IPBCN final review (Part 1) What are the benefits of a VLAN? How

IPBCN final review (Part 1)
1. What are the benefits of a VLAN?
2. How does a repeater extend the length of a LAN?
3. Byte-stuff the data in the following figure
Bit-stuff the data in the following figure
4. Do we need medium access control (MAC) protocol when we use the local
loop to telephone company to access the Internet?
Do we need medium access control (MAC) protocol when we use a Cable TV
channel to access the Internet?
5. Assume that the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is 36 dB and the channel
bandwidth is 1 MHz. what is the theoretical channel capacity?
6. Two stations communicate via a 1-Mbps satellite link with a propagation
delay of 270 ms. The satellite serves merely to retransmit data received from
one station to another, with negligible switching delay. Using HDLC frames
of 1024 bits with 3-bit sequence numbers, what is the maximum possible data
throughput; that is, what is the throughput of data bits carried in HDLC frames?
7. Consider two stations on a baseband bus at a distance of 1 km from each other.
Let the data rate be 10 Mbps, the frame length be 100 bits, and the propagation
velocity be 2×108 m/s. Assume that each station generates frames at an
average rate of 10,000 frames per second. Calculate the probability of
collision with slotted ALOHA protocol.