April 9, 2013 - University of Wisconsin

UW‐Green Bay Retiree Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
ES 307
Jim Wiersma (president), Tracy Heaser, Gary Mach, George O’Hearn, Pat Przybelski, Jane Rank, Lee
Schwartz, Ron Stieglitz
Excused: Chuck Rhyner, Frank Madzarevic, Roger Vanderperren
Guests: Bev Carmichael, Assistant Chancellor for University Advancement; Jeanne Stangel, Director of
Development, University Advancement; Kari Moody, Director of Alumni Relations; Mike Morgan
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m. Introductions were made by everyone.
Bev Carmichael thanked the Board members for their work throughout the year. She brought forward our
proposal for the ID card and is thrilled to say it has been approved. Bev wants faculty and staff to come back
to campus and feel appreciated. She handed out ID card lanyards to the Board. Our next step is to pick a
design from two choices [of which we chose the one currently used by faculty and staff on campus], print the
ID card, and then add our passpoints. Tracy will continue to build on the list of items the ID card can be
used for. Advancement will pick up the fee for the lanyards and printing the ID card.
Jeanne Stangel is working on a collaborative effort to get the three groups of current alumni, future alumni
and retirees together. Kari Moody is working with various groups on campus to have an alumni reunion the
weekend of November 1-2, 2013. She would like to get as many retired faculty to attend the weekend as possible.
It would be great to include in the reunion invitation a list of names of faculty attending the weekend festivities,
starting a tradition where alumni can return to visit with faculty and friends.
A reception will be held Friday from 6-7:30 pm in the Weidner Center followed by a Jazz Concert on the
Main Stage at 7:30 pm. Saturday’s festivities have yet to be determined. Kari asked how we might get
alumni and retired faculty and staff to attend. She mentioned that there seems to be better attendance around
basketball games. Suggestions presented by the Board were 1) have retired faculty be hosts at an alumni
table for either a late breakfast or brunch; 2) have a tour of the campus; 3) have a student art exhibit at the
Lawton Gallery; 3) have a “who’s who” table to help identify old archived student pictures; 5) have a “story
booth” table where students can stop by to audio record a short story or anecdote about a fond or fun
memory at UW-Green Bay. Kari thanked the Board for the suggestions and will bring them to the next
Alumni Reunion meeting.
Kari handed out invitations to the Board for the 2013 Alumni Awards and Recognition Dinner to be held
May 4 celebrating four Alumni Association award recipients.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 18, 2012, and March 12, 2013, were both approved with minor changes.
Arboretum Walk
Gary Fewless said he would lead the arboretum walk again this year, but could not confirm the May 21 date.
Jim will e-mail Gary to confirm a date and also check on other possible arboretum areas that might be of
interest for our walk. Jim will then send a notice to the retiree listserve with the date for our “Third Annual
Arboretum Walk.” We will have our next Board meeting precede the walk.
Breakfast with the Chancellor
We will have breakfast with the Chancellor on July 9 at Lambeau cottage from 7:30-9:00 am. Our Board
meeting will follow the breakfast.
Board of Director and Committee Vacancies
We will need to fill upcoming vacancies for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large.
Frank (Treasurer) and Roger (Member-at-Large) were unable to attend today’s meeting, but someone
thought they both would be willing to run again for another two-year term. Vacancies for President and Vice
President should not overlap. Hopefully we can persuade Jim into serving one more year as President to
avoid this problem. After serving several years on Standing Committees, Chuck Rhyner and Lee Schwartz
(Membership Committee) and George O’Hearn (Communication Committee) would like to retire. It was
suggested that we contact retirees to fill these vacancies.
Special Scholarship Event
Jane Rank plays piano with three other pianists in her home…she has two baby grands. Helen Schwartz
was invited to her home one evening for a small social event to listen to music. Helen had the idea to raise
money for our scholarship fund by inviting people to Jane’s home to listen to a concert put on by the four
pianists. Ideas tossed around were to charge a $50 donation at the door either per person or per couple
[undecided as to which option], with a wine/cheese social to follow. Jane said her home could handle around
20 people and thought a good date would be during a week in August. We will continue our discussion of
this topic at our next meeting and then send out a notice of the event on our listserve.
Golf Outing
Jim and Frank agreed to work on the outing. Pat volunteered to be on the committee, as did Tracy. Jim will
check with Shorewood to see if either Thursday, August 15, 22 or 29 are available.
New Business
Tracy mentioned that our annual dinner is scheduled to be held October 1, 2013. She indicated that the last
of the women’s “After Thoughts” program is the same date and did we want to change our date. We agreed
that because we had posted a “save the date” on our website for several months we would keep the October 1
Our next meeting will be May 21 at Lambeau Cottage if Gary Fewless can lead our Arboretum Walk that
day. We will hold the meeting at 9:00 am and have the walk at 10:30 am. Jim will check with Gary to
confirm the date and then send an e-mail with the date to the Board. Jim will then send a notice regarding
the walk on our listserve.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Przybelski, Secretary