Kelas 7 Term 3 Programme - Master chef indonesia

Year 7 Term 3 Masterchef Indonesia
Week 1-3
Communicative purposes: Listening, Reading, Speaking
Arrange a time and place to eat out
Talk about places where you like to eat
Describe how different foods taste and smell
Order food and drink from a menu
Express your preferences for foods and places where you like to eat
Culture - compare food and restaurants in Indonesia and Australia
Languages awareness - Language learning is about making meaning & communication
is the goal
You can do it! & it’s FUN!
predicting meaning
Language LG strategies – songs, F/C, mnemonics, games, Apps
Makan/makanan, minum/minuman, kamu sudah makan?, haus, lapar, mau pesan
apa? Pelayan, traktir, porsi, ayam, babi, es krim, ikan, kentang, kue, mi[e], nanas, nasi
putih, pisang, saus kacang, sayur-sayuran, sosis, sate, air putih, es jeruk, es the,
kelapa muda, kopi, susu,
Bagaimana bau…? Baunya… Bagaimana rasa…? Rasanya…gorengan, halal, jajan,
masakan, dingin, enak, goreng, gurih, kurang enak, manis, pahit, panas, pedas, segar,
special, murah, bagus, cepat, besar, khas
Bagaimana kalau…?, Jam berapa kita bertemu? Jam… / Jam setengah; jam karet;
Maaf, saya terlambat; favorit saya, rekomendasi saya, skor saya, ada banyak pilihan,
lokasi, makanan khas, servis, bermacam-macam, makan pagi/siang/malam
Sudah, belum; tidak apa-apa; biasanya, bias, di sini/di sana, lain, masih
Language: Grammar
p51 1. Telling the time – jam + hour; jam setengah + hour
p52 2. Belum/sudah
p57 3. Describing food and drink – Bagaimana rasa…? Rasanya…
4.-nya – (the) rasanya, baunya
p60 5. –an nouns – makanan, minuman, masakan, gorengan
6. Lebih…daripada… - comparing 2 things
Pronunciation: Lafal:
SB p51 - h at the end of a word
p57 – k at the end of a word
Instructional Language:
Antri / silakan masuk / silakan duduk / duduklah / berdirilah / ada [roll]
Diamlah / dengarkanlah / bacalah / tulislah / lihatlah ke sini / perhatian! /
ada pertanyaan?
Maaf, Bu / saya kurang mengerti / Apa artinya? / sekali lagi
Baiklah / bagus! / asyik! / hebat! / ayo!
Angkat tangan/bolehkah saya ke kamar kecil?
Saling Silang 1 SB p48 - 62; p63 kosa kata; & AB
eBook Resources – Audio, Interactives, Web links
Balls, pegs, flyswats, flashcards, puppets
Super Neli – Ep 3 Resep Rahasia
Too Too Mou folktale
Languages Online Food
Food –
Various language learning Apps
Week 1
SB p48-53
Speaking/Listening activity:
SB p51 Ayo Interaksi!
SB p51 Lafal!
Listening activity:
SB p50 Bacalah!
SB p51 Lafal!
AB p51 #3
Reading activity:
SB p50 Bacalah!
AB p50 #1A & B
AB p50 #2
Writing activity:
AB p50 #2
AB p51 #4B
AB p51 #4A & B
AB p52 #5A & B
Week 2:
SB p54-58
Speaking;Listening activity: _
SB p54, p57 & p58 Ayo Interaksi!
SB p57 Lafal
AB p55 #12
Listening activity:
SB p54, p55, p56 & p58 Bacalah!
SB p57 Lafal
AB p53 #8
AB p54 #10
Reading activity:
SB p54, p55, p56 & p58 Bacalah!
AB p52 #6A
AB p53 #7A & B
Writing activity
p53 #7A
AB p54 #9A & B
AB p55 #11
AB p56 #15
AB p58 #19
AB p57 #17
AB p56 #13, 14
AB p58 #18
Week 3
SB p59-63
Speaking / Listening activity –
SB p63 #27
Listening activity –
SB p59 Bacalah!
