University Policy Advisory Committee - April 4, 2012

Enterprise Facilities Committee (EFC) – January 19, 2016
Approved version will be published on Resources and Reports (
Attendees: Sigrid Davidson, Richard DeShields, Patrick Dizney, Michael Moon, Michael Montgomery,
Melanie Palm, Michele Reilly Doug Ryder, Karen Shaw, Breanyn MacInnes, Veronica Zamora,
John Swiney, Coco Wu, Bill Yarwood (chair)
Guests: Ryan Anderson, ASWCU President, and John DeHan, ASCWU Executive Vice President
Absent: Derek Mayo, Patrick Stanton, Nathan White and Veronica Zamora
Keith Champagne, Sandy Colson
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. and attendees introduced themselves.
A. Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 19, 2015 was made by Karen Shaw,
seconded by Doug Ryder. The minutes were approved.
B. Update on Call for State Capital Projects
Bill Yarwood advised early last November that the Vice President of Operations had sent out a
notification to the President’s Administrative Team (PAT) requesting that they identify academic
program needs to initiate the 2017-2019 call for capital projects. The goal is to develop a prioritized
list of campus-wide capital project funding requests to submit to the Board of Trustees this coming
May. Projects address either preservation or programmatic needs and are classified by the
following dollar thresholds: $2 million or less - minor capital projects; $2 -$5 million - intermediate
capital projects; and greater than $5 million - major capital projects. We discussed the possibility
that the threshold for the intermediate category may be increased to $10 million in the upcoming
Capital Budget.
The Facilities Capital Budget Request Website http://www.cwu/facility/capital-budget-requests
gives an overview of the 2017-2019 Capital Project planning process. A timeline is included for the
State Capital Project development process. According to this timeline, the EFC committee will
review at their next EFC meeting in February the Facilities recommended project matrix and
prioritized list. A copy of the list of the submittals which Facilities has received to date was handed
out to the committee (a copy of which is attached). Facilities has begun to meet with the requestors
to develop an initial scope, target budget and schedule for each respective submittal. FMD will
prepare a matrix of all the project submittals based on the Office of Financial Management (OFM)
OFM scoring criteria, which is used as a basis for determining legislative funding.
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Enterprise Facilities Committee (EFC) – January 19, 2016
Approved version will be published on Resources and Reports (
During the discussion of the list of requests, Richard DeShields explained that the submittal for the
Central Access Lab (No. 13) may not be a capital project, but a request for lab space in an academic
building (Hogue).
The Capital Budget website also includes a copy of the current combined 10 Year Capital Budget, an
online Capital Request Form, and Capital Project Definitions.
C. Aspirational Campus Master Plan Update
Bill Yarwood explained that the process of determining the prioritized ten year capital budget/plan
will influence the current update of the University’s aspirational master plan. These capital budget
priorities need to be aligned with the proposed build out of the campus over the next five biennium.
As such, the capital budget process is a combined list of both state-funded and non-state funded
(housing, dining, auxiliary) projects.
The following proposed and/or contemplated campus projects were discussed:
Health Sciences Location: The Project Committee and the A/E Design Team are
currently in the initial Program Confirmation task in the design phase of this new
campus facility, which is being proposed to be built north of Hebeler Hall. The
proposed new building received design funding in the current 2015-2017 capital budget
as a replacement of Hertz Hall. An update of the recommended exact location of the
new building will be presented at the next EFC committee meeting.
Campus Parking: The planning of a new parking lot to replace the J-8 Parking Lot, which
was removed from the center of campus to accommodate the Science II project, is
currently underway to serve the Science Neighborhood. An update of this planning
process will be presented at the next EFC committee meeting.
ASCWU Veterans Memorial: Ryan Anderson and John DeHan presented the planning
process which ASCWU has initiated for a veteran’s memorial to be constructed on
campus. The first meeting of the project task force was held last week. The goal of the
task force, which will meet bi-weekly, is to have the project underway by this coming
May. An update of this proposed campus project will be presented at the next EFC
committee meeting.
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Enterprise Facilities Committee (EFC) – January 19, 2016
Approved version will be published on Resources and Reports (
Art for the Samuelson Renovation and Addition Project and South Neighborhood (Old
Heat, Lind Hall, and Bouillon Hall) projects. Bill Yarwood advised that the planning of
these new campus art projects are being initiated and that if anyone from the EFC
committee is interested in participating in these campus art projects, please contact
Sandy Colson.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the committee will be February 16, 2016, at 3 p.m. in Barge 412.
Attachment:2017-2019 Call for Capital List dated Jan 19, 2016 (1 page)
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