Building trades II syllabus

Building Trades II
856-468-1445 ext. 2411
Welcome to Building Trades II. This is the Second year of a two year program.
Course Goal:
The goal of Building Trades II is to prepare student to enter the workforce as apprentice carpenters. The
students will be able to work effectively and safely on both residential and commercial jobsites. The
skills learned will allow them to be productive contributors to the construction industry.
Course Content:
 Shop safety
 Tool safety
 Framing II
 Roof Framing II
 Exterior Finish II
 Interior Finish II
 Metal Framing II
Grading Procedures:
Grades are separated into : Attendance, Class/Shop Participation, and Tests/Quizzes ,Safety, Projects
1. Attendance: Student success is determined by their attendance in the shop. A Studen can not learn
while absent from shop. Vocational programs using hands-on experiences can not teach the
student if they are not present to participate. Poor attendance can only hinder learning, skill
development, and is considered a negative work trait by prospective employers.
a. Attendance Grading System
10% reduction in attendance grade for every day missed during marking period and no
credit for shop work for that day
b. Students who request make up work and complete it satisfactorily may receive a shop work
grade of at most 90% for the day missed and removal of the 10% reduction for every day
c. A note for each absence is required
d. Three late arrivals to class are considered one day absent
2. Shop work is graded on many factors, all being averaged together to make up a daily grade. These
daily grades will make up a marking period grade.
a. Safety is primary and violation of safety rules will result in irreversible grade reductions and
disciplinary action
b. Effort is based on participation of the student
c. Attitude is evaluated on the student’s willingness to comply, follow and to adhere to shop,
school, and safety rules.
d. Safety, Effort, and Attitude all work together and any violation of them will result in at least
a 20% deduction in the daily shop grade. Daily grades are averaged and then a marking
period grade is given.
3. Tests and related work is an intricate party of everyday life and a necessary skill for advancement in
the building trades industry.
Building Trades II
856-468-1445 ext. 2411
a. Tests and related grading system is based on an average of all academic work assigned over
a given marking period (this includes homework)
b. Students will also be required to maintain a notebook , which counts as a test grade at the
end of each marking period
c. Students will also maintain a portfolio over two years which will count as a test grade at the
end of the marking period.
At the completion of the marking period a grade for attendance, tests, and related shop work is issued.
The three are averaged and a final grade is issued.
Classroom Behavior:
Lay Off System
Since the students will be training to enter a trade, this classroom will be run like a job site. Students
who do not comply with shop rules and procedures will be “laid off.” Students who receive a “lay off”
will not be able to participate in hands on activities for that day. This will result in the student receiving
an absence for the day. Each “lay off” results in a 10% deduction in shop participation grade.
Dress Code:
Students will be required to wear:
 Work boots (must be tied)
 Jeans or workpants
Required Supplies:
1 Note Book
2 16’ or 25’ Tape Measure
3 Nail Apron
4 Straight Claw Hammer
5 Speed Square
6 3- Carpenter pencils
If supplying these tools is a financial burden do to the economy a set can be provided to your child. I
request that a letter or email be sent to me at This information will remain
Students will be issued
1 – Pair of Z87 safety Glasses
If issued lock,and or safety glasses are lost or broken it is the student’s responsibility to replace them
Building Trades II
856-468-1445 ext. 2411
Student /Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement
Print Students Name_____________________________________________________
Parents/Guardians please sign below if you have received, read and accept the procedures, grading
polices, and class room polices stated in the Course Syllabus.
Parent/ Guardian Signature ________________________________________Date_____________
Student s please sign below if you have received, read and accept the procedures, grading polices, and
class room polices stated in the Course Syllabus.
Student Signature ____________________________________________________Date_____________