Officer Report-1998201.pdf - Bolsover District Council

Old Bolsover
Extension to existing workshop building and erection of new workshop
3 Riverside Way Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6GA
SRS Rail Systems Limited
FILE NO. PP-03736375
Mr Steve Kimberley
20th October 2014
The site is an existing maintenance unit which primarily services railway maintenance
vehicles. The site comprises of a large industrial unit built of brick and grey steel cladding. To
the east and south of the building are areas for parking and storage though the southern part
of the site is not currently used. There is a small section of railway test track on the eastern
side of the site. The site is generally bounded by 2m high steel palisades fencing painted
black. Beyond the site to the east is a wooded area and an old railway cutting beyond which
there are further trees with the land rising once more. To the south is the part of the former
colliery tip which has been restored as a country park whilst to the west and north are other
industrial plots one of which has already been developed. The land is a former colliery tip
which was restored and then allocated for industrial use.
The proposal is for an extension to the existing workshop together with a new workshop
building positioned to the north side of the existing building. The new extension will extend
the existing building to the north by 16.67m with a height to eaves of 7.045m and a height to
ridge of 8.475m. There are three roller doors for high vehicles on the eastern facing elevation
and a mezzanine floor providing a boardroom area internally. Materials are to match the
existing building with grey coloured steel cladding. The new workshop is to be 15m deep and
have a width of 16.5m. Height to eaves is 7.5m with an height to the top of the ridge of 8.8m.
In addition to these changes a new concrete yard area and hardcore area are also proposed
with crushed sandstone to be used as the hardcore material.
Additional information submitted on the 5th December changing the surfacing material of
stone to a hardcore comprised of sandstone and supplying further information on heritage
impacts and photos of the site taken from the listed building Bolsover Castle. The letter clearly
states that whilst accepting the significance of the setting of Bolsover Castle they do not feel
that their proposals will have such a significant impact as to cause any degree of
demonstrable harm.
Email received on the 12th December 2014 confirming that 20 spaces would be provided
within the site for staff parking and they are happy for this to be controlled by condition.
HISTORY (if relevant)
03/00238/OUT Outline permission for 6 units Approved 17 th June 2003
03/00237/FUL Development including building fencing and test track. Approved 25 th June
04/00316/FUL New road/rail maintenance and repair depot Approved 23 rd June 2004
English Heritage – Consider that assessing the potential impact is hampered by a lack of
information submitted. The application should include a consideration of the potential impacts
and should include photographs including views from the Castle and terrace. Notwithstanding
the lack of information they feel that potential impacts could be mitigated by attention to
materials and colour and suggest a green colour rather than the grey currently on the
building. Similarly they feel that different surfacing colours could be used. Overall they
consider that approval of the scheme as submitted would be premature because of the lack of
information. 14/11/2014
Conservation Officer – Comment that the most important issue is the potential impact upon
the setting of Bolsover Castle and notes that the existing industrial units are visible from the
castle. However do not consider that the proposals will have a detrimental impact upon
Bolsover Castle noting that the existing industrial units have been on site some time and the
proposed extension is not large scale. No objections 28/11/2014
Bolsover Parish Council – No objections 11/11/2014
Highway Authority – Express concern that whilst the application form states 20 parking
spaces to be provided only 7 are clearly shown on the proposed plan. Ask for further
information regarding number of staff and a plan showing all parking spaces. 08/12/2014
Site notice posted, press advertisement published and one neighbouring property notified.
No representations received.
Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP)
GEN1 (Minimum requirements for Development) GEN2 (Impact of Development on the
Environment) EMP5 (Protection of sites and buildings for employment uses) CON10
(development affecting the setting of Listed buildings)
National Planning Policy Framework
Paragraph 19 : Planning should operate to encourage and not act as an impediment to
sustainable growth. Therefore significant weight should be placed on the need to support
economic growth through the planning system.
128. In determining applications, local planning authorities should require an applicant to
describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by
their setting. The level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance and no
more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance.