AB p60 #22
Reading activity –
AB p59 #20A, B, C & #21
AB p61 # 24, 25A & B
Writing activity –
AB p60 #23
AB p61 # 24
Cultural learning –
Learn about places to eat in Indonesia and compare them with restaurants in
Discover a variety of Indonesian dishes
Identify etiquette associated with eating
Recognise what influences our food choices and habits
Halal food
Start/end class activities / games –
Language/vocab games – whole class / group / pairs
Ball / flyswat / songs
Hadiah box
Wk 6/7 – Speaking, Reading & Writing Test
Due Wk 3 – Learning Journey 1 – LLS Challenge Makan Patita
Due Wk 4 – Learning Journey 2 – LLS Challenge Premans of Padang
Due Wk 5 – Learning Journey 3 – SS 1 p62 Tugas #2
PR – Due Wk 2
SB p51 Lafal
SB p53 Saling Silang
AB p50 #1A & B, 2
AB p51 #3, 4A & B
AB p52 #5A & B
PR – Due Wk 3
SB p55 & p56
AB p52 #6A & B
AB p53 #7A & B, 8
AB p54 #9A & B, 10
AB p55 #11; p56
#13, 14
AB p57 #17; p58
#18, 19
Learning Journey 1
PR – Due Wk 4
AB p59 #20A, B & C, 21
AB p61 #24, 25A & B
Learning Journey 2
Games/ apps / activities / You Tube clips / websites
Saling Silang 1 SB p48 - 62; p63 kosa kata; & AB
eBook Resources – Audio, Interactives, Web links
Balls, pegs, flyswats, flashcards, puppets
Super Neli – Ep 3 Resep Rahasia
Too Too Mou folktale
Languages Online Food
Quizlet Food –
Digital Dialects games Fruit & Vegies
LLS – Language Learning Space –
Various language learning Apps –
- Rasa Bahasa - Indonesian [x2] - Basic Indonesian
- Whiteboard - Quizlet - Babbel
- Moji Jam
Week 4 - 9
Communicative purposes: Listening, Speaking, Reading
students learn about a variety of Indonesian cuisines through popular Indonesian TV
cooking shows. Students will:
*learn how to describe and respond to questions about favourite foods
*express likes, dislikes & preferences in relation to foods & drinks
*ask questions to find out about the food preferences of their Indonesian 'study buddy'
*compare their 'study buddy'/friend’s food preferences with their own and their peers
*learn how to read and follow an Indonesian recipe and cook a dish
[sequencing/procedural text]
*instructional language including suffixes –kan & -lah
*create a video of a cooking demonstration in Indonesian.
Key Focus Questions:
*What types of food are popular with young people in Australia and Indonesia?
*Have Western fast-food chains become the popular norm for Indonesian society
(compared with Indonesian traditional cuisines)?
*How do you think reality-cooking TV shows have influenced Indonesian society?
*What cultural customs do Indonesians have for food?
*How can we gain greater intercultural understanding about eating etiquette in
Culture - compare food and restaurants in Indonesia and Australia
Develop intercultural understanding about particular social and cultural etiquette
around eating and drinking in Indonesian society
Languages awareness - Language learning is about making meaning &
communication is the goal
You can do it! & it’s FUN!
predicting meaning
Language LG strategies – songs, F/C, mnemonics, games, Apps
Kosa kata - learning activities
Language Grammar:
instructional words in recipes such as words that have the suffix –lah and –kan
classifiers in recipes such as sebuah, sesendok
Pronunciation Lafal:
Instructional Language:
*instructional language including suffixes –kan & -lah
Text / Resources –
http://indospeak.weebly.comAEF Exploring MasterChef Indonesia learning activities
Languages Online Food
Quizlet Food –
Digital Dialects games Fruit & Vegies -
Balls, pegs, flyswats, flashcards, puppets
Various language learning Apps
Weeks 4 – 9 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia
Curriculum Resources
Week 4 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources learning activities
Activity 1: Tuning in – Mari menonton TV!
These video excerpts of Indonesian TV cooking shows and promotional advertisements provide
an opportunity for students to become engaged with the topic 'Exploring MasterChef
Indonesia' and to further explore Indonesian cuisines and cooking.
Whole class discussion on the culture of a wide variety of Indonesian Cooking Shows on TV.
Discuss similarities and differences between Indonesia and Australia, in relation to cooking
shows and their current popularity.
Consider the wide variety of Indonesian cooking shows including: MasterChef Indonesia, Top
Chef Indonesia, KungFu Chef, Cooking Rockerz, Ala Chef with Farah Quinn and Wisata Kuliner.
1)Watch some or all of the video excerpts of Indonesian TV cooking shows and promotional
2)After watching, contribute to a class discussion on the culture of Indonesian cooking shows.
3)Discuss the similarities and differences between Indonesia and Australia, in relation to
cooking shows and their current popularity.
Activity 2: Preparing to find – Know, Want to know, Learnt
1)Complete the KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt) task.
Kamu sudah tahu apa? – What do you already know?
Kamu ingin tahu apa? – What do you want to know?
Kamu sudah belajar apa? – What have you learnt?
2)Complete the first two columns of the KWL template in relation to Indonesian cuisine,
recipes, ingredients, and cooking and eating culture.
