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Day of the Dead
Student Presentation Tips
As your students prepare for their presentation, here are some tips for effective
 Practice your presentation and kept the length of your students presentations
within your scheduled time limit – Remember you only have 15 minutes.
 Within your scheduled presenting time, consider leaving some time available for
viewing sites to ask questions.
 Because so many different out of Region 14 sites are participating, if you can
work it into your presentation time limit, start your presentation with a map of
your state or country pinpointing your location. (A black outline map on a
document camera is an excellent and fast way to show everyone where you are
located. Google Earth is another excellent option.)
 Speak slow and clear.
 Position the microphone close to the presenting students.
 Either:
o Set a camera preset or set your camera in a specific location and bring the
students to that location for presentations from multiple students, or
o Set a camera preset for the different locations in the room for different
student presentations.
 If available, use a document camera to show pictures, crafts, etc.
 If a document camera is not available, use camera presets.
 Remember, video conferencing is a very visual medium – use pictures, video
clips, power point presentations, etc to enhance your presentations.
 Have students introduce themselves by first name before they start their
presentation. (For student safety, I really recommend students identify themselves
by first name ONLY!)
 Because this is a Spanish Foreign Language based video conferencing project and
depending upon the level of your presenting students, encourage them to inter
disperse Spanish and English. (For advanced Spanish students that can do their
entire presentation in the Spanish language, remember that the viewing audience
will be a mix of beginning and advanced Spanish speakers.)
 Do NOT have students stand and read long dialogs – some students may rather
write their presentation and read it rather than being spontaneous. That is fine, but
show graphics, pictures, etc of what they are talking about as they read their