Text SEASONS There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer

Dialogue 2
- What is it like out-of-doors?
- It is raining (thundering and lightening).
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Each season is beautiful in its own way, but most people think that spring is
the best season of the year.
Spring is a fine season indeed. It comes after severe winter. Spring
months are March, April and May.
In March it is still cold. It often snows. But with every passing day it
becomes warmer and warmer. Nature awakens from winter sleep. The
weather is fine. The sky is blue and cloudless. The sun shines brightly. The
snow begins to melt. Birds return from warm countries. They build their nests
in parks and gardens. One can hear their singing and twittering everywhere.
In May it is very warm. Everything is so fresh. There are many spring
flowers: everything is in blossom.
In June spring is over and summer sets in. Summer months are June, July
and August. Summer is the hottest season of the year. Sometimes it is very
hot. After heat it often rains. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs. It thunders and
lightens. After the rain it is warm again. The weather is lovely. The air is fresh.
Summer is a season of holidays. People have their rest in summer. They
like to go to the seaside or to the country.
In August the weather becomes cooler. Nights become longer and days
become shorter. Autumn is approaching. It sets in in September.
Autumn months are September, October and November. At the beginning
of autumn it is still warm. The weather is fine. The leaves change their colour
to yellow, red and brown. They fall down on the ground forming a soft multicoloured carpet.
It becomes colder and colder with every passing day. It often rains or
drizzles. There is much mud out-of-doors.
But autumn is the richest season. There are many vegetables and fruit in
after autumn comes winter. It's the coldest season. It's cold in winter. It
often snows. The weather is frosty. Sometimes the weather is very cold - the
temperature is the more than 20° (twenty degrees) below zero.
But winter has its own charm. Winter is a good season for winter kinds of
sport. We can skate, ski, toboggan and play snowballs. You can say what you
like but winter is a fine season in its own way.
Dialogue 1
- What
is the weather like today?
- The weather is good (fine, lovely, bad, nasty).
Dialogue 3
V'- What is the temperature now? (What does the thermometer
- It is 10° (ten degrees) above zero (below zero).
Dialogue 4
- What lovely weather we are having.
- Yes, it is really lovely (fine, beautiful).
Dialogue 5
- The day is lovely, isn't it?
- Yes, it is. We are having lovely weather.
Dialogue 6
- The heat is unbearable, isn't it?
- Yes, it's really very hot. I am simply melting.
Dialogue 7
- What is the weather forecast?
- We are going to have a clear day (rainy weather).
Dialogue 8
- It looks like raining. Clouds cover the sky. Take umbrella
- Yes, you are right.
Dialogue 9
It's raining cats and dogs. I am wet to the skin.
So am I.
Do you know the forecast for tomorrow?
Yes, they say, it will clear up soon.
Dialogue 10
- It's very cold today, isn't it?
- Oh, yes, I am simply freezing. What's the temperature today?
- About 20° below zero.
II. Закінчіть речення.
1. Spring months are ... . 3. Autumn months are ... . 5. Spring sets in in ... .
7. Autumn sets in in ... . 9. Spring comes after ... . 11. Autumn comes after ....
13. In spring the weather is ... . 15. In autumn the weather is ... 17. In spring
days become ... . 19. The temperature is ... . 21. In winter it often ... .
2. Summer months are 4. Winter months are 6. Summer sets in
in 8. Winter sets in in 10. Summer .comes after ... 12. Winter
comes after ... 14. In summer the weather is ...
16. In winter the weather is ... 18. In autumn days become ... 20. In
autumn it often ... 22. In summer it sometimes ... and ... .
III. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Зверніть увагу на
займенник it. У цих реченнях він виступає у функції формального
безособового підмета, при перекладі українською мовою
Зразок: It is summer now. - Тепер літо.
1. It is winter now. 2. It is autumn now. 3. It is spring now. 4. It is warm. 5. It
is cold. 6. It is dark. 7. It is hot. 8. It is beautiful. 9. It is frosty. 10. It is sunny.
11. It often rains. 12. It often snows. 13. It often drizzles. 14. It is raining now.
15. It is snowing now. 16. It is drizzling now. 17. It becomes colder and colder
with every passing day. 18. It becomes warmer and warmer with every
passing day. 19. It is 8 a.m. 20. It is 9 p.m.
IV. Перекладіть англійською мовою речення, що виражають
явища природи, погоду, час. В ролі формального підмета вжийте
займенник it.
1. Зараз літо. 2. Літом тепло. 3. Зимою холодно. 4. Зараз осінь.
5. Осінню часто іде дощ. 6. Темно. 7. Інколи гримить і блискає.