*students to continually go back and work on their KWL to add comments as they work
their way through the learning sequence. * students complete their KWL at the end of the
learning sequence
Week 5 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources
Activity 3: Finding out – Survei & Learning Journey 4
1)Develop a survey to find out:
what food is most popular in your class?
what food is most popular in your HR/Teachers/family/Indonesian sister school?
2)Collaborate with the rest of the class to decide on what food should be mentioned in the
survey to accommodate both Western and traditional Indonesian cuisines. For example nasi
goreng and pizza may both be included on the survey.
3)Discuss the design and inclusion of food words with your Indonesian 'study buddy'.
4)Create a written survey or an online survey using software such as SurveyMonkey
5)Survey your friends/HR classmates/Teachers/family to find out what their favourite food
types are.
Activity 4: Sorting out – Apa makanan favorit kelas kita?
1)After completing the survey with your friends/HR classmates/Teachers/family/'study
buddy', analyse the survey results.
2)Collaborate as a whole class to combine the findings of your class and others surveyed.
3)Create an online graph using software such as Create A Graph to show the similarities and
differences between your class and the others surveyed.
4)As a whole class identify and discuss the key findings.
Activity 5: Tuning in (again) – MasterChef Indonesia
1)Watch EPISODE 28 MasterChef Indonesia – Season 3, which features the final three
contestants undertaking a pressure test in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2)You could also watch Top Chef Indonesia Episode 1 Segment 1.
3)Answer the following questions:
What specific language is used?
What are the similarities and differences compared with MasterChef Australia?
What conclusions can you draw about cultural differences?
Week 6 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources
Activity 6: Grammar focus – Resep Indonesia
1)View these weblinks for information about Indonesian recipes including ingredients and
cooking methods:
Farah Quinn–recipes
Indonesian food channel
Suka Masak–resep
2)Working with a partner, choose one recipe and take note of these features:
layout such as title, ingredients, method
instructional words such as words that have the suffix –lah and –kan
classifiers such as sebuah, sesendok.
3)Develop a list of useful vocabulary to use when cooking a recipe.
Week 7 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources learning activities
Activity 7: Going further – Cara membuat
1)Watch videos of Indonesian cooking demonstrations (on the right) including famous
Indonesian chefs Farah Quinn and Haryo Pramoe.
2)As you watch the videos:
identify and list the ingredients
take note of the preparation of the ingredients
list the steps used to make the dish
make a list of step-by-step instructions.
Activity 8: Making connections – Membuatlah video memasak! & Learng Jrney 5
1)Create a video of a cooking demonstration of an Indonesian dish for a video entry into
MasterChef Indonesia.
2)You can use a combination of audio and text in your video demonstration.
3)Find an Indonesian recipe that you would like to cook for your 'signature dish'.
4)Read, write and revise the recipe including the ingredients and the procedures.
5)Obtain the ingredients that you need and rehearse your cooking demonstration.
6)When you are confident enough, ask a classmate to video your cooking demonstration.
7)Your video should include:
a short description of your signature dish which may include its origin
all ingredients and their quantities
the cooking method with clear step-by-step instructions that will ensure accurate reproduction
of the recipe
be delivered in Indonesian.
Week 8 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources learning activities
Activity 8: Making connections – Membuatlah video memasak! & Learng Jrney 5
Week 9 AEF: Exploring MasterChef Indonesia Curriculum Resources learning activities
Activity 10: Assessment – Asesment
indonesia learning activities
1)Develop an online student self-assessment rubric to assess the success of your recipe and
cooking demonstration video.
2)You could use the Languages Online Languages Online rubric maker. 3)Reflect on what you
have learnt about cooking demonstrations, cooking competitions such as MasterChef and
what you have learnt about Indonesian cooking shows.
4)Review new Indonesian vocabulary you have gained throughout these activities.
Start/end class activities / games –
Language/vocab games – whole class / group / pairs
Ball / flyswat / songs
Hadiah box
PR – Due Wk 5
Learning Journey 3 –
SS 1 p62 Tugas 2
MasterChef Activity 2
PR – Due Wk 8
MasterChef Activity 7
PR – Due Wk 6
PR – Due Wk 9
Learning Journey 5 –
MasterChef Activity 8
PR – Due Wk 7
Learning Journey 4 –
MasterChef Activity 3
MasterChef Activity 4
PR – Due End of Wk 9
MasterChef Activity 10
Games / apps / activities / You Tube clips / websites
AEF Exploring MasterChef Indonesia learning activities
AEF MasterChef Teachers Notes learning activities
Languages Online – activities, songs, worksheets, flashcards
Digital Dialects games Fruit & Vegies
LLS – Language Learning Space –
WORDLE for creating vocab charts
- Rasa Bahasa - Indonesian [x2] - Basic Indonesian
- Whiteboard - Quizlet - Babbel
- Moji Jam
App – Indonesian Dictionary