129 Local planning authorities should identify and assess the particular significance of any
heritage asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting the
setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence and any necessary
expertise. They should take this assessment into account when considering the impact of a
proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s
conservation and any aspect of the proposal.
Para 131 In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should take account
the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and
putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation;
the positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to
sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and
the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character
and distinctiveness.
Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the
significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the
public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.
Other (specify)
It is considered that the main impacts for consideration are the impact on the character and
appearance of the area and in particular the impacts on the significance of the setting of
Bolsover Castle.
The existing unit is sited on an industrial estate created by the restoration of a former colliery
tip and which is a designated Local Employment site under policy EMP3 of the adopted Local
Plan. Two of the plots have been developed though others are still vacant. Policy EMP3 of the
adopted Local Plan states that planning permission will be granted for the development of
such sites but may be restricted by condition for some B2 uses which may have an
unacceptable impact. The use whilst B2 has already been accepted under the previous
planning permission and the proposal is considered to meet policy EMP3 of the adopted
Local Plan.
The site is visible from Bolsover Castle which is a nationally important Grade 1 Listed
building. The applicant has submitted photographs showing the site when viewed from the
Castle. These photos and ones taken by Planning Officers show that at the moment the roof
of the existing unit can be viewed but the majority of the site is screened by the extensive and
dense planting to the east of the site. The existing neighbouring unit to the west is more
visible from the castle as both roof and part of the side can be viewed.
The site is over 750m away from the terrace on the Castle and is a very minor part of the
views from the Castle which include the M1 motorway and industrial units to the north of the
A632. The areas for the new surfaced yard and the workshop building are difficult to see. The
extension to the existing unit will screen the unit behind. It is accepted that the roof of the new
workshop is likely to be visible but this represents a very small element and subject to
conditions is not considered to have any significant detrimental impact on the significance of
Bolsover Castle and is considered to lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of
Bolsover Castle whilst bringing benefits in terms of economic development to the area which
would outweigh the harm.
The proposal is therefore consider to meet Para 19 and Para 134 of the National Planning
Policy Framework.
English Heritage has suggested that any impacts could be mitigated by requiring a green
coloured roof. Whilst a dark green roof may be recessive it is felt that this would lead to a
patchwork look to the roofs in the area which is more likely to draw the eye to this part of the
view. Consequently it is considered that a condition should be imposed to ensure that
materials and colours match the existing in order to minimise the impacts and prevent a
patchwork look. The development will not be visible from the listed buildings which form the
Bolsover Model Village and is considered to have no impact on its setting over that which may
already exist.
The Conservation Officer has been consulted and considers that the proposal will not have a
detrimental impact on Bolsover Castle.
Other Matters
The Highway authority has expressed concern over proposed parking arrangements on site.
At the moment cars are parked on both sides of the access when viewed from the entry point.
These spaces are currently demarcated with white lines. Large lorries are positioned to the
rear of the cars parked on the right hand side (south side) with additional lorries parked in the
rear yard on the eastern side.
It is accepted that whilst the application form talks of 20 parking spaces being retained these
spaces are not shown on the proposed site plan. However it is also noted that there is a large
area on site which is currently vacant of approx 0.4 hectares which could be used for parking.
Given the potential for parking and the amount of available land it is felt that the matter can be
dealt with by a condition requiring the provision of at least twenty spaces before the new
workshop and extension are brought into use. The agent has confirmed that 20 spaces would
be provided on site.
Listed Building:
Conservation Area:
Crime and Disorder:
Access for Disabled:
Trees (Preservation and Planting):
SSSI Impacts:
Human Rights:
Grant subject to the following conditions
1) A101
2) G101
See above report
see above report
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
3) Prior to the new workshop being brought into use the applicant shall provide twenty
parking spaces on site for staff and visitors. The spaces shall be made available for
use at all times.
1) Y101
2) Y132 – Policy GEN2 and CON10
3) Y131 – Policy GEN1
Statement of process
1) P101
S Kimberley
Endorsing Officer
T. Ball
Date 12/12/14
referrals to 3rd officer)
Determining Officer
S. Phillipson
Date 12/12/14