The Building Bridges Fund

The Building Bridges Fund
This country is truly wealthy in many ways, not least in its diversity of people, culture and languages.
Its Constitution alone mentions 7 communities while in its 81 municipalities you will find 6 different
languages in official use, with education being provided in 5 different mother tongues across the country.
As we all know, though, it is not affluent in all ways and sometimes the care, and often the funds, needed
to capitalize on the richness of its diversity are in short supply.
Not investing in this wealth, though, and disallowing new generations to understand, nourish and enjoy it,
leaves diversity without bridges, spelling division. It might even degrade diversity into a negative value
that potentially undermines the prosperity and safety of a country and its kids.
No state should allow this to happen, least of all one with a history and variety as rich as this one.
New generations need bridges to each other and open access to the riches and joys of diversity, especially
at schools that should prepare them for an integrated future in a diverse Europe.
The “Building Bridges Fund”, established in 2014, hopes to modestly contribute to that.
In a joint effort by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Swiss Embassy and the OSCE Mission to
Skopje it offers support to municipalities, students, teachers, parents and schools that see the need for
increased interaction, understanding and integration in their communities and schools.
This support takes the form of opening easy access to grants for multilingual schools, or paired
monolingual ones, to organize joint activities involving students from all their communities and different
languages of instruction.
These activities can take many forms, from municipalities organizing series of events with all their schools,
to students setting up joint rehearsal rooms, IT workshops, fashion shows or DJ sets; teachers running
series of mixed events, parents getting active in after-school activities or schools cooperating with others.
Possibilities are endless and no strict limits are set as long as students with different languages of
instruction are positively involved and bridges are being built. This seems most likely when activities:
 Are part of a series of events, not just one-offs, unless they are likely to spark a future series
 Lead towards a mutually desired joint product reached through a cooperative process involving
students from different communities, including the creation and equipping of joint spaces
 Are truly “mixed” and avoid pitting communities against each other in events, like competitions
setting one school or language of instruction against another
 Focus on activities that emphasize actual interests that all students share, not backgrounds that
differentiate them (like community traditions, folklore, food, dress etc.).Take place in public
spaces instead of just within closed school environments
 Equally involve boys and girls, as well as those with special needs and active parents
Exclude political activities but never any community
When these activities are rather spontaneous or urgent, “rapid grants” can accommodate the activity
taking place in 1 month from us receiving the application if the activities do indeed “build a bridge” and
need no more than 1.500 Euro to do it. You can apply for these at any time.
“Regular grants” of up to 7.000 Euro will have to apply against 3 application deadlines in 2015, after which
an independent Advisory Board will decide on which proposed bridges are going to be built.
This means that you will have to plan these activities well in advance as these can be accommodated at the
earliest one month after the Advisory Board has decided positively, which in practice would mean in about
2 months after an application deadline date (15 March, 1 May, 1 October 2015).
The Advisory Board has the following Honorary Members:
H.E. Stefano Lazzarotto, Swiss Ambassador; H.E. Ralf Breth, Head of the OSCE Mission
Safet Neziri, State Advisor MoES; Anastasija Trajkovska, State Advisor MoES
Redzep Ali Cupi, Director P & D Minority Language Education MoES;
Darko Mitevski, Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica and President of Education and Sport Commission, ZELS
Toni Zen, music artist; Rebeka, music artist/ inclusion NGO; Adelina Tahiri, music artist
Arno van der Pas, Senior Coordinator Inter-Ethnic Relations, BB Project Manager, OSCE Mission
Some, or all, of them will at times gladly join the launch of the activities you will organize.
If you want to apply for a grant you should submit a filled application form, which can be done by e-mail
( for the “rapid grants” at any time or by regular mail (P.O. Box 558, 1000
Skopje) for the “regular” ones before the 3 set deadlines for applying, being 15 March, 1 May and 1
October 2015.
The forms are part of this document and can also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of
Education and Science ( and are available in any of the 6 languages that are in official use somewhere in the country. They
can also be filled in these languages but always have to provide an English version as well.
The 6 simple questions in the form should all be answered and an overview of the material needs to realize
the activity/intervention should be provided.
Please note that the Building Bridges (BB) Fund does not disperse money but buys the needed material
and/or services for you, meaning that you only have to provide an estimate of the costs you foresee after
which the BB will take care of the rest.
Grant requests may involve material investments that will allow for future continuation independent of the
grant but these should be directly and very obviously linked to the proposed activities.
The Building Bridges Fund discourages applications focused on the various customs, folklore, food, dress
and heritages that differentiate communities in favour of more modern concepts of integration that focus
on what all communities practically share, which is so much more.
All in all, we hope and feel that the Building Bridges fund opens up great opportunities to give new
generations open access to the riches of diversity and enjoy it. We therefore strongly encourage you to use
the possibilities it offers to build the bridges that your community, your schools and your kids need and
Building Bridges Fund Application
General Information
Information on the School (-s)
Name of the School (-s):
Primary or Secondary:
Central and/or Satellite:
Number of Students:
Number of Teachers:
Language (-s) of Instruction:
School Director:
Number of Shifts:
Mixed or Separate:
Contact Person:
Current Joint Activities:
1. What’s the Plan?
(describe the activity / intervention you would like to organize or implement, how and by who)
2. Who are involved?
(provide details on the students that will be involved; their age, class, gender, languages of instruction etc.)
3. Where and When?
(describe the location(-s) where the activity/intervention is planned and the timeframe of implementation)
4. Will it be the first time?
(specify if you -or your school- have already organized this, or something similar, before and, if so, with whose
support, when and if it worked)
5. Who will be responsible?
(specify who will be the main responsible person for implementing this activity / intervention and will provide
a short activity and financial report in the end)
6. What do you need?
(provide details on the exact material needs of your proposal, including equipment, services, fees, provisions
and give your estimate of their costs)
Estimated Cost Per Item
Estimated Grand Total