SA-1 Saturday Day Hiking - Cornell Outdoor Education

Shawangunks Rock Climbing
Cornell Outdoor Education
Phillips Outdoor Program Center
B01 Bartels Hall, Campus Road
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-6183
COE Contact:
Meeting Times:
Andrew McLaughlin,
Refer to website.
Attendance/Timeliness Policy
We expect all students to be at all class meetings. Attendance is required for successful completion. Should you need to miss
any class meetings, please speak with one of your instructors.
The instructors have planned the course to use the entire class time. You are expected to be on time and ready to participate at
the beginning of each class.
Topics Covered
Climbing safety practices and emergency procedures
Clothing for outdoor activity
Proper use and care of climbing equipment
Coiling a rope
Knots: Figure 8 family, EDK
Hitches: Clove, Munter, Prussik, Auto Block
Guidebook interpretation
Outdoor climbing ethics
Use of hands and feet for climbing
Intro to following traditional lead climbing
Lead belaying
Cleaning traditional climbing gear
Intro to systems for multi-pitch climbing
Rappelling with autoblock back-up
Natural history of the area
Leave No Trace principles
Camping and outdoor cooking
Optional Topics
Anchor building (EARNEST)
Trad gear placement
Belay escapes, passing knots, or other self-rescue techniques
Introduction to aid climbing
Carabiner brake or munter hitch for rappelling
Lead climbing considerations and mock leading
Geology discussion
Presentation on the history of rock climbing
Students should have fun and further their appreciation for climbing
Students should have an emotionally supportive environment to try new things and push themselves.
Students should be exposed to the technical systems for multi-pitch climbing.
Students should learn to take responsibility for their own safety while climbing.
Students should learn how to properly use and care for climbing equipment in an outdoor environment.
Students should develop a respect for the natural environment in which outdoor climbing takes place.
Basic Rock Climbing or equivalent experience