Mock SAE Scenario (Mary H. Livestock

Mock SAE Scenario (Mary H. Livestock)
Mary is a freshman member of the AOK FFA Chapter. Mary has always had an
interest in the livestock industry. She began her FFA career as a freshman with some
livestock equipment and a specific interest in raising and showing goats.
As a freshman FFA member of the AOK FFA Chapter, she purchased 5 yearling does
for $500 a piece. She also purchased a buck at $1000. For show projects, she
purchased 2 show wethers at the price of $350 each. Mary plans to raise her own
set of show goats for the following year with her initial purchase.
Unfortunately, one of the does developed pneumonia and was unable to be saved.
To ensure the other four does were successfully bred; Mary asked her vet to conduct
an ultrasound on each doe. The vet expenses totaled $500.00.
After completing the show season, Mary sold both of her wethers to market for $150
each. Mary realizes her time and effort put into her supervise agricultural
experience. She discusses with her agricultural education instructor her possibilities
of applying for awards and scholarships. After her discussion, she chooses to
continue her supervised agricultural experience and make more investments in the