California Standards for the Teaching Profession

California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.1 Promoting social development and responsibility within a caring community where each
student is treated fairly and respectfully
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
 model and promote fairness, equity, and respect in a classroom atmosphere that values all individuals and
 help all students accept and respect diversity in terms of cultural, religious, linguistic, and economic
backgrounds; learning differences and ability; gender and gender identity; family structure and sexual
orientation; and other aspects of humankind?
 engage students in shared problem-solving and conflict resolution? •
 provide learning opportunities that encourage student-to-student communication with empathy and
 develop students’ leadership skills and provide opportunities to apply them?
 create a classroom culture where students feel a sense of responsibility to and for one another?
 help students to appreciate their own identities and to view themselves as valued contributors to society?
 develop activities that support positive interactions among students and that help students get to know
each other?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher formulates an objective that
will make knowledge accessible to all
students recognizing individual
differences within a diverse group
What to look for
Does teacher create objective that
makes knowledge accessible to all
students within a diverse group? Does
the teacher have an objective
formulated so that it is differentiated
enough so that objective can be
achieved in different ways?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses a variety of ways of
presenting (IQAR).
Does the teacher present IQAR to
accommodate a variety of learning
Active Participation, Set, Closure
Teacher varies active participation (by
keeping content the same but varying
level of cognition, form of active
participation, conditions of activity,
level of performance) in order to
accommodate individual differences
Has teacher planned lesson to take into
account individual difference in
learning style and ability?
 Make sure objective also meets
 Teach to different learning styles
 Know students’ needs without
pointing out differences
 Take into account a variety of
academic and personal
 Incorporate cultural/language
diversity into the curriculum
 Take into account 504
 Teacher demonstrates they can
differentiate when a student asks a
question and the teacher can
answer it in a variety of ways
 Teachers teach to different
learning styles as much as possible
 Able to answer a wide array of
 Organization of material (matrices,
 Scaffolding in terms of
organizational skills
 Transitions (into, through, and
 Structured notes
 Assignment sheets
 Posting or copying notes
 Variety of presentation skills
(lectures, video discussion,
overheads, notes on board)
 Extension activities built into an
assignment provides for
 Allow student to master objective
over time
 Projects: students make children’s
books, artistic posters, go dovolunteer, interview someone in
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher monitors learning and adjusts
teaching (by keeping content the same
but varying level of cognition, form of
active participation, conditions of
activity, level of performance) to
different levels of learning and
achievement. (Monitoring is not about
differentiating, but rather diagnosing
learning problems and reteaching.
Formulating the objective is more
relevant here.)
Does teacher check for understanding,
re-teach as necessary using approaches
that make the objective and content
clear to a diverse student population?
Peer Evaluation (French, Social Studies, Physics)
Collaborate with a different partner each week (French, Social Studies)
Random draw partners (Social Studies)
Alternate responsibilities
Group builder activities, review games (Math)
Encourage to help each other, mixed grades, “we’re in it together is
encouraged, older helps younger” (Spec Ed)
Groups write goals together (Math)
Conflict resolution mini-unit, teach about different cultures (Social Studies)
Re-writing American myths from Native Americans’ perspective
Pizza party provided when class meets certain behavioral benchmarks
“Discretionary minutes” of free time when entire group does well on task,
completes assignments on time
field, make a game
Group projects
Advanced warning for
Give questions ahead of time to
allow processing
Do we as teacher provide several
ways to achieve a certain
objective? (Math) allow students to
do test/quiz corrections orally to
show they know the material –
very time-consuming
Teacher allows different ways t o
complete a project
Have a student who understands
concept teach it
Ask students to voice what
questions they still have and build
next unit or activities
Give options for completing
projects or assessments
Posting solutions, not just answers,
student can check own work
One-on-one appointments for extra
Whole class gets A if each person does well
Students include their own opinion in essays
Career and interest surveys (FOS)
Semester class on career exploration/job training (DHH)
Creative writing – daily free-writing about own life/writer’s voice
Philosophy – study how to disagree respectfully, politely
Creative writing – how to give constructive criticism, team-building games,
rotate leadership in small groups
Kudos for random acts of kindness
Counting multi-culturally (in Korean, Russian, Spanish)
Touching upon history of the sport at hand (PE)
Cultural questions in new cooperative groups each unit (Science)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.2 Creating physical or virtual learning environments that promote student learning,
reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick
one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
 arrange and adapt classroom seating to accommodate individual and group learning needs?
