Taylor Series Error Bound (LaGrange)

AP Calculus BC
Taylor's Polynomials and Error Bounds
Generalized Mean Value Theorem:
Let f be a differentiable function on an open interval ( a , x ) and continuous on a closed interval [a, x] .
Then there exists a point c  (a, x) such that
f '(c) 
f ( x)  f (a )
If we let
Pn ( x)  
k 0
f ( k ) (a)
( x  a) k
be the nth degree Taylor Polynomial evaluated around x = a, then Taylor’s theorem says there exists a
c  (a, x) such that
f ( n1) (c) f ( x)  Pn ( x)
(n  1)!
( x  a)n1
The Original Mean Value Theorem is the case where n=0 . Are the statements the same for n=0?
The idea is to proceed by induction, but as you can imagine, it gets a little complicated. So we won't
prove it here.
Taylor's Theorem:
If f is n -differentiable on an interval containing a, (a  ò, a  ò) ,then there exists a number c  ( a, b)
such that
f (a )
f ( x)  f (a )  f '(a )( x  a ) 
( x  a)2 
 Pn ( x)  Rn ( x)
f ( n ) (a )
( x  a ) n  Rn ( x)
f ( n1) (c)
We call Rn ( x) 
( x  a) n1 the remainder of the nth degree Taylor Polynomial, Pn ( x) .
(n  1)!
Taylor Series and Polynomials, L. Marizza A. Bailey
AP Calculus BC
Taylor's Polynomials and Error Bounds
The purpose of Taylor’s Theorem
ln(x) is differentiable at x = 1
The Taylor Polynomial of
degree 5 is a good estimation,
but the error increases as x
gets further away from 1.
The error at 2 is given by
The error at x = 2, is .109814. How
can we estimate the error at each
Taylor Series and Polynomials, L. Marizza A. Bailey
AP Calculus BC
Taylor's Polynomials and Error Bounds
LaGrange’s Error Bound
The idea behind this uses Taylor’s Theorem, but the statement is as follows:
If f ( x) has n  1 derivatives and | f ( n 1) (c) | M for all c  (a, x),
then the remainder |R n ( x) | M
| x  a |n 1
(n  1)!
Practice Problem: [1999 BC 2]
The function f has derivatives of all orders for all real numbers x.
Assume f (2)  3, f '(2)  5, f ''(2)  3, and f '''(2)  8.
a) Write the third degree Taylor Polynomial for f about x = 2 and use it to approximate f ( 1.5) .
b) The fourth derivative of f satisfies the inequality f (4) ( x)  3 for all x in the closed interval [1.5, 2] .
Use the Lagrange Error Bound on the approximation to f (1.5) found in part (a ) to explain why
f (1.5)  5.
c) Wrote the fourth degree Taylor Polynomial, P ( x ) for g ( x)  f ( x 2  2) about x = 0.
Taylor Series and Polynomials, L. Marizza A. Bailey