Forever Card “God Bless America”

Julie’s Palette
Forever Card
“God Bless America”
Beginner/Intermediate Acrylic Project
Designed by Julie Polderdyke
Free Pattern-February, 2012
Forever Card
“God Bless America”
Beginner/Intermediate Acrylic Project
Supply List
An Original Design by Julie Polderdyke
Decoart Americana Acrylic Colors
Antique Maroon, Asphaltum, Black Green, Chiffon Blue, Camel, Cocoa, Deep Midnight Blue, Desert
Sand, Espresso, Hauser Dark Green, Hauser Lt. Green, Hauser Med. Green, Lamp Black, Sapphire, Slate
Grey, Tomato Red, Warm White.
Scharff Golden Taklon Brushes “Syn-Sable”
Liners-Series #455 - # 2, 4
Flat Comber-Series # 165- # ¼”
Angular Shaders-Series # 155- # ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, 5/8”
10/0 Liner-Series #480
Flats-Series # 140 - # 2, 4, 6
Scroller-Series # 480 - # 1
Dry Brushes-Series # 245- # 2, # 4
Round-Series #405- # 2, # 4
Miscellaneous Supplies
Grey graphite
Tracing Paper
Paper towels
Water Container
Sandy Lion Design Stickers-Gold or Silver
Decoart All Purpose Sealer
Decoart Dura-Clear Satin Varnish
Krylon 18 Kt Gold Leafing Pen
Copyright 2011-Julie Polderdyke. All rights reserved. Patterns and instructions are intended for the
individual’s fun and profit in small quantities No part of this may be reproduced by photocopying or
any other form of mechanical reproduction except to reduce or enlarge the pattern for personal use.
Republishing, Repackaging, or Reproducing my pattern packets in any form is strictly Prohibited.
Forever Card
“God Bless America”
Beginner/Intermediate Acrylic Project
Painting Instructions
Page One
An Original Design by Julie Polderdyke
These cards are made of MDF wood (medium density fiber). It really does not need to be sealed and a
light sanding is all that is required.
Basecoat with Desert Sand. When dry, apply a faux finish in the following manner:
Faux Finish
First, tear a piece of plastic wrap bigger than the piece and lay it aside. Make a mixture of
Warm White + water (1:1) and apply it to the dry Desert Sand. Lay a piece of Saran Wrap
on the wet mixture and “scrunch” with your fingers. Carefully lift the wrap, and you should
have a sort of “crushed velvet” look.
Let that dry and trace your pattern on with grey graphite. Shade under the lettering and around everything
with floated Desert Sand using at least a 5/8” angular shader. Also, shade around the outside edges.
Basecoat the blue field with Sapphire Blue. Shade the dark areas Deep Midnight Blue and highlight the
top of the fold with floated Chiffon Blue. Line that part with thinned Chiffon Blue.
Basecoat the Red stripes with Tomato Red. Shade the top and the bottom of each with Ant. Maroon.
Basecoat the white stripes with Warm White. Shade at the top and the bottom of each strip and folds with
floated Slate Grey. Line the stripes with thinned Ant. Maroon.
Use a # 4 liner and Lamp Black to make strokes for the letters.
1. Basecoat the apple and the skin on the slice with Tomato Red. Shade both sides with
Ant. Maroon. Use 10/0 liner to apply streaks of thinned Camel to the apple, following
the shape of the apple. Float Camel behind the dimple, and float the dimple with Ant.
Maroon several times to get it darker. Apply a dry brushed Warm White highlight to the
apple as shown in the picture.
2. Basecoat the stem with Espresso. Line the top side with thinned Asphaltum, and the
bottom side with thinned Camel. Use thinned Camel to apply thin lines across the stem.
Basecoat the slice with Warm White with a tch of Camel, then apply shading in the seed
center area with floated camel. Apply one seed with Lamp Black.
1. Base leaves with Hauser Med. Green. Shade at the base and down the sides with Hauser
Dark Green. Highlight the tips with Hauser Lt. Green. Line and detail the leaves and
make the vines with thinned Black Green.
Forever Card
“God Bless America”
Beginner/Intermediate Acrylic Project
Painting Instructions
Page One
Pie Crust
Basecoat the crust with Camel. Trace the lattice lines and crust. Shade the lattice pieces that go under
other pieces and the top of the crust with Cocoa + Espresso. Dry brush the
centers of the lattice pieces with Warm White, and stipple the insides of the pie with
Espresso to give it a little “cinnamon” look.
Pie Pan
Basecoat the pie pan Sapphire Blue. When dry, stipple with Warm White. Apply Lamp Black to the trim
of the pie pan.
Shade the top and both sides of the pie pan with floated Deep Midnight Blue.
Apply thinned Warm White to the pie pan trim for highlights.
Drybrush Warm White on the right side of the pie pan for a highlight.
Inside the card
Trace the star and the lettering onto the inside piece. Float around the star and the outside edges with
Desert Sand. The star is done the same way as the front flag pieces. The lettering is done with a
Rapidograph or Pigma Pen, whichever you like.
The little stars on the blue fields are Sandy Lion Sticker Designs. I bought them at Michael’s and they
come in silver and in gold. I used the silver ones. You could also use white ones if you do not want the
glittery effect. Stick them where you want them, and if you want them in a fold, just use an exacto knife
to cut off what would be folded over.
Apply Krylon Gold Leaf Pen to edges of both pieces after the varnish has dried. I find varnishing over
the gold leaf tends to diminish the shine.