Ladock PCC Annual Report 2014

The Annual report and financial statement of the Parochial Church Council for 2014 for
presentation Annual Parish Church Council meeting on 23rdMarch 2015
The report has been prepared to comply with the requirements of The Charities Act 2011.
Team Vicar:
Canon Andrew Wade
The Sanctuary
Wagg Lane
Probus TR2 4 JX
Reverend Ellen Goldsmith
Truro TR2 4BW
Lloyds Bank St Austell, CAF Bank
Independent Examiner: Mr Michael Cole
The Parochial Church Council is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The
PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council measure. The Parochial Church Council is
expected by order from registering with the charity commissioners.
Members of the Parochial Church Council of Ladock Parish Church are either ex-officio or
elected by the Annual Church Council meeting in accordance with the Church Representation
The Parochial Church Council met four times in 2014 with additional meetings with architect,
Mr David Scott and work managers were carried out by Mr Holborow ,churchwarden prior to
completion of the church improvements.
Jane Sloan, Safeguarding officer attended one PCC meeting to explain her position within the
The standing Committee, which consists of the, incumbent, two church wardens, treasurer,
and secretary is the only committee required by law and has the power to transact the business
of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the council.
Members of the Parochial Church Council for 2014
Incumbent : Canon Andrew Wade
Team Vicar from 8th May 2014: Reverend Ellen Goldsmith
Ex officio
Church wardens : Geoffrey Holborow
Shirley Soper
Bell Tower Captain: Renfree Stephens
Lynn Bazely until retirement at the end of summer term 2014.
Marie Cameron was appointed as Head Teacher of Grampound Road School commencing
Autumn term 2014.
Lisa Michell: Headmistress of Ladock School.
Elected members
Vice Chair: Marcia Tickle.
Secretary: Jeremy Sharp
Treasurer: Jeremy Sharp
Barbara Holt
Caroline Cudmore
Colin Haines.
Eileen Cocking.
Suzanne Smith
Deanery Synod
Mary Holborow
Suzanne Smith
Safeguarding Officer : (Jane Sloan Team appointment-non PCC).
At the beginning of 2014 the Electoral Roll number was 41 and was an increase on the
previous year.
Objectives and Activities.
The objective of the Parochial Church Council of Ladock Parish Church is to exercise the
responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent in promoting the Ecclesiastical Parish, the
whole mission of the Church, Pastoral, Evangelical, Social and Evangelical.
We have fulfilled our objectives with the Achievements and Performances of the following
Pastoral May the 8th the Reverend Ellen Goldsmith was Licensed as part-time Team Vicar
by her husband the Bishop of St Germans which was a joyous occasion.
The official opening of the new church improvements by the Rural Dean to which all the
community and organisations were invited and had arranged displays around the church.
Sponsors for the improvements were also present as were the skilled workmen who had
completed the improvements. Our own church choir with several village organisations
provided excellent entertainment.
A late night vigil service was kept to commemorate the outbreak of WW1 at which a large
congregation was seen.
Harvest brought in many villagers participating in decorating and attending the service with a
Harvest Tea.
The Annual Remembrance service saw a very large congregation at the church and several
wreaths were laid as a response to an invitation to do so this year at the war memorial.
The Annual church community Carol service.
Weekly morning prayer commenced in December continues
Home visits by the Rector,Team vicar and pastoral visitor.
Average regular service attendance x
There were 5 baptisms, 4 weddings, 2 funerals, 1 cremation and 0 confirmations throughout
the year.
Financial and practical assistance at ‘Messy church’ held at Grampound Road which is within
Ladock Parish.
School Eucharist has been held on a few occasions and is well received by the children,
parents and teachers. Weekly school assemblies have taken place within the church, plus a
Christingle service and musical recitals.
The church has been used on numerous occasions by the school for drum workshops, recitals
and school related activities.
Our ringers, many of whom come from afar, practise on a regular basis. Ladock church choir
also practise regularly as do our organists.
The monthly coffee mornings, held by the church in the community are a vehicle to befriend,
stave loneliness and promote the Gospel.
Numerous garden openings with teas served.
The Summer fete. Refreshments following 11am service, Harvest Festival tea.
A coffee and puds evening, Christmas draw and supper, coffee mornings, Concert. Many of
these events raise funds for Ladock Church whilst others support numerous charities: some
are close to home, whilst others such as the Somerset Flood Appeal help those in distress
further afield.
The Covenant between Grampound Road and Ladock Parish church was re-established during
2013. We committed to two joint services a year with a committee meeting 3 times per year.
We have had several meaningful services together in 2014 and met at social events. A
Christmas card with cover designed by a pupil at Ladock school with our own and the
Grampound Road services over the festive period was distributed to the entire parish.
Fabric Report
As a result of the fund raising efforts by Geoffrey Holborow (see below) we were able
to convert the base of the Tower into a kitchenette and toilet with gallery and new
ringing chamber above during the course of the year. After a tender process overseen
by our Surveyor, Scott & Co, the contract was awarded to KPK Builders of Redruth,
who completed the project on time, within budget and with commendable sensitivity,
given the nature of the building in which they were working. As a mark of respect,
the original glass screen was dismantled and the timbers set aside to make a
commemorative seat in the ringing chamber. At the same time we took the
opportunity to replaster the Trethurffe Aisle and to repaint the interior walls. During
the course of the alterations it became apparent that previous repairs to the roof of the
tower had not been effective and steps were taken to make this watertight.
