Animal Rights_Erika

Animals have rights too.
Animals have the capacity to be like humans. Animals also deserve the
rights humans do. Animals have rights too because they are sentient like humans.
Animals are sentient because sentient means you have conscious. I agree that
animals can have rights because animals feel love, feel happy, and many other
emotions like we humans do.
Because animals are equal to humans, they can have human rights too.
Humans and animals are different but just like animals are different from humans
children are different from adults also like men are different from women. Equality
doesn’t mean you have to be identical. Animals should have rights because they
are equal to us and equality has nothing to do with being identical.
I believe that animals should have rights just like human beings do. Animals
should have rights because they are sentient and they are equal to humans. There
are other reasons humans and animals should have rights because they are much
similar like humans and just because animals lack intelligence babies with
disabilities also lack a little of intelligence but they are still protected and have
rights. Animals have the ability to have rights and that should be a change
everyone agrees on.