What is the American Dream TODAY in American society?

:**Turn in on Monday, 3/9 and attach completed Genre Chart/Modernism
Review worksheets.
Prompt: The Modernist Writers were part of the post-WWI generation who
became disillusioned in the American Dream. Is the “disillusionment” in the
American Dream STILL exist in our society? What is the American Dream TODAY
in American society? Discuss and analyze today’s societal view of the American
Dream. Utilize and include your vast and extensive knowledge of Modernist
writing (examples/evidence of writers, texts, contexts, movements within
Modernism such as the Harlem Ren, Imagists, and expatriates, etc…) that
exemplify the Modernist period and whose work has paved the way for the
writing and communication forms that we see in American society today. Your
answer should demonstrate: 1) your understanding of the word “disillusionment”
in this context 2) your understanding of the important characteristics and
“characters” from this period – 1910-1950- 3) your definition of the current
“American Dream” and 4) how we still see disillusionment in today’s society. (on
the one hand, we still have an American Dream, but do people really still believe
in it? Explain and analyze)
This prompt and your response should come first and please attach your
review/genre chart to the back of your essay. Essays do not need to be typed
and they must be turned in as hard copies (meaning if you can’t print it, DON’T
type it)!!