
Readings PhD course (2015)
Introduction and background
Brown RE. 1994. An introduction to neuroendocrinology, chapters 1-4, Cambridge University
Press, p. 1-55.
(suggested as a dictionary, e.g. what is a hormone, and a short introduction of basic neuroendocrinology)
Selye H. 1936. A syndrome produced by diverse nocuous agents. Nature 138, 32.
Weis JM. 1968. Effects of coping responses on stress. J. Comp. Phsyiol. Psychol. 65, 251-260.
Weis JM. 1971. Effect of coping behaviour in different warning signal conditions on stress
pathology in rats. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 77, 1-13.
Sapolsky RM. 2002. Endocrinology of the Stress-Response. Chapter 11 in J. B. Becker, M.
Breedlove, D. Crews, M. M. McCarty, Behavioral Endocrinology. 2nd edition. MIT Press, London,
Herman JP. 2011. Central nervous system regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Stress response. In: The Handbook of Stress: Neurophysiological Effects on the Brain, Edited by
CD Conrad, Blackwell Publishing, pp 29-46.
Jensen P, Toates FM. 1997. Stress as a state of motivational systems. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 53,
Moberg GP. 2000. Biological response to stress: Implications for animal welfare. Chapter 1 in GP
Moberg and JA Mench (eds), The biology of Animal Stress, CAB international, p. 1-21.
Mormede P, Andanson S, Auperin B, Beerda B, Guemene D, Malmkvist J, Manteca X, Manteuffel G,
Prunet P, van Reenen CG, Richard S, Veissier I. 2007. Exploration of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal function as a tool to evaluate animal welfare. Physiol. Beh. 92, 317-339.
Day TA. 2005. Defining stress as a prelude to mapping its neurocircuitry: No help from allostasis.
Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psych. 29, 1195-1200.
Sarabdjitsingh RA, Joëls M, de Kloet ER. 2012. Glucocorticoid pulsatility and rapid corticosteroid
actions in the central stress response. Physiol. Behav. 106, 73-80.
I. Stress in the wild: Ecology, social environment and fitness
Goymann W, Wingfield JC. 2004. Allostatic load, social status and stress hormones: the costs of
social status matter. Anim. Behav. 67, 591-602.
Koolhaas JM, Bartolomucci A, Buwalda B, de Boer SF, Flügge G, Korte SM, Meerlo P, Murison R,
Olivier B, Palanza P, Richter-Levin G, Sgoifo A, Steimer T, Stiedl O, van Dijk G, Wöhr M, Fuchs E,
2011. Stress revisited: A critical evaluation of the stress concept. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 35,
Romero LM, Dickens MJ, Cyr NE, 2009. The reactive scope model -- A new model integrating
homeostasis, allostasis, and stress. Horm. Behav. 55, 375-389.
McEwen BS, Wingfield JC, 2003. The concept of allostasis in biology and biomedicine. Horm.
Behav. 43, 2-15.
Goymann W. 2012. On the use of non-invasive hormone research in uncontrolled, natural
environments: the problems with sex, diet, metabolic rate and the individual. Methods in Ecology
and Evolution 3, 757-765.
II. Key factors that produce vulnerability and resilience towards stress
Parker KJ, Maestripieri D. 2011. Identifying key features of early stressful experiences that
produce stress vulnerability and resilience in primates. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 35, 1466-1483.
Gapp K, Jawaid A, Sarkies P, Bohacek J, Pelczar P, Prados J, Farinelli L, Miska E, Mansuy IM.
2014. Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in
mice. Nature Neurosci. 17, 667-670
Francis D, Diorio J, Liu D, Meaney MJ. 1999. Nongenomic transmission across generation of
maternal behaviour and stress responses in the rat. Science 286, 1155-1158.
Francis DD, Meaney MJ. 1999. Maternal care and the development of stress responses. Curr.
Opin. Neurobiol. 9, 128-134.
