests.com/quiz15/quiz/1121314705/Dogs
Small group discussions about what students knew before reading and what they have learned about dogs after reading.
Read aloud in small groups.
Go over the grammar point and sentence structure with students and practice with a lot of examples.
How I will assess my students' mastery of the lessons:
Observe small group discussions and ask students questions to check understanding.
Review and correct students’ answers and writing.
Observe read aloud for accuracy and fluency.
Suggested Five Day Plan:
Day One: Teacher reads the text to students. Then, students read aloud in small groups. Teacher goes over vocabulary that students
don’t know and give them a lot of examples.
Day Two: Teacher teaches grammar point and sentence structure.
Day Three: Show students different pictures of dog breeds through a video clip. Small group discussions and work collaboratively on
text-dependent questions.
Day Four: Students write a paragraph about how to choose a dog. Then, do a peer-review; students will help each other correct their
Day Five: Students write their final drafts. Teacher gives a vocabulary test and a quiz about dog facts.
Sources: 1. Murphy, Raymond. 1997. Essential Grammar In Use. 2nd edition. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KINuW7tSltU
3. http://www.allthetests.com/quiz15/quiz/1121314705/Dogs
4. http://english-zone.com/grammar/pos-adj.html
5. http://www.readworks.org/
Puppies and Their Parents (Readworks.org)
Today dog breeders choose traits that make dogs enjoyable to be around. Puppies from the dog breeder are more expensive than those
from the animal shelter. Some of the puppies cost hundreds of dollars. Different breeds can cost different amounts. If a dog is
especially smart, really fast or very pretty, her puppies can be even more expensive. That’s because the puppies might inherit the
mother’s speed or intelligence.
What makes a dog a dog? Dogs can look and sound very different from each other. German Shepherds are big and weigh as much as
80 pounds. That’s more than a six‐year‐old human! On the other hand, a Chihuahua is tiny and can fit in a purse. Dogs also have
different types of fur. Chihuahuas have short hair but collies have long hair. Poodles have curly hair. Some dogs are brown and some
are black. Some dogs howl and some others bark. But they are all dogs. They have four legs, fur and a tail. Many of them do not like
Puppies are usually like their parents. Chihuahuas have small puppies and German Shepherds have bigger puppies. This is because
puppies inherit many traits from their parents. Puppies often have the same color or type of fur as their parents. They often grow to be
the same size as their parents. But they are not exactly the same. This is why you can tell apart puppies who are brothers and sisters,
even when they look similar to each other.
There are several places you can go to choose a dog. Some people go to the animal shelter. At the animal shelter, you will find many
types of dogs. All of the puppies at the animal shelter need a home and it’s an excellent place to pick out your new dog. But
sometimes people want a specific type of dog. They might want a German Shepherd with a loud bark or a Chihuahua with a lot of
energy. If you know exactly what type of dog you want, you can go to a special person called a dog breeder. Dog breeders raise
puppies that have specific traits. Different types of dogs – like German Shepherds, poodles and golden retrievers – are called “breeds.”
Dog breeders start by finding dogs that have the traits that they want, because they know that their puppies will have some of the same
In the past, dog breeders wanted dogs that were useful to humans. At that time most dogs weren’t pets. Instead, they had jobs that they
had to do. Hound dogs helped people hunt for food in the forests. Sheep dogs helped shepherds herd flocks of sheep and protected the
sheep from foxes or other dangerous animals. Dog breeders chose dogs that were smart, fast and strong. Those were the dogs that
were the most helpful. But now most dogs are pets. They don’t have to help humans hunt. Instead, they sit by the fire and are good
company for their owners.
In the United States, the most popular breeds of dogs are Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Beagles. In England, the most
popular dog breeds are Labrador Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels. In Italy, many people have German Shepherds. There are so many
types of dogs that everyone can find the perfect pet.
Parts of Speech: Adjectives.
Adjectives are words used to describe nouns.
Adjectives give more information about a noun.
Use adjectives to make your writing more interesting.
"Fast, fun, new, old, red, ugly" are all adjectives. They describe a noun.
It's a fast car. It's a fun car. It's a new car.
It's an old car. It's a red car. It's an ugly car.
Adjectives can come BEFORE the NOUN (adjective + noun)
It's an expensive bicycle.
It's a racing bicycle. It's a red bicycle.
Adjectives can come AFTER a BE verb. (BE + adjective)
The butterfly is pretty.
The butterfly is blue. Butterflies are interesting.
Nouns can also work as adjectives. A noun can help describe an object.
It's a business meeting.
They're having a job interview. It's a school conference.
Present participles (-ing verbs) can also work as adjectives.
Baseball is an exciting game.
Baseball is interesting. It's an interesting game.
Past participles (verb 3) can also work as adjectives.
The man is tired.
The exhausted man fell asleep. He was worn out by work today.
Adjectives can be hyphenated.
The computer-generated error message made the program freeze.
My friend isn't very good at do-it-yourself projects.
Numbers can be used as adjectives.
That's a three-ton truck.
The man is a thirty-seven-year-old trucker.
In his 20-year career, he's never had an accident.
Adjectives can be used to compare things.
Cats are softer than dogs. My cat is the cutest cat I know.