Educational Foundations Department Meeting Agenda

Educational Foundations Department Meeting Agenda
Wednesday October 7, 2015 in UC 268 from 1-3 (during the second part of
the meeting we’ll have a brief tenured group meeting in UC 268, followed by
an O&P instructors meeting in the 6 th floor conference room)
Welcome/Meeting opening:
In attendance:
Items for discussion:
1. T-drive--Alicia will provide a brief overview
2. Committee reports--SPB--Katie; others?
3. Department working groups: needs (see department goals below)
4. Research needs/possible collaborations
5. Honors classes
6. Department chair evaluation
Items for decision/feedback:
Announcements and reminders:
Meeting adjourned:
Summary Table 4
Goals for 2015-2016 Related to the University’s Strategic Plan (2014-2016) and College
Plan Area
Your Department Goals for next year (2015-16)
Strategic Planning
I. Programs &
TBD when specific
goals for 2014-2016 are
finalized by SPBC
Foundations Block: Update portfolio and implement updated portfolio to improve alignment
of standards, instruction, and assessment
Gifted education: Stabilize and revise, if necessary, course rotation
Urban Education: Refine module objectives and components (using the Diversity Certificate as
model); revisit structure and submit curricular changes as needed (e.g. from module to
certificate). Firm connections to FTP/MTP, Teachers Have Class LC, the Student Org for
Urban Teaching, and the Institute for Urban Education.
Collect data regarding the revisions to the Urban Education program.
Collect data on the Norris Adolescent Academy O&P Pilot Project.
Continue to make progress in both promoting and assessing dispositions.
Continue to improve the implementation of our advising survey.
Assessment faculty will continue to work to integrate assessment into other college courses.
Continue to work on the technology certificate proposal and other COEPS Technology
Committee goals.
Examine LIBMEDIA 201 curriculum and format for revision to best meet the needs of
education majors.
Continue to explore strategies to provide high quality instruction on classroom management to
more teacher education students.
Continue to provide leadership in the College on development of dispositions/assessment of
dispositions in teacher education students.
II. The Educator
III. Diversity &
Library Media program: Revise practicum evaluation form and format for supervision to
reduce travel time. Examine staffing needs for library media program in light of proposed
Elem Ed redesign proposals and staffing and program changes at other UWSSLEC campuses.
Continue to share key ideas and skills with the wider community (UWW, other UW System
campuses, K-12)
A group of the Foundation Block instructors intend to explore potential for connecting
research interests and course content/activities and claim time for scholarly activities adjacent
to scheduled department meetings.
New Zealand/Australia: The tentative plan is to offer the program in Summer of 2016.
Continue collaboration between Urban Education module and FTP
IV. Regional
V. Professional
& Personal
Develop course syllabus for “Globalization and Education”
Continue to share key ideas and skills with the wider community (UWW, other UW System
campuses, K-12)
Continue with two gifted education licensure cohorts; develop and offer a self-supporting
workshop or event in gifted education
Improve our orientation materials for new faculty.
Goals of your
Use this area of the
table to include
department goals
that align with the
strategic planning
goals of your college
(if not already listed
Use this area of the
table to include
department goals
that don’t align with
the SPBC or College
strategic planning
goals listed above.