PTFA Newsletter May 2015

Parents, Carers, “Friends” of school and staff.
Welcome to the PTFA newsletter.
What’s happening?
Our latest meeting was Monday 27th April at The Willows. This was attended by the regular
members with the addition of Reverend Tim, who we hope will be a regular member of the
PTFA to help consolidate the already strong links between School and Church.
The main focus of the meeting was planning for the Summer fair!!
The Summer Fair 2015
This will take place on Saturday 4th July 2015, 11.00 – 2pm, at St. James’ School, in the
school and hopefully – weather permitting with lots of exciting stuff going on outside.
There will be a variety of stalls, refreshments, games, a raffle, face painting, nail
painting, fancy dress competition, and much more.
How can you help?
Any help is appreciated either on the day or building up to the fair.
Run a stall - either your own (£5 a stall plus a raffle prize) or one of ours.
Bake cakes - we will be serving cakes with the refreshments and home-made cakes are
always popular.
Donate bottles, plants, lucky dip prizes or teddies – the pupils will be having a nonuniform day to bring things like these in.
Donate a raffle prize –do you know someone who has their own business who could
donate a stunning raffle prize – in the past we have had photo sessions, coffee machines,
vouchers for meals, cinema tickets etc.
Want to get involved?
Next meeting – Monday 8th June, 6pm in the lounge at Church. If you need to bring
children,that is ok – we can get some games out for them.
Check out our Facebook page – St. James Lower Darwen Primary School PTFA –
like the page to be kept up to date with events and news.
The PTFA is working for the benefit of the children at St. James School. Please continue to
support us in all events in the best way you can.
Every little bit helps!!