 establish a stimulating, curriculum-rich learning environment that supports content learning and
academic vocabulary development?
 ensure that students develop an appreciation of diversity?
 provide students access to resources, technologies, and comfortable workspaces?
 create an environment that promotes optimal learning for each student?
 construct an equitable learning environment for all students?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher formulates an objective that
will make motivate and engage
students’ minds and hearts in activites
and challenging tasks which will allow
them to experience success.
What to look for
Does teacher create objectives at the
appropriate level of
Active Participation
With principles of learning in mind,
teacher develops a variety of
meaningful activities, which motivate
participation of all students.
Does teacher use active participation
 Affect level of concern
 Create interest
Teaching to the objective, Monitor and
Teacher responses provide students
with knowledge of results.
Do teacher responses provide
knowledge of results?
Example/Talking Points
 Objective must be challenging
enough for everyone (student
participation is a good indicator).
 Clear standards for the curriculum
help guide objectives congruent to
the state standards.
 Teacher must know students’
individual ability levels in order to
create good objectives.
 Make relevant.
 Paint big picture, build on past.
 Have students think first and then
 Teacher has one-on-one moments
with students to build relationship
 Create opportunities for success
 Make everyone feel valued – equal
 Class discussion within
comfort/range of each student
 Group quiz, songs/chants, dance
 Mentoring – students mentor other
 Students write test questions
 Review games with prizes
 Grouping in different ways: even
skills, random in fun ways,
personality strengths
 Pairing ½ artistic, ½ writing,
students have clear roles and
 Students write own review
Use real world stories to spark
interest in students.
Maintain students accountable for
in-class work/product
Stop and reintroduce
Running mile – giving state
benchmarks – give feedback every
lap, motivation feedback, match
students with someone at same
ability level.
Teacher apologies when appropriate/acknowledges mistake
Create warm atmosphere: knowing about students’ lives
Teach systems and expectations early
Teacher, be committed to your group, don’t give up on them
Spend a few minutes – how was your weekend? Door greeting/exiting
Learn names right away
Change seating charts (name game, get to know each other)
Provide structure for success – seating chart if necessary
Always look for best in students – let go of stereotypes – what is your mental
concept of each student?
Give students opportunity to be a teacher
Include pieces of literature to provide alternate perspective (English)
Community building games related to curriculum (FOS)
Computers in classroom – access for students who don’t have at home (FOS)
Ipads, document camera and laser pointer (help deaf students keep up with
oral reading (DHH)
Practice cumulative vocabulary every day (English)
Enriching activities on website for increased challenge (English)
Editing papers with document cameras (English)
On-line programs for vocab. Cards and review
Manage groups to maximize work (“group worthy tasks” so they need a
group) (Math)
Groups that utilize different talents/strengths (Art)
Constant refiguring of groups to experience strengths of others (Theatre)
Seating placement for students in group learning (Math)
Learning pods (high-end, middle, lower, 504/IEP) (Social Studies)
Ice breakers when changing seats (Math)
No putdowns (Math)
Units about different cultures and populations (Social Studies)
Welcome sign in classroom, talk to students in a positive manner (Social
Greet students by name (Math)
Drawing names for participation from popsicle sticks (Languages)
Pick favorite holiday for project rather than be assigned (Languages)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.3 Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually,
and emotionally safe
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick
one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
 arrange the learning environment to facilitate positive and productive classroom interactions?
 encourage, support, and recognize the achievements and contributions of all students?
 encourage students to take risks and to express thoughtful and respectful opinions related to the topic or
subject of discussion?
 foster the development of each student's self-esteem?
 create a safe, accessible learning environment for all students?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Active Participation, Set, Closure
Relationship to Teaching Standard
(state as what teacher does)
Teacher formulates objectives related
to learning classroom expectations and
What to look for (simplify, and state
as a question: does the teacher . . .?)
Does teacher have objectives related to
teaching routines and selfmanagement?
Teacher uses these principles of
learning to effectively teach classroom
expectations and routines
Does teacher use active participation,
set, and closure when teaching routines
and self-management?
