neighborhood letter - MilitaryAvenue

March 18, 2012
Dear Neighbor,
My name is Cathy Cerda, I am a mother of two children, help take care of an aging
parent, and I’m an educator. I am writing this letter to you to inform you about
neighborhood information that you might not be aware of and to see what we can
do as a community to be more proactive in our neighborhood.
First of all, I want to let you know that I have a next door neighbor that just
informed me that his Pitpull is “miserable and in pain.” He also stated in the same
letter that the dog would “end his anxiety in a second if given an opportunity to
break through my fence which is another huge concern for him”. I am informing you
of this potentially violent dog because I know that several of you have children that
enjoy riding their bikes, several of you walk your dogs on a daily basis, and some of
you stroll your children through the neighborhood. Safety is a huge concern for me
and I felt a need to make this information public. Unfortunately, our dogs that have
been barking prompted this letter and because this letter is to inform you about
safety I will not go into details about the ongoing saga. If you’d like to read the
entire letter and other letters, I’ve posted them on a MilitaryAvenue Wikispaces
I also wanted to see if you would be interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch
group. Although the Westwood Gardens Association updates me frequently, I
thought it would be great if we could start our own lookout program. The
Westwood Gardens Association sends out information about the neighborhood and
it has been such a huge resource for me the last few months because there have
been several burglary incidents that I would otherwise not be aware of.
The other day, I observed the neighborhood children riding their bikes up and down
the street and that put a huge smile on my face. It reminded me of growing up on
this street and being able to play in the front yard. Today, I don’t let my kids play in
the front yard because of my fear of child abduction and because I’ve seen the
neighbor’s dogs off leash wandering the block before. I know that it would be a
huge relief to myself and other neighbors if a Neighborhood Watch group were
formed to help protect the safety of everyone and their property on our block. If you
aren’t already a member and are interested in joining the Westwood Gardens
Association for updates the annual dues are $15 and their email is
Please let me know by email or drop a note in my mailbox if you are interested in
establishing a Neighborhood Watch group.
Cathy Cerda
2616 Military Avenue