Costume Tunic Information

Dear Parents of Taylor Choir men students,
Tunics for Madrigal Dinner are available to rent to the Men of Taylor
Choir. The cost is $20, $10 will be returned when the tunic is returned
after Madrigal Dinner. The $20 deposit must be received no later than
November 26, 2011. Rented Tunics will be passed out at Dress
Rehearsal (Thursday, December 1, 2011).
In addition to the Tunic, all men will need:
1) A black mock turtleneck to be worn underneath the tunic
2) Black tights (UnderArmor leggings work well with black sock to
cover the ankle and foot, or queen-size hose/tights from
Walgreens, Kohl’s, JC Penny, etc.) to be worn under tunic
3) Black/brown house slippers, moccasins, or jazz shoes. Dark
neutral colors and comfort are important.
4) Rope belt to be worn around the tunic
Everyone participates in Madrigal Dinner and everyone MUST have a proper
costume to participate. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to take care of this.
You need to plan ahead to insure that everything is correct and ready to be