04 treatment webquest

_______________ Date:
, Period
Treatment WebQuest
Click through the following websites and complete the questions / activities.
Links to the websites can be found at Ms. Pitt’s wiki space.
Record notes as you go!
A. How to Treat Bacterial Infections:
How do Antibiotics Work? http://health.howstuffworks.com/medicine/medication/question88.htm
1. Read the page.
2. List 2 different ways that antibiotics inhibit growth or kill the bacteria.
3. Why won’t antibiotics work against viral infections?
Antibiotics http://www.drreddy.com/antibx.html
1. At the top of the page are a list of different antibiotics… Pick 3 that sound familiar to you.
2. List the names of three antibiotics and how each one inhibits growth (or kills the bacteria).
3. Go back to the top of the page, click on the heading “Antivirals.”
4. Summarize why viral infections are more difficult to treat than bacterial infections.
5. Choose two antiviral drugs and summarize how each one works.
Antibacterial Resistance http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/meade_callahan.html#Primer
1. Read the article: Microbes: What They Do & How Antibiotics Change Them
2. List and briefly explain 3 ways in which microorganisms benefit the environment.
3. List and briefly explain 3 ways antibiotics are being added to the environment.
4. What does the statement ‘survival of the fittest mean?’ (not on the page)
5. How does this statement relate to bacteria developing resistance?
6. What are the 3 ways bacteria exchange DNA? Briefly explain each one.
7. What is a plasmid? Summarize how they help spread antibiotic resistance.
8. Why is antibiotic resistance a problem?
9. What are 3 things you can do to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance?
B. How to Prevent Virus Infections:
Making Vaccines http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/bioterror/vaccines.html
1. Read the introduction page.
2. Describe how vaccines typically work.
3. Click on Go To Making Vaccines in the upper right hand corner. Make each of the vaccines. Briefly
describe how each vaccine is made in the space below:
a. SmallPox
b. Measles
c. Polio
d. Tetanus
e. Hepatitis B