Example/Talking Points
Teaching to the objective
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives information, asks
questions, implements activities, and
responds to student effort in a way that
helps students learn routines and
Teacher checks to see if students have
understood the expectations and
routines and reteaches if necessary
 Rotating partners to create feeling of connection to everyone (motivation)
 Rewrite existing patronizing myths about Native Americans and Mexican
Americans, e.g., Davy Crockett, from MA and NA perspectives
(Anticipatory Set) (English)
 Create social norms with vocabulary usage examples (English)
 Clear behavior contract (FOS)
 Semi-circle arrangement of desks so all students can see one another (all)
 Integrating “Integrity” into content, again so students absorb norms (all)
 Using document camera so deaf students can see all written materials (all)
 Being honest with feedback & criticism. Separate person from behavior
Are teacher actions (IQAR) congruent
to the objectives related to teaching
routines and self-management?
Does teacher check for understanding
when teaching routines and
management objectives?
Does teacher reteach routines if
Printed syllabus
Classroom procedures
Discussion of classroom rules
Statement of objective or agenda
Using stories to reinforce need for
Consistent with your routines, start
and end
Clear routines for recording
tardies, making up homework,
turning in homework, etc.
Posting agenda for the day or the
Adapt routines to the audience
 Zero tolerance of kids making fun of other kids (all)
 Let them establish their own communities within the classroom (Art)
 Find out and focus on strengths and integrate them into the day (Social
 Check in with kids and celebrate achievements; individual talks (Social
 Individual conversations, check-ins, one-to-one connections (Social Studies)
 Thoughtful group arrangements that foster productivity (Math)
 “Difficult” problems get a lot of input/thoughts on board and we work it out
encouraging students not to look at a question as “wrong”
 Does the teacher have effective expectations and routines?
Evidence: in and out box for student work by period, pass back homework system – question of the day while teacher passes out work, clearly established routines for
coming into class and leaving, are routines adaptive to audience? Photo seating chart, taking roll while students are working, posting agenda for the day or week.
(May need to teach these procedures, especially for Special Ed. students)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.4 Creating a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate
support for all students
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick
one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “How might I...”
establish a productive, achievement-oriented climate in my classroom?
set high expectations for all of my students?
motivate all students to initiate their own learning and strive for challenging learning goals?
provide all students opportunities to examine and evaluate their own work and to learn from
the work of their peers?
ensure access to challenging and diverse academic content for all students?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher formulates an objective that
will make motivate and engage
students’ minds and hearts in activites
and challenging tasks which will allow
them to experience success.
What to look for
Does teacher create objectives at the
appropriate level of
Active Participation
With principles of learning in mind,
teacher develops a variety of
meaningful activities, which motivate
participation of all students.
Does teacher use active participation
 Affect level of concern
 Create interest
Teaching to the objective, Monitor and
Teacher responses provide students
with knowledge of results.
Do teacher responses provide
knowledge of results?
Example/Talking Points
 Objective must be challenging
enough for everyone (student
participation is a good indicator).
 Clear standards for the curriculum
help guide objectives congruent to
the state standards.
 Teacher must know students’
individual ability levels in order to
create good objectives.
 Make relevant.
 Paint big picture, build on past.
 Have students think first and then
 Teacher has one-on-one moments
with students to build relationship
 Create opportunities for success
 Make everyone feel valued – equal
 Class discussion within
comfort/range of each student
 Group quiz, songs/chants, dance
 Mentoring – students mentor other
 Students write test questions
 Review games with prizes
 Grouping in different ways: even
skills, random in fun ways,
personality strengths
 Pairing ½ artistic, ½ writing,
students have clear roles and
 Students write own review
Use real world stories to spark
interest in students.
Maintain students accountable for
in-class work/product
Stop and reintroduce
Running mile – giving state
benchmarks – give feedback every
lap, motivation feedback, match
students with someone at same
ability level.
Teacher apologies when appropriate/acknowledges mistake
Create warm atmosphere: knowing about students’ lives
Teach systems and expectations early
Teacher, be committed to your group, don’t give up on them
Spend a few minutes – how was your weekend? Door greeting/exiting
Lear names right away
Change seating charts (name game, get to know each other)
Provide structure for success – seating chart if necessary
Always look for best in students – let go of stereotypes – what is your mental
concept of each student?
