National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the

National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020
Strategic Plan in Uzbekistan
Since July 7th 1995, Uzbekistan is a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Present project addresses the country`s need to continue to fulfil its obligations under the
CBD, with particular focus on the Convention`s Article 6 and the CBD COP Decision X/2
and will contribute to the country`s efforts in implementing the CBD Strategic Plan during
2011-2020 at the national level. Project was developed based on current conditions and
achievements of Uzbekistan in the preparation of plans and accountability on biodiversity.
This process is aimed at developing measurable goals in biodiversity conservation and it`s
sustainable use, and equally it will ensure the preservation of value of products and services
provided by ecosystems, and address the challenges and opportunities for adaptation and
strengthening of resilience of ecosystems to climate change.
Integration of Uzbekistan`s commitments within the frame of CBD for 2011-2020 into the
expedient documents of national and enterprise development through updated "action
planning in support of biodiversity” with the wide participation of all stakeholders.
370,000 USD
UNDP in Uzbekistan
The goals will be achieved through implementation of three components: (1) development
of national targets for biodiversity, corresponding to global Aichi targets; (2) review
NBSAP (National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation), and it is in line
with the CBD strategic plan; (3) strengthening the national framework for resources
mobilization, improving accountability for the Convention and national Clearing-House
Mechanism (CHM).
 Analytical review of planning for biodiversity with broad participation of all
 National targets for biodiversity will be developed in accordance with the global
Aichi Targets
 NBSAP will be revised, and full integration within it of the new aspects increase in
the importance of the value of ecosystem services, as well as promotion of
adaptability and stronger resilience of ecosystems to climate change
 Governing body will be established for implementation of NBSAP and strategic
partnerships (national and international)
 Fifth National Report under CBD will be prepared
 A strategy of mobilization of resources for the implementation of NBSAP will be
 National CHM is efficient, user friendly and easily updated web resource.
Output 1.1 Review and stocktaking of products and results from previous biodiversity
planning processes at the national level are carried out in participative manner.
Output 1.2 In response to the global Aichi Targets, national biodiversity targets are
developed in a manner that is attuned to (Country’s) reality.
Output 1.3 The achievement of national targets, developed in line with the global Aichi
Targets, is duly monitored during the project duration and beyond, and this is reported upon
to the CBD through national reports and other means.
Output 1.4 In an iterative manner, Uzbekistan taps into useful information on, and
participates into, global networks and initiatives on biodiversity data and indicators (such as
the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership, Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the
World Conservation Monitoring Centre, the Global Environment Outlook portal, among
other relevant ones).
Output 2.1 A National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for Uzbekistan,
anchored into national development frameworks, is
revised and updated, in a manner that is participative, widely disseminated and fully
integrates new aspects of the CBD strategic
plan, such as: (i) mainstreaming; (ii) the valuing of ecosystem goods and services; and (iii)
the incorporation of challenges and opportunities linked to ecosystem-based adaptation and
Output 2.2 The updated and fully endorsed NBSAPs for Uzbekistan is submitted to the CBD
preferably within the deadline set by the COP.
Output 2.3 The new prepared and endorsed 5 year State Program for Nature Protection
(SPEP) for the period of 2013-2017.
Output 3.1 National frameworks for NBSAP implementation is in place and includes: (i)
institutional leadership for implementation is established and strategic partnerships forged
(nationally and internationally); (ii) a cost and prioritized Action Plan is appended to the
NBS; (iii) needs assessments on capacity, technology and finance are carried out; and (iv) a
strategy for resource mobilization for the implementation of the NBSAP is produced and
includes a baseline assessment of existing biodiversity finance.
Output 3.2 An effective, user-friendly and easily updatable country-driven CHM site is
developed; it is linked up to the CBD’s global CHM networks and to other information and
knowledge exchange network on biodiversity.
Output 3.3. Immediate CBD reporting obligations are met by Uzbekistan in a timely
manner: (1) By 2012 Uzbekistan has developed targets to achieve the CBD Strategic Plan;
and (2) The Fifth National Report to the CBD by 31 March 2014.
1.1. Effective establishment and work of a multisectoral/multistakeholder thematic working
group or Committee
1.2. Development of a national targets in response to the global Aichi Targets
2.1. Status of the NBSAP vis-à-vis the guidance in the CBD Strategic Plan (2011-2020).
3.1. Status of the national clearinghouse mechanisms (CHM)
3.2. Status of the capacity, technology and financial frameworks for implementing the
revised NBSAP.
UNDP Office
Mr. Abduvakkos Abdurahmanov
Head of Environment & Energy Unit
Tel: (998 71) 120 34 50
Fax: (998 71) 120 34 85
Ms. Irina Bekmirzaeva
Project Manager
7, Bunyodkor street, Chilanzar district,
Tashkent, 100011, Uzbekistan