During the year the restoration of the Canon Wise Memorial was completed to mark
the 150th anniversary of the restoration of the Church. Sufficient funds were raised
from parishioners and well-wishers for this purpose. The original lead faced plaques
were replaced with slate, the carving on which will not fade. The Memorial was
rededicated by the Bishop of Truro on our Feast Sunday in January.
By coincidence the latest Quinquennial Inspection was due in September. This was
undertaken by Scott & Co following the completion of the building works mentioned
above. In the circumstances it was not surprising that few major problems were
identified. The recommendations focused on replacing damaged slates, upgrading the
guttering and drainage, re-pointing in some places as well as minor repairs to doors
and windows. Work has been undertaken on the gutters and slates since the report
was produced; the other items listed will be addressed as soon as funds permit.
In general the fabric of the church is in good condition for a building of its age, thanks
to the attention of the Fabric Officer over many years.
Financial Report
The year has been dominated by the very successful project to install a new kitchen
and toilet at the base of the tower. As indicated in our last report we were able to
proceed much earlier than anticipated thanks to the sterling fund raising efforts of
Geoffrey Holborow to whom the PCC owes an enormous debt of gratitude.
At the beginning of 2014 we had received a grant of £500 from the Norman Trust,
this was followed by further grants and donations as follows:
SITA: £27,600
Viridor: £9,008
Haines Hill Trust: £5,000
The Headley Trust: £3,500
Cornwall Historic Churches Trust: £ 3,500
Cory: £2,500
The Grocers’ Company: £2,500
The Tanner Trust: £2,000
Rural Churches Repair Fund: £1,000
The Garfield Weston Foundation: £7,500
Allchurches Trust: £1,000
Private Donation: £5,000
We wish to record our appreciation and thanks to all the individuals and bodies
In addition, the PCC used the accumulated income from the Canon Wise Trust,
reserves in its Capital and Fabric Funds to contribute to the cost of the project.
Surplus pews were sold as well, the proceeds being earmarked to assist with the
purchase of replacement chairs: these were ordered at the end of the year.
The energy and focus of the PCC during the year was directed to the building work
and consequently normal fund raising activities suffered. This and lower fee income
meant that the total income for the year was lower than in 2013. Fortunately
expenditure was little changed and by using the surplus from 2013 and £1,000 from
the Canon Wise Trust we were able to pay our MMF contribution in 2014 in full.
This meant that we became entitled to have our outstanding arrears reduced by a third.
The MMF for 2015 is £19,087 compared with £14,912 in 2014. We aim to pay this in
full if we can, but clearly we have a challenging target to meet.
We were able to continue with our policy of helping other bodies and organisations
and made the following donations from funds raised from collections and coffee
Bishop’s Discretionary fund: £150
Somerset Floods Appeal: £400 in cash plus clothes etc
Christian Aid Gaza Appeal: £125
Royal British Legion: £132
Truro Food Bank: £85 cash plus regular gifts of food
St Petroc’s Society: £191.14
Children’s Society: £36
As indicated above we have exhausted the reserves in the Capital and Fabric
Accounts, using the funds for the building work undertaken this year. The reserves in
the restricted Churchyard account have not been affected but we are aware that we
will need to expand the churchyard at some stage and it is anticipated that the reserves
will be needed to help with this. The restricted Bell Ringers’ Fund continues to
accumulate modest sums from donations and ringing fees. As indicated elsewhere the
bells require repairs; these arel likely to require all the reserves.
The PCC collectively acts as trustees for the Canon Wise Trust. This was
established under a Charity Commission Scheme dated 8 March 2007 (4019554).
The endowment of £220,573 was the proceeds of the sale of the old Grampound Road
School, which was owned by the PCC. The purpose of the Scheme is ‘to further the
religious and other charitable work of the Church of England in the parish (of
Ladock)’. Grants are given to help our two Church Schools as well as to encourage
alternative types of worship (Messy Church for example). We have recently
commenced a programme of buying bibles for the leavers at our schools.
In our last report we mentioned that we had applied to the Charity Commission for
permission to use part of the endowment to cover the cost of the building work in the
church. The Commission agreed that £30,000 cold be used for this purpose, but in the
event, the success of the fund raising campaign was such that the facility was not
required. The Commission has been advised accordingly. £20,000 was taken from
the Income account and this was used to help with building costs.
The assets of the Canon Wise Trust are held by the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance
as custodian trustee under the designation ‘Wise’. The PCC retains responsibility for
the oversight of the Trust assets, with the guidance of the Treasurer who is an
Approved Person (CF30) under FSMA 2000. The PCC does not have an ethical
investment policy, but investments are only made in CBF Funds, specialist charity
funds, UK Government Stock and the larger, well established investment funds.
The market value of the investments in the Canon Wise Trust and the change over the
last year are shown in the accounts.