Online Comment-358972.pdf

Green Infrastructure and Countryside.
Tourism, leisure & Culture Service.
To: David Wong
From: Aidan Neary
Biodiversity and Ecology Officer
Date: 27/05/2015
Our Ref: AN 00383 Kingswood,
Your Ref: DC/2015/00383
Ext. 4963
RE: DC/2015/00383 Kingswood, Chepstow
Dear Dave,
Thank you for consulting with me on this dormer enlargement and external cladding works
application. I would now like to make the following comments with regards to protected species:
I have read the Bat Survey Report undertaken by AWT Ecological Consultancy dated January 2015. I
am satisfied that the survey was carried out by a suitably qualified ecologist and at an appropriate
time of year. Following a preliminary roost assessment and activity surveys in September 2014 the
report notes the presence of a day roost for a single common pipistrelle bat within the hanging tiles
of the property.
NRW confirm in their letter dated 21st February 2015 that they do not object to the scheme and
that the favourable conservation status will not be detrimentally affected subject to the
development being carried out in accordance with mitigation and compensation details outlined in
the bat report. Depending on the construction timing and implementation of a like for like roost
replacement a European Protected Species derogation licence may be required.
I am satisfied with the proposed timings and compensation included in the recommendations
section of the report. Please therefore include the following conditions on any approval:
Submission of a copy of the EPS licence (adapted from BS 42020:2013)
The herby permitted works shall not in any circumstances commence unless the local planning
authority has been provided with either:
a) a licence issued by Natural Resources Wales pursuant to Regulation 53 of The Conservation of
Habitats and Species Regulations (Amendment) 2012 authorising the specified activity/development
to go ahead; or
b) a statement in writing from a suitably experienced ecological consultant; to the effect that it does
not consider that the specified activity/development will require a licence.
REASON: to ensure that plant and animal species which come within the terms of The Conservation
of Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 2012 are effectively protected and that a copy of
the NRW development licence is submitted to the LPA.
Working method compliance:
The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the mitigation and
avoidance measures for bats outlined in Section 6 ‘Recommendations and Mitigation Strategy’ of
the Bat Survey Report undertaken by AWT Ecological Consultancy dated January 2015;unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To safeguard roosting habitat of Species of Conservation Concern in accordance with
Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and LDP policy NE1
Bat Roosting Provision
Opportunities for the continued use of the building by roosting bats shall be incorporated in the
scheme to be as a minimum as outlined in Section 6 of the revised Bat Survey report undertaken by
undertaken by AWT Ecological Consultancy dated January 2015;unless otherwise agreed in writing by
the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To safeguard roosting habitat of Species of Conservation Concern in accordance with
Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and LDP policies NE1
Elevation Plan details
Unfortunately, the bat report did not provide detailed architectural plans showing the location of
the compensatory bat roost features to be incorporated within the dwelling. In order to assist with
any potential future enforcement issues, an elevation plan showing the exact location of these
features is required. Therefore, please include the following condition on any consent:
Prior to the commencement of any works associated with the development hereby approved, an
elevation plan showing details of the provision of roosts and a means of access for pipistrelle bats
into the dwelling shall be submitted to the local authority for approval. The approved details shall be
implemented before the new dwelling hereby approved is first occupied.
REASON: To provide compensatory roosting features for bats, in accordance with paragraph 5.2.8 of
Planning Policy Wales (2010), paragraph 1.4.3 of TAN 5 (2009) and Section 40 of the Natural
Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
Please note that Bats are protected under The Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment)
Regulations 2012 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. This protection includes bats and places
used as bat roosts, whether a bat is present at the time or not. We advise that the applicant seeks a
European Protected Species licence from NRW under Regulation 53(2)e of the Conservation of
Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 2012 before any works on site commence that may
impact upon bats. Please note that the granting of planning permission does not negate the need to
obtain a licence. If bats are found during the course of works, all works must cease and the Natural
Resources Wales contacted immediately (NRW) (02920 772400).
Aidan Neary
Biodiversity and Ecology Officer
Tel: 01633 644936