Give students opportunity to be a teacher
Create posters and teach the topic to the class (Social Studies)
“Stations” activities – students rotate in groups throughout the period to
answer questions at stations (Math)
Including outside supplemental material (Social Studie)
Six vocabulary levels for 10 students (English)
Creative Writing: regular contact with Special ed. teachers (English)
Provide opportunity to rewrite essays; required re-write if low skills (English)
Set goal every week (FOS)
Self-evaluation; grade themselves on behavior for writing (rubric provided)
Provide for coverage of all English literature by using films (captioned) if not
able to read (English)
Introduce students to new writing to provide new perspective on themes
emphasized in class (English)
For rough drafts, go over each rubric point to make sure students can identify
these in their own writing (English)
Strict rubric on class participation using 7 criteria (5 determined in their
“cooperative groups”) (English)
Personal assessment goals (English)
Peer evaluation on projects with honest discussion with follow-up from
teacher (Math)
Expectations already exist in AP classes (Math)
Review “recruitment” into AP/Honors classes (Guidance)
Backward Planning: set process/steps to achieve goals (Guidance)
Academic Gift Certificate gives students one-day extension (Guidance)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.5 Developing, communicating, and maintaining high standards for individual and group
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help.
Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
 facilitate student participation in classroom decision-making?
 foster and support appropriate student behavior?
 collaborate with students, families, and communities to establish, maintain, and communicate
standards for student behavior?
 understand the underlying causes of student behavior, including developmental and individual
needs, and utilize that knowledge in support of positive classroom conduct?
 work proactively to prevent and respond quickly to minimize behavioral issues?
 understand and respond to inappropriate behaviors in an efficient, fair, and equitable way?
 help all students learn to take responsibility for their own behavior and actions?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Teaching to the Objective
Active Participation
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
Give them a task, keep them accountable with their goals (Art)
Talk one-on-one (Art)
Make sure they’re motivated (Art)
Be specific in feedback: address skills, give vocabulary (Theatre)
Seating chart – being strategic about where kids are (Math)
Stamp sheet – clear expectations with daily feedback (Math)
Have a conversation with students to generate “group norms” that
students agree to and classroom expectations and appropriate behaviors
 Provide time to address the inappropriate behaviors immediately (though
a respectful conversation) (PE)
Department slide show about policies and procedures (PE)
Department grading system available online (PE)
Quiz on policies and procedures during first week (Chemistry)
Suggestion box students and use to comment about classroom
environment (teacher then makes changes to accommodate) (Social
Develop individual responsibility with students (Physics)
Collect classroom and homework at end of unit (Physics)
Notebook collection at end of unit (World History and AP Hist) (Social
Student responsibility, keeping up with direction of course (Social
Few basic rules – but expectations are clear (French)
Establish sense of personal responsibility (all)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior
to ensure a climate in which all students can learn
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick
one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
 involve all students in the development of classroom procedures and routines? =
 help students transition smoothly and efficiently from one instructional activity to the next? • apply
knowledge of students’ physical, social,
 cognitive, and emotional development to ensure that adequate time and support are provided for students
to complete learning activities?
 develop daily schedules, timelines, classroom routines, and norms that maximize learning?
 connect district, site, and classroom procedures to promote a climate of fairness and respect for all
 adapt routines, procedures, and norms to ensure the success of students with special needs?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Active Participation, Set, Closure
Relationship to Teaching Standard
(state as what teacher does)
Teacher formulates objectives related
to learning classroom expectations and
What to look for (simplify, and state
as a question: does the teacher . . .?)
Does teacher have objectives related to
teaching routines and selfmanagement?
Teacher uses these principles of
learning to effectively teach classroom
expectations and routines
Does teacher use active participation,
set, and closure when teaching routines
and self-management?
Example/Talking Points
Teaching to the objective
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives information, asks
questions, implements activities, and
responds to student effort in a way that
helps students learn routines and
Teacher checks to see if students have
understood the expectations and
routines and reteaches if necessary
Get to the “core” of what you want to teach/assess – teach to the objective
Mini-closure activities to help transition between classroom activities.
