
Note: there will be EIGHT questions on the final exam, each worth 5 points.
You must answer FIVE of them.
There will be no programming questions.
Question 1 Colour
Colin Ware suggests that one should use a limited number of colors to represent
qualities in a visualization. What number of colors does he suggest? Explain what
perceptual factors lead to this suggested limit.
Q2 Dynamic Query
What is dynamic query? Give an example application that uses it.
Q3 Tree Visualization
Compare and contrast two of these three common techniques for visualizing trees: (1)
Hyperbolic Tree visualization, (2) TreeMap (for example, Map of the Market), or (3)
Explorer, the Windows file system viewer. For each technique, identify and briefly explain
what information-seeking tasks are supported well, and what information seeking tasks
are supported poorly or not at all.
Q4Multivariate Visualization
In a parallel coordinates display, each variable has its own vertical stripe of the screen.
What type of facilities would you need to find a correlation between two variables? What
type of facilities would you need for finding an outlier?
Q5 Navigation and sense making. How do residue and scent affect sensemaking?
Q6. Describe three techniques for reducing graph complexity,.
Q7. Describe three important Gestalt principles of visual organization and provide examples
of how these are used in visualization techniques.
Q8 define and sketch out the most appropriate visualization
for the following data schema. Justify your choices. The data variables are described by the
Name (#type, number of values)
Sales data,
Product (name, 6)
Region (province/territory name, 13)
Amount ($, variable)
Month (name, 12)
Weight/diabetes data
Weight (kg, variable) Diabetes (name, 3 – I,II,none) Age Onset (number, variable)