Admissions F&Q - Austin Health

Private Patients – Additional Frequently Asked Questions
Using private insurance on admission can be beneficial to the patient and Austin Health
What if my health fund discourages private admission in a public hospital?
You have the right to be treated as a private patient at all times, especially when your treatment is being
overseen by a clinician of your choice, regardless of whether you elect to be a private inpatient in a public
hospital. Your health fund does not have the right to question your decision.
Will my insurance premiums increase?
Premium increases are never determined on an individual case basis. The frequency of use of your
insurance will not increase your premium.
Does level of cover make a difference in a public hospital?
Basic hospital cover is sufficient to cover hospitalisation in a public hospital in most circumstances. The
exception is that some patients may have taken out extras only cover, in which case you cannot elect to be
a private patient in either public or private hospitals unless you pay the put-of-pocket expenses for your
hospitalisation. The patient may also have restrictions or exclusions on their cover for the particular
treatment that they are receiving or not have served their waiting periods. Austin Health staff will check
your level of cover when you elect to be a private inpatient and will contact you if your Health Fund does
not cover the service.
Are there any charges for a private patient?
If you choose to be transferred to another Health Service and you require ambulance transport you will be
responsible for the associated cost. It is advisable for the patient to contact their Private Health Insurer to
verify whether or not their policy covers them for this fee.
For more info contact: Private Patient Liaison Team – ph: (03) 9496 3188,