Popular Culture iCentre Study Guide - schs

iCentre Study Guide - Research Essay
The globalising world: Popular Culture (1945 – present)
Books in the iCentre.
Australia through time, 1998, Sydney, Mynah. 994 AUS
The Australian game of football since 1858. 2008, Geoff Slattery Publishing, Docklands. 796.33609
Benn, Jane, 2009, The Rolling Stones: the illustrated biography, Green Hertfordshire, Transatlantic
Press. 782.42166 BEN
Blackburn, Susan, (Ed.), 2015, Breaking out: memories of Melbourne in the 1970s. Hale and
Iremonger, Willoughby NSW, 994.5106 BLA
Blainey, Geoffrey, 2013, A history of Victoria, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.
994.5 BLA
Bryant, Nick, 2015, The rise and fall of Australia: How a great nation lost its way. Bantam, Sydney,
994.072 BRYR09515
Cashman, Luke, Ashton, Paul, Anderson, Mark, 2013, History. 10, The Modern World and Australia:
Australian Curriculum, Macmillan, South Yarra. TR 909.08076 CAS
Chapter 4: Popular Culture, 1954 – Present.
What was the nature of popular culture in Australia at the end of World War II?
What were the developments in popular culture in postwar Australia and their impact on society?
How did the nature of the music, film and television industries in Australian change during the
postwar period?
What has been Australia’s contribution to international popular culture?
How have changing beliefs and values influenced the Australian way of life?
Clancy, Laurie, 2004, Culture and customs of Australia, Greenword Press, Westport, 306.0994 CLA
Clark, Pamela, 2011, The Retro Cookbook, ACP, Sydney. 641.5 RET
Clarke, Rohan, 2006, The golden girl, Random House, Milsons Point. 796.422 CUT
Biography of Betty Cuthbert who won three track medals at the Melbourne 1956 Olympics.
Conomy, Trevor, 2015, Down under, Affirm Press, South Melbourne, 782.4216623 CON
Coote, Maree, 2013, The Melbourne book: A history of now. 4th Edition, Melbourne Style Books,
South Melbourne. 994.51 COO
iCentre Study Guide - Research Essay. The globalising world: Popular Culture (1945 – present). Resources in the iCentre.
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Dalziell, Tanya and Genoni, Paul, (ed.) 2013, Telling stories: Australian life and literature 1935-2012.
Monash University Publishing, Clayton. 820.9 DAL
Gapps, Stephen, 2010, Front pages that shaped Australia: 100 of the nation’s most influential cover
stories and newspaper headlines from 1629 to 2000, Murdoch Books, Millers Point. 994 GAP
Glover, Dennis, 2015, An economy is not a society: winners and losers in the new Australia. Redback,
Collingwood, Vic. 338.994 GLO
Gordon, Harry, 1994, Australia and the Olympic games, UQP, St. Lucia. 796.480994 GOR
History goes up to the announcement of Sydney winning the 2000 Olympics 1993.
Hill, Tim et al, 2008 The Beatles: the illustrated biography, Transatlantic Press, Green Hertfordshire.
782.42166 BEA
Hockey, Jenny, 2009, Gough Whitlam: a moment in history. The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne,
Kenneally, Thomas, 2014, Australians: Flappers to Vietnam, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. 994.04 KEN
King, Jonathan, 2009, Great moments in Australian history, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest. 994 KIN
Knight, Lindsay, 2013, Australia’s greatest people and their achievements, Random House, North
Sydney. 994.0922 KNI
Luck, Peter, 1992, Australian icons: things that make us what we are, Heinemann, Port Melbourne.
994 LUC
Macdonald, Bruno, 2010, Rock Connexions: the complete road map of rock’n’roll, Murdoch Books,
Millers Point. 781.6609 MAC
McInnes, William, The making of modern Australia. Hachette, 2010, Sydney. 994.04 MCI
Martin, Jesse and Gannon, Ed, Lionheart: A Journey of the Human Spirit, 2000, Allen & Unwin, St
Leonards, N.S.W. 910.41092 MAR
Moments in Time: Great Images of the 20th Century, Herald Sun Pictures 1900-1999, 2000, Hardie
Grant, South Yarra. 070.49099451 MOM
The people who made Australia great, 1988, Collins, Sydney. 994.0099 PEO
Perry, Roland, 2001, Bradman’s best: Sir Donald Bradman’s selection of the best team in cricket
history – collector’s edition, Random House, Milsons Point. 796.3580922 BRA
Pierce, Peter (ed.) 2009, History of Australian literature, Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge. R 820.9
Roberts, Michael (ed.) 2008, Great Australian sporting moments, Miegunyah, Carlton. 796.0994 GRE
iCentre Study Guide - Research Essay. The globalising world: Popular Culture (1945 – present). Resources in the iCentre.
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Sinclair, Jenny, 2015, Much ado about Melbourne, Affirm Press, South Melbourne. 307.7609945 SIN
Swain, Victor, 2011, Australia: moments in history: from Captain Cook to the 21st century, New
Holland, Sydney. 994 SWA
Includes entries on The Olympic Games, Francis Chichester and Kay Cottee.
Tout-Smith, Deborah ed. Melbourne: a city of stories. Melbourne, Museum Victoria, 2009.
Entry on the horse, Phar Lap.
Yapp, Nicholas, 1998, The Hulton Getty picture collection: 1960s, (Series: Decades of the 20th
Century). Könemann, Köln.
Yapp, Nicholas, 1998, The Hulton Getty picture collection: 1970s, (Series: Decades of the 20th
Century), Könemann, Köln.
Allam, L, (2014). Crawfords : television for the people. Radio National, viewed 27 Feb. 2015,
Goldsmith, Ben, 2015, Australia's film industry owes a debt to Gough Whitlam'. if.com.au, viewed 24
Feb. 2015, http://if.com.au/2014/10/21/article/Australias-film-industry-owes-a-debt-to-GoughWhitlam/MKSAJQJVRF.html
Grown Ups Dress up for Sci-fi and Pop Culture Expo, 201, ABC News, viewed 23 Feb. 2015,
Latham, David, (2015) The Guardian, The cultural irrelevance of sport according to Australian
intellectuals, viewed 2 March, 2015, http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2015/feb/04/culturalirrelevance-sport-australian-intellectuals
O'Brien, Philip, 2014, The Beatles Let It Be in Australia: 1964, The Sydney Morning Herald. June 14
2014, viewed 23 Feb. 2015, http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/the-beatles-let-it-be-inaustralia-1964-20140606-zrvui.html
Popular Culture, ABC Splash. ABC, 2015, viewed 23 Feb. 2015, http://splash.abc.net.au/topic//t/495864/Popular%20culture
Strong, Catherine, Wellings, Ben and Sumartojo, Shanti, 2015, The Conversation, Australia is in the
Eurovision – please adjust your maps, viewed 23 Feb. 2015. http://theconversation.com/australia-isin-the-eurovision-please-adjust-your-maps-37464
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