Newsletter June 2015 - Benchill Medical Practice

Welcome to the latest newsletter from Benchill Medical Practice
Would you like to have a say in how your surgery is run?
We are setting up a Patient Participation Group in order to get feedback on what you feel is important. If you
would like to take part in this group, please speak to our Reception Manager – Diane Shard
Booking your GP appointment online
Did you know you can also book your GP appointment online? You will need to register with the reception
staff at the practice to be registered with Patient Access. It also gives you an opportunity to download a free
app your mobile phone to use at your convenience mailto:www.Benchill Medical Practice - How to make an
appointment to see your doctor or nurse at the surgery
Ordering repeat prescriptions
Remember to allow 48 hours for us to process your request for a repeat prescription. You can also order your
repeat prescriptions online and will you will need to register first with the reception staff at the
practicemailto:www.Benchill Medical Practice - How to order your repeat medications from the doctors
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test is an important feedback tool and gives you
the opportunity to provide feedback on your experience and say if you
would recommend our services. Did you know you can also complete
the survey online via our website? mailto:www. Friends & Family Test - My Surgery Website
Worried about your memory?
It happens to all of us from time to time. You can’t put a name to a face. You forget where you put your keys.
You can’t remember where you parked the car. Most of the time such slips are a nuisance, rather than a sign
of something more serious. But if you are worried that your memory is getting noticeably worse, or if memory
loss is beginning to affect your everyday life, it is worth seeking advice. You might also be concerned about
someone close to you. It’s important to seek advice because, in some
cases, memory problems are an early sign of a medical condition such
as dementia. If you have any concerns, please speak to your GP. Further
information on dementia can be found on the NHS Choices website –
Choose Well Manchester -
This website gives you advice about when and how to use local NHS services.
Do you care for someone?
If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled,
you are a carer, even if you don't think of yourself that way. Didsbury Medical
Centre is committed to offering support to carers and keeps a register of
patients who are carers or who have a carer with their consent. If you are a
carer, please identify yourself to the reception staff.
Be Sun Smart
Most skin cancers are caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds. Enjoy the sun
safely. Whether you're at home or abroad, use shade, clothing and at least SPF15 sunscreen to protect
yourself. Anyone can develop skin cancer, but some people are more likely to get the disease than others.
These people tend to have one or more of the following:
 Fair skin that burns easily in strong sun
 Lots of moles or freckles
 Red or fair hair
 Light-coloured eyes
 A personal or family history of skin cancer
 A history of sunburn
The best way to enjoy the sun safely and protect your skin from sunburn is to
use a combination of shade, clothing and sunscreen. When the sun is strong
or you’re at risk of burning:
 Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm
 Wear a t-shirt, hat and sunglasses
 Use a sunscreen with at least factor 15 and a high star rating. Use it
generously and reapply regularly
Further information on being sun smart can be found on the NHS Choices website –
Summary Care Record
Your Summary Care Record contains important information about any medicines you are taking, any allergies
you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines that you have previously experienced. You can choose to
have a Summary Care Record or you can choose to opt out. Further information can be read here in this
patient leaflet or you can talk to reception staff.
Your 15 healthcare essentials to living with diabetes
The 15 healthcare essentials are the essential health checks and services that everyone with diabetes should
receive from their healthcare team
Useful information
 Good Neighbours Didsbury is a local neighbourhood group providing a variety of activities for older
people and volunteering opportunities for people in Didsbury.
07749 504298 /
 South Manchester Healthy Living Network works with local people, community organisations and the
health service to encourage healthier lifestyles in South Manchester. 0161 217 3667 /
Care Quality Commission (CQC Inspection)
Our premises are due to be inspected on Thursday 2nd July 2015. Any patient wishing to speak with CQC Inspection team
on 2nd July may do so by prior arrangement through our Practice Manager. Alternatively if you in the practice on 2nd July,
a member of the inspection team may well approach you to talk about the care we provide as a practice.
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