8. Сьогодні дуже гаряче. 9. Зараз 6.15. 10. Зараз 20.50.
V. Порівняйте значення прислівників many, much. Що ви можете
сказати про вживая цих прислівників? Перекладіть англійською
мовою, пам ятаючи, що прислівник many вживається із злічуваними
іменниками, а прислівник much - із незлічуваним.
1. На вулиці багато снігу. 2. Осінню багато овочів. 3. Літом багато
квітів. 4. В садах багато фруктів. 5. Після дощу на вулиці багато грязі.
6. У цій кімніті багато свіжого овітря. 7. У цій кімнаті багато світла.
8. Весною багато птахів повертаються з теплих країн. 9. Багато людей
мають відпустки влітку. 10. Багато дітей люблять кататися на ковзанах
та лижах взимку.
VI. Пригадайте, як утворюється теперішній тривалий час. Яку
дію він позначає? Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
Поясніть, чому у цих реченнях ужитий теперішній тривалий час.
1. Look, it is snowing again. 2. Look, it is raining. 3. Look, it is raining cats
and dogs. 4. It is becoming warmer. 5. It is becoming colder. 6. It is drizzling
again. 7. Children are skating and skiing. 8. Birds are singing and twittering, do
you hear? 9. It is thundering and lightening again. 10. Where are our children?
- They are tobogganing. 11. The day is lovely. The sun is shining brightly in the
VII. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Визначіть часову
форму дієслова. Прокоментуйте вживання часових форм.
1. a) In summer it often thunders and lightens, b) Look, it is thundering and
lightening again. 2. a) It often rains in autumn, b) Take umbrella with you. It is
raining. 3. a) It is cold in winter, b) It is becoming cold. 4. a) Children like winter.
They skate and ski in winter, b) Where are the children? - They are in the yard.
They are skating and skiing. 5. a) I do not like autumn. It often rains in autumn,
or it often drizzles, b) Look, it is drizzling again. Every day the weather is nasty.
6. a) In summer it is very warm. Sometimes it is very hot. The sun shines
brightly, b) We are having lovely weather today. It is very warm. The sky is
blue. The sun is shining brightly.
VIII. Пригадайте, як утворюється вищий і найвищий ступені
порівняння прикметників. Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Літо тепліше, ніж весна. 2. Осінь холодніша, ніж літо. 3. Зима
холодніша, ніж осінь. 4. Весна тепліша, ніж зима. 5. Березень холодніший,
ніж квітень. 6. Квітень теплішй, ніж березень. 7. Серпень холодніший, ніж
липень. 8. Грудень холодніти, ніж листпад. 9. Червень тепліший, ніж
квітень. 10. Зима - найхолодніша пора року. 11. 22 червня - найдовший
день року. 12. Лютий - найкоротший місяць року. 13. Літо - найтепліша
пора року. 14. Літо - найкраща пора року.
IX. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. How many seasons are there in a year? 2. What season is it now? 3. Is it
warm or cold now? 4. Which of spring months is the coldest? 5. Which of
spring months is the warmest? 6. Which of autumn months is the coldest? 7.
Which of autumn months is the warmest? 8. What is the weather like in spring?
9. What is the weather like in summer? 10. What is the weather like in winter?
11. What is the weather like in autumn? 12. Does it often rain in summer (in
autumn, in spring)? 13. Is it raining now? 14. Does it often snow in winter (late
autumn)? 15. What is the weather today? 16. Do you know the weather
forecast for tomorrow? 17. Do you know the weather forecast for the next
week? 18. What time is it now? 19. What day is it today? 20. What date is it
today? 21. What is the temperature today? "22. What was the temperature
X. Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Сьогодні гарна погода, чи не так? - Так, погода прекрасна. Тепло.
Небо безхмане. Сонце світить яскраво.
2. Глянь, знову іде дощ. Щодня іде дощ. - Так, погода дощова. Дощ
іде кожен день. Ти любиш дощову погоду? - Ні, звичайно. Я люблю теплу,
сонячну погоду.
3. Яка погода на вулиці? - Погода погана. Іде дощ. - Знову іде дощ? Так, іде сильний дощ. Я промокла до нитки.
4. Сьогодні холодно? - Так, погода холодна сьогодні. Іде сніг. -Знову
іде сніг? Кожен день іде сніг. На вулиці багато снігу. Все покрите снігом. Так, зима сніжна в цьому році.
5. Яка погода була вчора? - Вчора було холодно. - А яка була
темперетра вчора? - Вчора було 15° нижче нуля. - А яка температура
сьогодні? - Сьогодні тепліше, 10° морозу.