Psyc 200: Quiz One Topics Lifespan development Maturation

Psyc 200: Quiz One Topics
Lifespan development
Childhood through adolescence theme of book (and course)
Normative development
Cumulative aspect of development
Plasticity principle
Holistic perspective
Ancient attitudes toward children
Innate purity
Original sin
Tabula rasa
G. Stanley Hall
Psychological theory (definition; falsifiability)
John Watson & behaviorism (define behaviorism; Watson & Raynor’s study)
Active/passive controversy
Continuous/discontinuous controversy
Sigmund Freud (psychosexual stages; unconscious motivation; basic instincts; id; ego; superego;
Erik Erikson (psychosocial stages)
Alfred Adler (sibling rivalry; inferiority)
B.F. Skinner (operant; operant conditioning; reinforcers; punishers)
Albert Bandura (social cognitive theory; self-efficacy; models & modeling; observational learning;
reciprocal determinism)
Jean Piaget (equilibrium; disequilibrium; assimilation; accommodation)
Lev Vygotsky (importance of social interaction; sociocultural theory)
Information processing theory (computer metaphor; continuous nature of)
Konrad Lorenz & Niko Tinbergen (ethological approach; altruism)
John Bowlby (attachment)
Sensitive period (vs. critical period)
Uri Bronfenbrenner (ecological systems theory; Microsystems & macrosystems)
Age of viability
Teratogens (definition; alcohol; thalidomide; developmentally vulnerable periods; rubella; vaginal
Psych 200: Quiz Two Topics
Self-report questionnaire (definition; types of)
Heuristic function of theory
Interrater reliability
Structured & unstructured interviews
Naturalistic observation
Ethnographic research
Correlational approach (definition; correlation coefficient)
Experimental approach (IV; DV; experimental control)
Cohort (definition; cohort effects)
Cross-sectional research
Longitudinal research
Research ethics
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Functions of crying
Research methods used for infants
Preference method
Habituation method
High Amplitude Sucking method
Infant senses—hearing, taste, smell, touch, temperature, pain, vision
Visual perception
Depth perception
“Visual cliff”
Maturation and growth
Cephalocaudal direction
Proximodistal direction
Secular trend
GW 191: Quiz Three Topics
Chapter 7—Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Theory & Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Viewpoint
Cognitive development
Piaget’s background
Genetic epistemology
Cognitive equilibrium
How we gain knowledge
Scheme, organization, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation
Stages of cognitive development
Sensorimotor stage
Problem solving, imitation, object permanence
Preoperational stage
Symbolism, animism, egocentrism, appearance/reality distinction, centration, conservation,
decentration, reversibility
Concrete operational stage
Compare preoperational and concrete operational thinking
Formal operational stage
Hypothetical thinking
Inductive reasoning
Piaget’s contributions and criticisms of his theories
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Interaction with children’s environment
Ontogenetic, microgenetic, phylogenetic, & sociohistorical development
Tools of intellectual adaptation
Zone of proximal development
Egocentric speech
Private speech
Chapter 8—Cognitive Development: Information –Processing Perspectives
Infantile amnesia
Children as eyewitnesses
Chapter 9—Intelligence: Measuring Mental Performance
Alfred Binet
Fluid intelligence & Crystallized intelligence
Cultural bias with intelligence testing
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
Flynn effect
GW 191: Quiz Four Topics
Chapter 11 --Emotional Dev., Temperament, & Attachment
Temperament—(different levels of activity, irritability, fearfulness, and sociability)
Six dimensions in infant temperament
Influences on Temperament
Stability of Temperament
Temperament profiles (Thomas and Chess)
Goodness of fit
Theories of Attachment
-Psychoanalytic theory
-Learning theory
-Cognitive-Development theory
-Ethological theory
“kewpie doll effect”
Differences in Attachment quality
-Mary Ainsworth & the “Strange Situation”
-Secure attachment
-Resistant attachment
-Avoidant attachment
-Disorganized/disoriented attachment
Aspects of caregiving that promote secure mother-infant attachments
*Check out chart on p. 461 –parental-leave policies in modern industrialized nations
Chapter 14—Aggression, Altruism, and Moral Development
-Girls and Boys—aggression, how different:
-Is aggression stable?
-Popularity and aggression
- to spank or not to spank
-Chapter 15 –The Family
Parenting—two major dimensions: acceptance/responsiveness (amount of affection and
responsiveness) & demandingness/control (how strict and demanding?)
Four patterns of parenting
1. Authoritarian
2. Authoritative
3. Permissive
4. Uninvolved
Baumrind’s outcomes p. 602
Parenting---- Behavioral Control vs. Psychological control