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Seaside’s Coming Events
Sermon Series: Encountering Jesus
Message #6
Connecting with Life Purpose Class
April 29th
Ever wondered if you were doing what God created you to do? This class
walks you through a process to discover your gifts, talents and passions
and helps you identify a place to serve. Taught by Grant 7:30-9 pm
Connecting with Spiritual Practices
May 4th
Are you interested in developing habits that promote spiritual
growth? This class focuses on teaching you some spiritual practices that
will deepen your journey with God. Includes lunch. Sunday May 4th
12:30-3pm taught by Michael Garrity
Men’s Breakfast
May 10
Come join the men of Seaside for breakfast and a time of
encouragement and fellowship. Saturday May 10 th 8 am in Pastor
John’s Backyard (21561 Archer Circle HB)
Seaside Community Church
April 13, 2014
JOHN 11:1-12:17
 Jesus __________________ with _________________
Hebrews 2:9-18; 4:15-16
He walks with us through our…
Baby Dedication
May 11th
If you are interested in having your child dedicated please fill out a
connection card and we will contact you with more information. Baby
dedications will be during 1st and 2nd service.
May 18th
If you are interested in being baptized or finding out more info about it
please fill out a connection card. The baptism is in Pastor John’s backyard,
May 18th right after 2nd service.
Psalm 22:1-18
Isaiah 55:8-9
Psalm 56:8
 Jesus displays ____________ over ____________
2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Ride - Walk 4 Kids
June 7
The Ride 4 Kids is a fundraiser bike ride Seaside's Royal Family Kids
Camp. More info outside at the tables or online at www.rfkcseasidehb.org
Youth Summer Camp Dates
High School Summer Camp SUPAI June 21st-28th
Jr High Summer Camp BOATS Pyramid Lake August 18th-21st
Interested in Going to Africa in 2014?
There is a team from Seaside going to Africa July 22- August 4 2014. For
more info about this trip please contact Cindy misscindyphan@gmail.com
 Jesus makes __________ men into __________ men
Ephesians 2:1-10; 4:22-32, Colossians 2:13-15; 3:5-14
Take off the __________________
Put on the __________________
Seaside Finances
Weekly Need
Received Last Week
Monthly Need
Received in Mar.
seaside@seasidehb.org - 714 536.3391
Notes and audio available as a podcast at www.seasidehb.org
Growth Group Discussion
For the week of April 13, 2014
3. Discuss the contrast between the resurrections of Lazarus
and Jesus. What can this teach us about our prayers for
physical healing?
What point from this Sunday’s message caught your attention
or challenged you?
Describe a seemingly impossible event that happened in your
1. Mary and Martha desperately sent for Jesus to intervene in
Lazarus’ illness, but he delayed until Lazarus had died (John
11:5-6). How do you handle God’s delays?
2. Read John 11:17-27. Is there a difference between
Martha’s faith expressed in verse 24 and what Jesus is
describing in verses 25-26? How can we continue to move
toward personal, living faith?
4. Jesus said that Lazarus’ illness was for the glory of God
(John 11:4), similar to the blindness of the man in John 9:1-3.
What are some ways our sickness and hardships can
demonstrate the glory of God? Do you ask for this in prayer?
5. Part of Jesus’ attraction to the large crowds on Palm
Sunday was because of Lazarus (John 12:17-18). This was
also the tipping point for the Jewish leaders who wanted to
stop him (John 11:47-48 and 12:9-11). What are some
reactions you have seen to encounters with God, both from
those touched by him and the onlookers?