2% of your taxes will help to find mums and dads for more

2% of your taxes will help to find mums and dads for more abandoned
For more than 4 500 children in Slovakia mum is just a word because they don’t live with
parents. These children grow up together but alone at the same time, in children’s homes,
because their own parents couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of them.
Only a small portion of these many children are lucky enough to find a new family right
away. A lot of children are hard to place in a family due to their age, ethnicity, disability, or
other health condition. However, every one of them needs love, security, and acceptance
which can only be given to them by loving and stable parents!
How do your 2% help?
Thanks to 2%, we:
● Found substitute family to more than 1 000 disadvantaged children
● Introduced professional families which currently take care of 1 400 children
● Give long-term professional advice and special therapies to more than 750 substitute
● Professionally help more than 300 children from at-risk families to prevent them
being taken away
How to donate 2% to Návrat?
Procedure, deadlines, and forms
Názov (Name): Návrat
Sídlo (Residence): Šancová 42, 811 05 Bratislava
Právna forma (Business entity): Občianske združenie
IČO (Organisation Identification Number): 31746209
Natural Person
If you are a NATURAL PERSON who declares taxes, a part of the filing is a declaration of
donating a sum up to 2% of declared tax (3% for volunteers).
The last deadline for the filing is 31.3.2016 in case you didn’t ask for extension.
More details and terms on tax return and donating 2% on www.rozhodni.sk.
If you volunteered for more than 40 hours in the last fiscal year, you can donate up to 3% (to
various organisations). If you volunteer for us and want the Confirmation, contact us at
Legal Person
As COMPANIES, you usually donate up to 1% of your tax but you can donate up to 2% using
a different technique!!!
If you donate at least 0.5% of your tax to community works* before the tax return
The last deadline for the filing is 31.3.2016 in case you didn’t ask for extension.
*The condition being the Legal Person donates at least 0.5% of their tax to a non-business
organisation. It doesn’t have to be the same organisation to which the Legal Person then
donates the 2%.
If you are an EMPLOYEE whose tax return is filed by their employer, ask the employer to file
,,Potvrdenie o zaplatení dane“ (Tax Return Receipt) and then ,,Vyhlásenie o poukázaní 2%“
(Declaration of 2% Donation) till 15.2.2016.
The due date in which all forms need to be submitted to the tax bureau in the place of
permanent residence is 30.4.2016.
If you volunteered for more than 40 hours in the last fiscal year, you can donate up to 3% (to
various organisations). If you volunteer for us and want the Confirmation, contact us at
What do the 2% mean to us?
● 2% is an important part of our budget.
If the sum obtained from the 2% for Návrat decreased rapidly, a range of services offered by
us would be at risk.
● 2% help when and where needed!
In contrast with state money or subsidies, the money from 2% enables us to react to
families’ and children’s needs much more flexibly. For example, they enable us to start
working with substitute families on building bonds with adopted child immediately after
adoption and thus form attachment from the very beginning.
● 2% are like drops creating a lake!
Even a seemingly small sum is crucial for us! 2% donations from Natural Persons and
employees made for 41% of all collected 2% donations in 2014! We would like to thank all
the employees and Natural Persons for taking the time to fill in the Declaration and send it
to tax bureau. This is still rare in Slovakia as more than half of all the employees don’t donate
their 2%. Inspire others to helping and share the ,,Vyhlásenie“ (Declaration) with your
friends. You can also help us by following our Facebook page and sharing the information.
● 2% gave us a stable income from Legal Persons as well.
We would also like to thank our partners and Legal Persons who have been standing by us
for years and also support us by their 2%, and thus contribute to our financial stability. If you
want to become our partner, please don’t hesitate to contact us (trvaly@navrat.sk). We will
be happy if you give the chance to support our NGO to your employees, too.
The 2% donated by you will be used transparently and we will be happy to answer any
queries about their utilisation.
If you want to donate 2% personally or have any other queries about 2%, please contact us
at ivana.bizonova@navrat.sk.
For all the details and terms and conditions of 2% donation visit www.rozhodni.sk.
Thank you!