The Federalist Papers: Taylor: ½ and 3/4 10-19

The Federalist Papers: Taylor: ½ and 3/4 10-19-12
1. The Federalist Papers:
a. Written by Federalists (e.g. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay) to convince
the public to ratify the constitution
b. 85 Essays
c. Written for the New York papers
2. Three main ideas in expressed in the constitution that explained how it set up a strong
government that preserved freedom:
a. Instills a separation of Powers of National Government
b. Creates a government structured in a federal form
c. Sets up a Republic
3. Why people today think the Federalist Papers are important:
a. Ratification of the Constitution
b. Improves our understanding of the origins of the Constitution
c. Gives us insight into the Framers’ intentions
d. These papers present the strengths of a Federalist Government
4. What Hamilton meant when he said that judges needed an “independent spirit”:
a. Judges need to be independent in order to resist influence from other branches of
government (don’t have to agree with the Executive of Congressional branches)
b. Judges should not be influenced by politicians or political parties (any outside sources
with political agendas)
c. Resistance to “Group Think”!
5. Why the Federalist Papers opposed a Bill of Rights:
a. The Federalists argued that this new government would not have the ability to abuse the
citizens’ rights (#84)
b. Natural Rights do not need to be made amendments
c. There should not be a list of restrictions
6. How the Bill of Rights was added to the constitution:
a. Federalists agreed to add it in order to convince New York and Virginia to approve
b. These ten amendments were written by Alexander Hamilton
c. They needed ¾ of the states’ approval
7. Why the Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution:
a. They felt that factions may arise and cause conflict under the distant power of the central
b. The central government would have a hard time understanding what all of the citizens
c. They felt it restricted people’s natural rights
i. Any rights that were not listed
d. They believed that the central government would become too powerful
i. They feared the despotic system that they left during the revolution