Gray Area Assessment #2: Sediment

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Pd______ Overall Score: ____________
Gray Area Assessment #2: Sediment
Section 1: Vocabulary
Write the letter for each vocab word next to the sentence it belongs in. Each is used once.
A. erosion
B. sediment
C. turbid
1. ____This river is too ______________ for light to pass through. Why is it so cloudy and muddy?!
2. ____Plant roots hold the soil in place, preventing wind and water ___________.
3. ____Too much _________ in the water can prevent both fish and insects from reproducing.
A. population
B. predator
C. prey
4. ____Mountain lions are one of Gray Area’s top ____________s. They hunt deer and rabbits for food.
5. ____Deer may be large, but they are still ______________ for carnivores like mountain lions.
6. ____The ________________ of deer changes based on how many resources are available each year.
A. carrying capacity
B. limiting factors
C. natural resources
D. overgrazing
7. ____Food, water, and shelter are examples of __________ that both deer and mountain
lions need.
8. ____When the number of deer rises above the park’s ______________________, many die off the next year.
9. ____Sediment pollution can be increased as a result of clear-cut logging and ___________, which both
reduce the amount of vegetation in an area.
10. ____The amount of food, water, hunters, and mountain lions in the park are examples of ______________
that keep the deer’s numbers from growing too large.
Section 2: Sediment Pollution and Fish
11. Based on what we learned in class, what are two possible locations causing the sediment
pollution problem in Gray Area? Why?
12. Name 2 reasons why increased sediment in the water is unhealthy for fish.
Section 3: Connecting Hunting to Sediment Pollution
13. From the list below, write the steps in order to connect hunters to fish dying:
 Deer overpopulate.
 Sediment erodes into water.
 Mountain lions hunted.
 Overgrazing of vegetation.
1st:________________________________________________________________________, which leads to…
2nd:________________________________________________________________________, which leads to…
3rd:________________________________________________________________________, which leads to…
4th:_______________________________________________________________, which is unhealthy for fish.
Section 3: Reading the Population Graphs
Based on the graph on the board, answer the following questions:
14. What is the carrying capacity for deer?
a. More than 20
b. 12-15
c. Less than 10
d. Unlimited – any number of deer can survive easily.
15. What is the carrying capacity for pumas?
a. 0
b. 1-3
c. 5-10
d. More than 10
16. Based on the graph, we can say that:
a. The more resources deer have, the more likely they are to reproduce.
b. When deer overpopulate, there are not enough resources for them the next year.
c. Both of the above.
d. Neither of the above.
17. Based on the graph, we can say that:
a. The deer population is more stable without the mountain lions.
b. The deer population is more stable with some mountain lions around.
c. The mountain lions have no effect on deer.
d. None of the above.