Circulation Study Guide - Stephanie Dietterle Webpage

Circulation Study Guide
A vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is called a(n) coronary artery
A group of cells that sends out signals that make the heart contract is the pacemaker
At the site of a wound, platelets set off reactions that eventually cause the production of a chemical
called fibrin
Plasma is mostly composed of water
A disorder in which a person’s blood pressure is consistently higher than normal is called
Walls are one cell thick, this is NOT a characteristic of a vein
The largest artery in the body is called the aorta
The network of vessels that returns fluid to the bloodstream is called the lymphatic system
Hemoglobin is a protein that binds easily to oxygen
The right ventricle pumps blood into arteries leading to the lungs
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that can build up in arteries
The right and left ventricles are the two lower chambers of the heart
A sphygomomanometer is an instrument that measures blood pressure
A(n) heart attack occurs when the blood flow is cut off to a portion of your heart muscle
The tiny vessels where oxygen moves from the red blood cells into the body cells are called
White blood cells defend the body against disease
Platelets are cell fragments that help form blood clots
Valves in the heart help control the direction of blood flow
The force of the heart’s contracting ventricles causes blood pressure
Artery walls must be very thick to withstand the high force of blood pumped by the heart
Blood Component
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
Liquid made of water and
dissolved material
Red, disk-shaped, with pinched
in center, made mostly of
hemoglobin with no nucleus
Have nuclei and are larger than
red blood cells
Cell fragments
Transport materials from one
part of the body to another
Carries oxygen from the lungs
Fight infection, alert the body to
invasion, produce chemicals to
fight invaders, kill foreign
Sticks to the site of a wound and
eventually causes the production
of fibrin to form a clot
Label the Parts of the Heart – use the diagram from the worksheet “The Body’s Transport System” #11
Key Terms Crossword Puzzle