Liu D, Diorio J, Tannenbaum, Caldji C, Francis D, Freedman A, Sharma S, Pearson D, Plotsky PM,
Meaney MJ. 1997. Maternal care, hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors and hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal responses to stress. Science 277, 1659-1662.
Macrí S, Würbel H. 2006. Developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats: A critical
review of the maternal mediation hypothesis. Horm. Behav. 50, 667-680.
III. Stress in fish – personality, social stress and behavioural plasticity
Bell AM, Bakström T, Huntingford FA, Pottinger, TG, Winberg, S. 2007. Variable neuroendocrine
responses to ecologically-relevant challenges in sticklebacks. Physiol. Behav. 91, 15-25.
Backström T, Schjolden J, Øverli Ø, Thörnqvist P-O, Winberg S. 2011. Stress effects on AVT and
CRF systems in two strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) divergent in stress
responsiveness. Horm. Behav. 59, 180-186
Summers CH, Winberg S. 2006. Interactions between neural regulation of stress and aggression.
J. Exp. Biol. 209, 4581-4589.
Schjolden J, Winberg S. 2007. Genetically variation in stress responsiveness in Rainbow trout:
Behavior and neurobiology. Brain Behav. Evol. 70, 227-238.
Supplementum (excersises, talks, examples)
Palme R. 2012. Monitoring stress hormone metabolites as a useful, non-invasive tool for welfare
assessment in farm animals. Anim. Welf. 21, 331-337
Malmkvist J, Jeppesen LL, Palme R. 2011. Stress and stereotypic behaviour in mink (Mustela
vison): A focus on adrenocortical activity. Stress 14, 312-323.
Malmkvist J, Palme R, Svendsen PM, Hansen SW. 2013. Additional feeding elements reduces
abnormal behaviour – fur-chweing and stereotypic behaviour – in farmed mink (Neovison vison).
Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci.149, 77-86.
Hansen SW, Malmkvist J, Palme R, Damgaard BM. 2007. Do double cages and access to
occupational material improve the welfare of farmed mink? Anim. Welf. 16, 63-76.
Malmkvist J, Brix B, Henningsen K, Wiborg O. 2012. Hippocampal neurogenesis increase with
stereotypic behavior in mink (Neovison vison). Behav. Brain Res. 229, 359-364.
Christensen JW, Ahrendt LP, Lintrup R, Gaillard C, Palme R, Malmkvist J. 2012. Does learning
performance in horses relate to fearfulness, baseline stress hormone, and social rank? Appl. Anim.
Behav. Sci. 140, 44-52.
Christensen JW, Beekmans M, van Dalum M, VanDierendonch M. 2014. Effects of hyperflexion on
acute stress responses in ridden dressage horses. Phyiol. Behav. 128, 39-45.
Herskin MS, Jensen KH. 2002. Effects of open field testing and associated handling vs. handling
alone on the adrenocortical reactivity of piglets around weaning. Anim. Sci. 74, 485‐491.
Søndergaard LV, Dagnæs‐Hansen F, Herskin MS. 2011. Welfare assessment in porcine biomedical
research ‐ suggestion for an operational tool. Res. Vet. Sci, 91:e1‐9
Kilkenny C, Browne WJ, Cuthill IC, Emerson M, Altman DG. 2010. Improving bioscience research
reporting: The ARRIVE Guidelines for reporting animal research. PLoS Biol 8(6): e1000412.
Kilkenny C, Parsons N, Kadyszewski E, Festing MFW, Cuthill IC, Fry D, Hutton J, Altman DG. 2009.
Survey of the quality of experimental design, statistical analysis and reporting of research using
animals. PLoS ONE 4): e7824. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007824
Mølgaard L, Damgaard BM, Bjerre-Harpøth V, Herskin MS. 2012. Effects of Liver Biopsy Sampling
on Dairy Cow Behavior. Res. Vet. Sci. 93, 1248-1254