Tracking Profiles

WF Migration Cookbook: Workflow Tracking
In the .NET Framework 4, Microsoft is releasing the second major version of Windows Workflow
Foundation (WF). WF was released in .NET 3.0 (this included the types in the System.Workflow.*
namespaces; let’s call this WF3) and enhanced in .NET 3.5. WF3 is also part of the .NET Framework
4, but it exists there alongside new workflow technology (this includes the types in the
System.Activities.* namespaces; let’s call this WF4).
This paper presents guidance for redesigning WF3 tracking code and configuration using
equivalent WF4 tracking code and configuration.
Please see the “WF Migration Overview” document for an introduction to WF3 to WF4 migration,
and links to related documents. The latest version of these documents can be found at
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WF 4 Migration Cookbook: Tracking (.NET 4 - Beta 2 Release)
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Tracking is a feature used to gain visibility into the execution of workflow instances. Let us look at how
tracking is enabled in WF3 and compare it with tracking in WF4.
Tracking types in WF3 are located in the System.Workflow.Runtime.Tracking namespace. In WF4, the
tracking types are located in the System.Activities.Tracking namespace.
Tracking in WF3 is enabled by associating a TrackingService with a workflow instance. In WF4, tracking
is enabled by associating a TrackingParticipant with a workflow instance.
Out of the box, WF3 provides a SqlTrackingService that writes tracking events to a SQL database. WF4
provides an out of the box TrackingParticipant that writes to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW).
In WF3, to write tracking information to a custom location, it is necessary to implement a custom
TrackingService that provides a custom TrackingChannel. In WF3, to write tracking information to a
custom location, it is necessary to implement a custom TrackingParticipant. The WF4 SDK samples
demonstrate how to implement several custom TrackingParticipants.
Enabling Tracking
In WF3, tracking is enabled as follows when using WorkflowRuntime:
WorkflowRuntime wr = new WorkflowRuntime();
wr.AddService(new SqlTrackingService(…));
In WF4, the way to enable tracking depends upon the host being used. If WorkflowApplication is used, a
tracking participant is added like this:
WorkflowApplication app = new WorkflowApplication(…);
app.Extensions.Add(new EtwTrackingParticipant());
If the WF4 WorkflowServiceHost is used, tracking can be enabled through code or config. Adding the
EtwTrackingParticipant through code and config is shown below.
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(…);
EtwTrackingBehavior trackingBehavior = new EtwTrackingBehavior
ProfileName = "Sample Tracking Profile"
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<etwTracking profileName="Sample Tracking Profile" />
A custom TrackingParticipant can be added to the WF4 WorkflowServiceHost by writing a custom
behavior, as demonstrated in the TextFileTracking and SQLTracking samples in the WF4 SDK.
Tracking Events
WF3 emits the following types of tracking events:
Instance events (WorkflowTrackingRecord)
Activity events (ActivityTrackingRecord)
Custom events (UserTrackingRecord)
WF4 emits the following types of tracking events:
Instance events: WorkflowInstanceRecord and derived TrackingRecords corresponding to
UnhandledException, Terminate, Cancel, Suspend and Abort. These records are conceptually
equivalent to the Instance events in WF3.
Activity State events: ActivityStateRecord. These records are conceptually equivalent to the
ActivityTrackingRecord in WF3.
Activity Schedule events: ActivityScheduledRecord. Emitted when a parent activity schedules a
child activity. This tracking record contains information about the scheduling and scheduled
Activity CancelRequested events: CancelRequestedRecord. Emitted when a parent activity
cancels a child activity. This tracking record contains information about the cancelling and
canceled activities.
Activity FaultHandling events: FaultPropagationRecord. Emitted when an activity faults and the
fault is handled.
Bookmark Resumption events: BookmarkResumptionRecord. Emitted when a bookmark is
resumed .
Custom events: CustomTrackingRecord. Equivalent to the UserTrackingRecord in WF3.
Emitting Custom tracking data
In WF3, custom tracking data is emitted using one of the two TrackData method overloads found on the
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity class. If an optional key is provided, it can be used when
specifying a filter for the custom tracking data in a tracking profile.
