Topic Web - Ancient Greece

History/Geography: Ancient Greece
Extending our topic we will:
We will be discussing.
Design and create an
Ancient Greek theatre mask
from paper mache.
We will discover…
When and where the Ancient Greek Empire
existed, life in Athens and Sparta, the Greek
alphabet, Ancient Greek warfare, Greek
Science: Earth and Space
We will be exploring the Earth, moon and sun,
exploring how we get day and night, seasons and
eclipses. We will also be examining the moon
phases, the stars and the solar system.
Is there life on other planets?
pottery, the Olympics and theatre.
Maths: Place Value and the four operations
English: Myths and Legends - Hercules
place value, ensuring we know the place
We will be looking at Disney’s version of a famous
value of 7 digit numbers.
Greek Myth – Hercules.
We will be creating newspaper reports about the
dividing and solve problems to put what
of Hercules’ dramatic life, writing letters to Zeus
we have learnt into a real life
explaining how we fought off the Hydra – a 3 headed
beast, and much more…
Our class book will be: The Time Warp Trio: It’s all
RE: Hinduism
We will be looking at
Prayer and worship
PE: Weston Football Club will be delivering our P.E. We will
also look at some Greek dance.
We will be exploring different ways of
adding, subtracting, multiplying and
celebration of the birth of Hercules, diary entries
Greek to me (Jon Scieszka)
We will be revising our knowledge of
Being Me
Music: ‘Zorba The Greek’
We will be discussing our targets for the year,
In Music, we will be looking at ‘Zorba
understanding our responsibilities and looking
the Greek’. We will listen to the music
at the impact of rewards and consequences.
and discuss how musical elements
combine to create the changing tone
of the music.
Welcome to Year 5!
This term, our topic is Ancient Greece – we
will explore where and when the Greek Empire
existed and what Ancient Greece was like.
In English, we will be looking at Disney’s
Hercules and we will be working hard to
develop our spelling, punctuation and grammar
skills. In Maths, there will be a big push on times
The criteria for Friday banquet is as follows:
Bring your equipment to school everyday, read
at home three times a week, come to school
regularly and on time, behave well in and
around school and wear the correct school
We will have P.E on a Thursday. Please
ensure that your child has their kit in school, so
they are able to take part in the P.E sessions run
by Weston Football Club.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and
children are expected to return their homework
by the following Thursday. Please encourage
your child to complete their homework, as it
will really benefit their learning. If your child is
struggling to complete homework, they can
attend homework club.
Please read with your child as often as you can
at home. They must record this reading on their
reading record sheet, which should also be
returned on a Thursday.