Provide an agenda at start of class (Math)
Class historian is selected (using alphabetical order) who recaps activities
from day before (Social Studies)
Cooperative grouping – active participation (Chemistry)
Asking questions encouraged, no put-downs (Physics)
“Bell Ringer” – warm-up, focusing attention (French)
Are teacher actions (IQAR) congruent
to the objectives related to teaching
routines and self-management?
Does teacher check for understanding
when teaching routines and
management objectives?
Does teacher reteach routines if
Printed syllabus
Classroom procedures
Discussion of classroom rules
Statement of objective or agenda
Using stories to reinforce need for
Consistent with your routines, start
and end
Clear routines for recording
tardies, making up homework,
turning in homework, etc.
Posting agenda for the day or the
Adapt routines to the audience
“Question of the Day” – Geography, Trivia, Current Events. Focus
students on subject matter (Social Studies)
Explain what’s due and when (Social Studies)
Have agendas and weekly/daily plans (all)
Create collective security among teacher and students (all)
Explain what’s coming, when it’s due, etc. (all)
Awareness of differing expectations by different teachers (adaptability)
 Does the teacher have effective expectations and routines?
Evidence: in and out box for student work by period, pass back homework system – question of the day while teacher passes out work, clearly established routines for
coming into class and leaving, are routines adaptive to audience? Photo seating chart, taking roll while students are working, posting agenda for the day or week.
(May need to teach these procedures, especially for Special Ed. students)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teachers promote social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully. They create physical or virtual
learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students. They establish and maintain
learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe. Teachers create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support
for all students. Teachers develop, communicate, and maintain high standards for individual and group behavior. They employ classroom routines, procedures, norms, and
supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. They use instructional time to optimize learning.
Key Element
2.7 Using instructional time to optimize learning
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick
one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
organize instruction to optimize learning time?
pace instruction to accomplish learning goals?
re-direct students’ off-task behavior to make the most of instructional time?
adjust instructional time so that all students remain engaged and challenged?
structure time for both independent and collaborative learning opportunities?
balance instructional, preparation, administrative, and managerial time?
EOI Skill
Formulating Objective
Active Participation, Set, Closure
Relationship to Teaching Standard
(state as what teacher does)
Teacher formulates objectives related
to learning classroom expectations and
What to look for (simplify, and state
as a question: does the teacher . . .?)
Does teacher have objectives related to
teaching routines and selfmanagement?
Teacher uses these principles of
learning to effectively teach classroom
expectations and routines
Does teacher use active participation,
set, and closure when teaching routines
and self-management?
Example/Talking Points
Teaching to the objective
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives information, asks
questions, implements activities, and
responds to student effort in a way that
helps students learn routines and
Teacher checks to see if students have
understood the expectations and
routines and reteaches if necessary
Individual journals for personal reflection, small group work, discuss
prompts (Social Studies)
Monitoring behavior (Math)
Student-teacher proximity (Math)
MBWA – managing by walking around (Math)
Predictable structure to the class time (Math)
Differentiate in tasks to help all students be engaged (Math)
Are teacher actions (IQAR) congruent
to the objectives related to teaching
routines and self-management?
Does teacher check for understanding
when teaching routines and
management objectives?
Does teacher reteach routines if
Printed syllabus
Classroom procedures
Discussion of classroom rules
Statement of objective or agenda
Using stories to reinforce need for
Consistent with your routines, start
and end
Clear routines for recording
tardies, making up homework,
turning in homework, etc.
Posting agenda for the day or the
Adapt routines to the audience
Sensing when things are going well and stretch out the time to allow
students to explore (Art/Theatre)
Unit calendar entailing detailed information for a 3-week unit (subtopics,
due dates, etc.) (Chem & PE)
Pyramic Foundation (assessment, foundation, practical performance, etc.)
(Chem & PE)
Re-direct by giving leadership roles, use as “example” (Chem & PE)
 Does the teacher have effective expectations and routines?
Evidence: in and out box for student work by period, pass back homework system – question of the day while teacher passes out workclearly established routines for
coming into class and leaving, are routines adaptive to audience? Photo seating chart, taking roll while students are working, posting agenda for the day or week.
(May need to teach these procedures, especially for Special Ed. students)