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using System;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
namespace Cookbook_CustomActivities_WF3
public class MyActivity : Activity
protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
ActivityExecutionContext context)
this.TrackData("Tracking something");
In WF4, custom tracking data is added to a CustomTrackingRecord and is emitted using the Track
method on the activity execution context. The name of the custom tracking record, provided to the
constructor, can be used to query for the record. The custom data is specified as a dictionary of <string,
object> pairs within the emitted record.
using System;
using System.Activities;
using System.Activities.Tracking;
namespace Cookbook_CustomActivities_WF4
public class MyActivity : CodeActivity
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
CustomTrackingRecord record =
new CustomTrackingRecord("CustomTracking");
record.Data.Add("CustomData", "Tracking something");
Tracking Profiles
In WF3, a tracking profile defines a list of "track points," which subscribe for events that will be passed
on to a tracking service. A tracking profile can be created in code or read from an XML file.
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In WF4, a tracking profile defines a list of “tracking queries,” which subscribe for events that will be
passed on to a tracking participant. As in WF3, a tracking profile can be created in code or specified
declaratively. If the tracking profile is specified in a declarative manner, it is specified in a config file
(app.config or web.config). Tracking query elements are configuration elements that can be read and
written to a config file using System.Configuration APIs.
Subscribing for instance events
In WF3, workflow track points have a set of matching locations that describe which workflow events
must be tracked. Here is an example in XML:
<TrackingProfile xmlns="
trackingprofile" version="">
In WF4, the equivalent of a workflow track point is a workflow instance tracking query. Tracking records
can be matched using workflow instance states. The queryable states for a workflow instance are
specified by System.Activities.Tracking.WorkflowInstanceStates. Here is an example in config:
<trackingProfile name="Sample Tracking Profile">
<workflow activityDefinitionId="*">
<state name="Started"/>
<state name="Completed"/>
Subscribing for activity events
In WF3, activity tracking records are matched using ActivityTrackPoint, which can match
Activity Types
Activity Execution Status
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For example:
System.Workflow.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral,
In WF4, activity tracking records are matched using an ActivityStateQuery that can match
Activity Display Name
Activity Execution States
Variable names
Argument names
For example:
<activityStateQuery activityName="MyActivity ">
<state name="Executing"/>
<state name="Canceled"/>
<state name="Faulted"/>
<state name="Closed"/>
Subscribing for custom events
In WF3, custom tracking records are matched using a UserTrackingPoint that can match:
Activity Types
Custom data type
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System.Workflow.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<Type>System.Object, mscorlib, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35</Type>
In WF4, custom tracking records are matched using a CustomTrackingQuery that can match:
Activity Display Name
Custom Track Record Name
<customTrackingQuery name="CustomTrackingEvent" activityName="MyActivity"/>
In WF3, annotations are specified as list of strings on a track point.
activityTrackPoint.Annotations.Add("This is an annotation");
In WF4, annotations are specified as pairs of strings on a tracking query.
activityStateQuery.QueryAnnotations.Add("ActivityAnnotation", "This is an annotation");
Data Extraction
In WF3, extracts can be used to retrieve data along with tracking events.
WF4 provides data extraction in the form of variable and argument extraction when a tracking record is
emitted from an activity. There is not a separate notion of data extraction at the workflow instance
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level; the equivalent of workflow level extraction in WF4 is extraction of variables from the root activity
of the workflow instance.
When an activity executes, variables in scope for that activity can be extracted. Argument extraction
allows input arguments to be extracted when the activity starts executing (state=Executing) and all
arguments to be extracted when the activity completes (state=Closed).
Tracking Types in WF3 and WF4
The following table shows namespace mappings from WF3 to WF4 for tracking related types.
WF3 namespace
WF4 namespace
The following table shows mappings between WF3 and WF4 types.
WF3 Tracking
WF4 Tracking
WF4 has no out of box participant
that writes to SQL. There is a SQL
tracking sample provided with
WF4 samples that demonstrates
how a SQL tracking participant can
be implemented.
In WF4, tracking profile queries
are configuration elements that
can be serialized using standard
System.Configuration APIs.
Variable and argument extraction
can be specified as part of an
In summary, while the concept of tracking does not fundamentally change from WF3 to WF4, there
are a set of steps required to redesign WF3 tracking artifacts as WF4 tracking artifacts.
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Please send us your feedback and questions related to WF migration. We look forward to helping
you successfully adopt and utilize WF4 technology.
Additional Information
Visual Studio 2010 -
WF4 –
.NET Framework 4
WF4 Migration Guidance -
WCF and WF Samples for .NET Framework
WCF and WF4 Training Kit -
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