Benefice Pew Sheet – Sun 13th July

St John’s PCC is on Monday 14th July and will begin with Holy Communion at
6.30pm. Everyone welcome from the congregation to come to the service to
leave feedback before PCC goes on to discuss the worship committee’s
recommendations. Please do come as your feedback is vital.
Message from Pieter Maclure. I would like to thank the Rev Jordan Ling, and
the congregation of St Johns Fishponds, for the funeral service of my late
father Roy Henderson on 20th June 2014. The service was full of warmth and
love. On behalf of our family special thanks go to all who participated and
attended. My thoughts and blessings are always with you all. Regards. Pieter
The Church picnic organised by St John’s Junior Church was a great success
with 38 people attending from Junior Church and Messy Church. We had fun
playing games, building dens and eating ice-cream.
Benefice Pew Sheet
Part of the East Bristol Partnership
3 Churches with unique identities working together to better represent
the body of Christ
Sunday 13th July
Our Collect Prayer for The Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Gracious Father, by the obedience of Jesus you brought salvation to our
wayward world: draw us into harmony with your will, that we may find all
things restored in him, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Thought for this week… Rev. Jordan Ling
Recently at a training day we as church leaders were asked to consider our
churches strengths and as I sat looking at this exhaustive list of attributes for
the ‘perfect’ church I was deeply struck by the beauty and integrity with which
we, as churches in this Benefice, live our faith. I was aware that our churches
are places where each and every individual matters and where love for one
another is deeply ingrained in our church life. It is this kind of care and concern
for each child of God that enables visitors to find rest when they walk through
our doors. Without love everything else is window dressing, and I was proud
that we are churches where the love of God shared among us is our foundation
Priest-in-Charge of Benefice – Rev. Jordan Ling 0117 3304953
Associate Minister – Rev. Trevor Denley 07960 329127
Assistant Curate – Rev. Nicola Callen 0117 9658833
East Bristol Partnership Office
Tel: 0117 9586412
All notices for the following Sunday to be sent to Amy Donaldson, East Bristol Partnership Administrator
by midnight on Tuesday.
St Aidan’s Church, St George
“Reaching out to Welcome In”
St John’s Church, Fishponds
“Serving the Community, Worshipping God”
St Michael’s Church, Two Mile Hill
“Serving the community of Two Mile Hill”
St Michael’s Worship:
Rev. Jordan Ling and Rev. Michelle Martin leading
St Aidan’s Worship:
Rev. Trevor Denley leading & Rev. Stephen Purvis preaching
St John’s Worship:
Rev. Nicola Callen leading and Ben preaching
Gen.25:19-34; Isa.55:10-13;
Rom.8:1-11; Matt.13:1-9; 18-23
Those we are praying for….. Stella Hopton, Beryl Lines, Ron Lines, Pat
Wadham, Rosemary Wood, Derek Wiltshire, David Elsbury, Max Barton, Pat
Cummings, Joan Seville, Sandie Davies, Ray Brazier, Trevor Morgan, Mandy
Smalldridge and David Jones.
Prayer for Growth…….We continue to pray for Personal spiritual growth and
for greater links with the communities we serve. We pray for Messy Church,
for our small groups, for alpha preparation. May our Church communities be
temple of God’s Holy presence so much so that his Spirit flows through us and
out of us into the parishes we serve (Ezekiel 47)
Benefice and Partnership Prayer
Eternal Father,
look with your love on your people
of this benefice and the wider Partnership
and pour upon us the gifts of your Spirit.
Draw us to You and one another that our growing unity
may bring healing and life to all,
through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
Upcoming events…….
Baptism preparation is today from 4pm until 5.30pm at St Michael’s Church.
Silent Eucharist is on Sunday 3rd August 6.30pm at St John’s Church with Rev.
Trevor Denley leading the service.
The Alpha Course will be held at St John’s Church hall starting on Thursday 18th
September running through to Thursday 20th November. The Alpha Facilitator
meeting will be held tonight at 7pm at St John’s. This meeting is open to
anyone interested in being involved in the Alpha Course.
Benefice weekend is on Sat 27thand Sun28th September. Program as follows:
9am –
Celtic morning prayer at St John’s
9.30am –
Breakfast and All Age Worship at St John’s
2pm –
Benefice walk
6pm –
BBQ at the vicarage
Worship as usual at each Church
12.20pm –
Bring and share lunch at St Michael’s
6.30pm –
Evening Worship at St Aidan’s
This coming week……..
St Aidan’s Church
Monday 2pm – 4pm – Welcome Club for retired’s
Tuesday 7pm - 7.30pm – Evening Prayer
Wednesday 3.30pm – 4.15pm – Messy Church at Air Balloon School
Thursday 9.15am – 9.45am – Morning Prayer
Thursday 10am – 12pm – Coffee and Craft morning
St John’s Church
Monday 3pm – 4.30pm – Messy Church
Monday 6.30pm – Evening Prayer
Tuesday 9.15am – 9.45am – Morning Prayer
Wednesday 2.30pm – Wives Group
Tuesday 10am – 11.30am – Coffee and Craft morning
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by coffee
Saturday 10am – 11.30am – Bible Study
St Michael’s Church
Wednesday 10am – Holy Communion
Other notices…..
St Aidan’s is applying for a Faculty to upgrade the Telecommunications
Installation equipment. Please see the Public Notices displayed.
Big Benefice Summer read – “What’s so amazing about Grace?” Phillip Yancy –
another opportunity to read together, share together and discuss together
what it is to be a person of faith. Please sign up on the sheets in your Church.